

Color Expression in Modern Poster Design

【作者】 杜森

【导师】 翟墨;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 艺术学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 海报设计是社会文化发展的时代产物。现代海报设计的形式及表现手段也随着现代社会思想意识和现代科学技术的发展而发生变化。立足于现代,对现代海报设计色彩表现进行考察分析是本文重点,即考察在相同的历史语境中共同面临的问题:对现实的海报设计色彩表现的认知与把握以及由此引发的海报设计色彩表现形式的探索的基本原理,个体设计经验与时代精神需要、艺术与技术之间的关系,以及设计理想化与现实社会的碰撞所产生的困惑。20世纪是现代艺术极速发展的时代,也是各种艺术思潮、表现风格林立的时代,如德国表现主义、俄国的构成主义、荷兰的风格派运动、达达主义、解构主义、波普艺术等等现代艺术思潮深刻的影响着现代海报设计表现,不论从画面构成、色彩的运用、还是几何图形在现代海报设计版式中的表现地位的确立,都强烈地反映出现代艺术表现思想和表现形式。20世纪上半叶,“图画现代主义”运动孕育出大量具有现代设计意识的优秀作品。其中,德国“海报风格”所代表的设计风格与设计表现语言形式。简明扼要,目的鲜明,具有强烈的色彩对比,强化了视觉传导功能,成为了德国海报设计的一重要的表现模式,虽然它充满了商业活动的意味,然而,在海报画面中的形象处理、色彩运用表现等方面,都预示了现代海报设计表现形式的改变和未来的方向。本文希望采取比较研究的方法,即对笔者搜集的大量传统与现代海报设计作品进行比较分析作为切入点,对现代海报设计作品的色彩表现的方法、方式、表现效果等方面,“从具体到抽象,再从抽象到具体”的思路进行探索性研究。即对传统海报与现代海报进行具体作品的比较研究,挖掘作品中“形与色”再现与表现的具体特征,进而分析与外在形式相对应的内在设计思维的内涵,提炼出现代海报设计色彩表现的原则、标准、体系、方式等基本规律。

【Abstract】 Poster design is the product of social and cultural development. The form and the technique of modern poster design changes with the progress of modern social ideologies and science technologies. This dissertation focuses on the observation and analysis of color expression in modern poster design in the modern time, namely to study the common problems faced in the same history context: the cognition and the comprehension on the color expression in the poster design practice, along with the fundamental principle in the study of color expression form in poster design which initiated by it. Moreover, this dissertation intends to discover the relationship between individual design experiences and the modern spiritual needs, as well as between art and technology, and to explore the confusion caused by the collision between design idealization and the social reality.Modern art developed rapidly in the 20th century. Various trends of though in art and expression styles came into being, such as German Expressionism, Russian Constructivism, Dutch De Stijl, Dadaism, Deconstruction, and Pop Art. All of these modern art trends had a profound influence on the performance of modern poster design. Either the poster composition and the color application, or the use of geometry layout is intensely reflected in modern poster artwork design.The "Graphic Modernism" movement has nurtured a large number of excellent design artworks with modern sense in the first half of the 20th century. German "poster style" represents its design style and the design language form among them. Concise and clear, objective focused, with a strong color contrast and the favorable visual communication function, become one of the most important design model of German poster design. Though full of commercial messages, it foresees the transformation of modern poster design, in regard to the graphic compose and color expression.By collecting a great number of poster works of both traditional and modern design, the author adopts a comparative study method to analyze the ways and means, as well as the effect of the color expression in poster design used the idea of "from concrete to abstract, and then from abstract to specific". By comparing the particular works from the traditional poster and modern poster, discover the specific features of reappearance and expression of "form and color" in those works, and accordingly, analyze the connotation of internal design thought corresponded to external form, refine the fundamental rules of principles, standards, systems, and methods of color expression in modern poster design.


