

Nothing Else Left after Creating

【作者】 詹凯

【导师】 何洁;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 论文从中国传统造物文化入手,对在漫长岁月中积淀下来的宝贵的古代思想进行了梳理,并力求从中提炼出具有中国特色的造物思想和理念。论文最后落脚在《天工开物》这部晚明时期的代表性论著上,通过对它的深入研究,分析中国传统造物思想的核心价值,以期对于当代的设计实践有所借鉴。论文在《天工开物》造物思想的历史探源部分,阐述了先秦时期的相关思想、秦汉至宋的相关思想和元至晚明时期的相关思想,并将上述思想的脉络进行了概括和总结,指出后世的《天工开物》中的许多造物思想是有明晰的历史渊源的,它是中国传统造物思想在一定程度上的总结和继续发展。论文随后探讨了《天工开物》成书的背景,其中包括晚明的中国社会状况和《天工开物》成书时的作者状况两大部分。论文通过对于晚明中国社会状况的全方位分析,阐明了宋应星在编撰《天工开物》过程中体现的“务实重民”等实学思想的缘由。论文接着还讨论了《天工开物》书名释义及其主要内容。论文在前文内容的基础上挖掘了《天工开物》造物思想的核心价值,并总结归纳出3个方面:实学统领下的造物思想、整体性的和谐思想、物尽其用的造物思想。最后,论文结合当代的设计实践,提出“天人关系”的当代反思,并从宋应星的角度对“道”、“器”思想进行重新阐释,提出和谐与实用并重的系统设计是《天工开物》造物思想对于当代的启迪。综合上述研究,论文在结论部分提出:《天工开物》是在晚明这样一个特定的历史时期出现的重要的总结性论著,它在造物哲学、思维逻辑上与传统文化思想一脉相承,只是结合了时代与社会的发展,使之更趋完善、更人性化、系统化,它是在中国文化思想系统内的一种嬗变,有其创新点和历史高度。本文针对《天工开物》这一文化经典的研究,是基于对传统造物思想内在精神与智慧的发掘。中国传统造物思想体系是中国设计成长和发展所必须依赖的土壤,而《天工开物》提供了一种较理想的理论思考方式。只有深入挖掘、冷静对待中国本土文化体系中与设计相关的内容,才能为中国当代设计提供重要的思想资源。《天工开物》所继承并发扬的造物思想,呈现了一种整体的、和谐的、系统的创作方法,它丰富了当代设计方法论的内容。其所强调的知行合一思想,对于构建良性的设计评价体系具有指导意义。重视中国自身文化思想的研究,将是中国当代设计与西方设计文化对话的基本前提。

【Abstract】 The thesis studies from Chinese traditional culture, tides up a sort of valuableancient thought which was accumulated during the long years, and seeks to extract fromthem with Chinese characteristics idea and concept of the Creator. The thesis finallysettled at the book, "Exploitation of the Works of Nature", which is the representativenessof the Late Ming period. Through in-depth study on it, I analyze the core values of thetraditional Chinese idea of the Creator, and hope it could give some help with a view tothe contemporary practice of design.The thesis studies the concept of "Exploitation of the Works of Nature" during thehistory of the Creator Source, which includes three parts: the related idea in pre-Qinperiod, the relevant thought in the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Song Dynasty. YuanDynasty to the late Ming period. Finally the author summed up the above-mentioned ideaof creation, pointing out that the concept of "Exploitation of the Works of Nature" hasclear historical origins, which are the summary and the development of traditionalChinese idea of creation to some extent.Then the thesis sets out the background of "Exploitation of the Works of Nature"when the book was written, including two major parts: the social situation of late MingDynasty and the author’s situation. Through all-round analysis of the late Ming society,thesis discusses the reason why Song Yingxing has the thought of "pragmatic andemphasis on the people" in the preparation and process of writing "Exploitation of theWorks of Nature". After that, the thesis talks on the interpretation of the book’s title andits main content.Based on the research, the thesis focuses on the core values of the Creationconcept of "Exploitation of the Works of Nature" on the basic content, and summarizedthe three areas: Creative thought of pragmatic idea, the overall harmonistic thought andbest use idea of the Creator. Finally thesis combines contemporary design practice,reflects the relationship between human being and the nature, and from the perspective ofSong Yingxing, it re-explains the idea of "the order of nature" and "product". It putsforward the concept that system design of harmony and pragmatism comes from"Exploitation of the Works of Nature", can inspire the contemporary practical design.General results of the study, the thesis submitted at the conclusion: "Exploitation of the Works of Nature" appears as an important and summary issue at the late Mingwhich is a specific historical period. It has the same strain with traditional culture oncreation of philosophy, logic of thought and so on, but combination of time and socialdevelopment, it becomes more comprehensive, and more humane, systematic, it is theidea of Chinese culture at a transmutation system, it is in high degree of innovation andhistory. In this paper, the study of "Exploitation of the Works of Nature" which is aclassical culture book is based on the excavation of traditional idea of creation with theintelligence inherent in the spirit. Chinese traditional ideology of creation is the soil,which Chinese design’s growth and development must rely on. "Exploitation of theWorks of Nature" provides a more satisfactory theoretical way of thinking. Only bydigging deep, cool treat Chinese system of local culture and design-related content, canwe provide an important idea resource of Chinese contemporary design. "Exploitation ofthe Works of Nature" inherited and carry forward the idea of the Creator, presented anoverall, harmonious and systematic creative method, which has enriched the content ofcontemporary design methodology. Emphasizing the unity of knowledge and practice, itcould give guiding significance for the design during building a healthy system of theevaluation for. It should be the basic premise of cultural dialogue between Chinesecontemporary design and Western design that paying more attention on Chinese owncultural ideas.


