

The Relationship of Phonological Processing Abilities to Component Skills of Reading Competence in Adolescent Chinese Learners of English

【作者】 李光泽

【导师】 董燕萍;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 语音加工包括三种成份技能:语音意识、快速命名和语音记忆。在过去三十年,大量研究业已表明语音加工技能在早期阅读习得方面发挥着显著甚至因果关系的作用。语音加工技能与阅读发展之间的关系研究明显地加深了人们对阅读过程本质的了解。然而,以往的研究在语音加工技能与阅读之间的具体关系上,尤其是快速命名在单词认读方面是否具有独立作用的问题上,并没有取得一致结论。一些研究发现快速命名在控制语音意识的情况下能够独立预测一语单词认读,而其它研究却发现快速命名对一语单词认读没有独立的预测作用。有关快速命名在二语单词认读的作用研究也获得了类似结论。但在阅读研究领域,研究者似乎广泛认同快速命名和语音意识独立贡献于单词认读的观点。颇有影响的双重缺失假说理论(Wolf,1997;Wolf & Bowers,1999)就是基于这一研究结论提出来的。除此之外,研究者对快速命名的概念本质也存在争议。一种观点认为快速命名在本质上是语音加工过程,属于语音加工技能的范畴(Wagner & Torgesen,1987b;Wagner,Torgesen,& Rashotte,1994,,1999),另一种观点则认为快速命名在本质上是正字法加工过程(Wolf & Bowers,1999;Wolf & Bowers,2000)。为了探索语音加工技能的本质以及它们与阅读能力之间的作用关系,本研究首先在理论上对它们进行重新思考,然后用实证研究的方法加以验证。在理论上,采用词汇表征质量假说(Perfetti,2007;Perfetti & Hart,2001,,2002)和信息加工模型(Shiffrin & Schneider,1977)作为分析框架,详细剖析语音加工技能和主要阅读成份技能所包含的内在语言表征信息和认知加工类型。另外,在前人阅读理论的基础上提出了一个阅读能力成份模型,具体包括单词认读、阅读流利性和阅读理解三大成份。在实证研究方面,本研究以中国青少年英语学习者为研究对象,选用横断法和实验法,分别考察以下2个主要研究问题:语音加工技能与阅读能力之间的关系本质是什么?语音加工技能训练对阅读能力发展产生什么影响?研究结果表明:(1)快速命名不能独立预测单词认读;(2)快速命名主要与阅读流利性相关,而语音意识主要与阅读理解相关;(3)语音记忆与快速命名和阅读流利性没有相关,但意料之外的是,它与语音意识、单词认读和阅读理解也没有相关;(4)语音加工技能整体上对阅读能力各成份技能产生显著作用;(5)语音意识训练显著地促进单词认读;(6)快速命名训练显著提高了快速命名水平,但对单词认读和阅读流利性没有产生积极的影响。本研究的理论意义在于,不仅较为清晰地揭示出语音加工技能的本质以及它们与阅读能力之间的作用关系,更为重要的是,在快速命名能否独立预测单词认读的问题上提供了理论解释和实证数据,厘清了快速命名在阅读中的作用。

【Abstract】 Phonological processing is a general ability with multiple dimensions andphonological processing abilities specifically include three distinct but relatedcomponents:phonological awareness,rapid naming,and phonological memory.Overthe past three decades,a large number of studies have revealed that the phonologicalprocessing abilities play a significant and even causal role in the acquisition of earlyL1 reading skills.The knowledge of interrelationships between phonologicalprocessing abilities and reading development has led to an improved understanding ofthe nature of the reading process.However,numerous studies have producedinconsistent results regarding the independence of rapid naming in predicting L1 andL2 word reading.There is also controversy over the conceptualization of rapidnaming.The present research was intended to rethink theoretically the nature ofphonological processing abilities and their link to reading and examine empiricallythe contributions of phonological processing abilities to component skills of readingcompetence among adolescent Chinese learners of English,with a focus on therelation of rapid naming and reading skills.In order to achieve these goals,the presentstudy introduced the Lexical Quality Hypothesis(Perfetti,2007;Perfetti & Hart,2001,,2002) and Model of Information Processing(Shiffrin & Schneider,1977) asthe theoretical frameworks for analysis.In addition,the major reading componentswere identified and a tri-component model of reading competence was proposed,wherein word reading,reading fluency,and reading comprehension were included.Finally,both the cross-sectional approach and the quasi-experimental approach wereadopted to address the key research questions:(1) what was the nature of therelationships between phonological processing abilities and reading component skills?(2) What were the effects of training phonological processing abilities on readingcomponent skills? Study 1 and Study 2 were conducted to examine these twoquestions,respectively.In Study 1,the simple regression,exploratory factor analysis,and structuralequation modeling approach was utilized to investigate the relative contributions ofphonological processing abilities to reading component skills in a sample of 133 first-grade middle school students.Results showed that(1) rapid naming made nocontribution to word reading independently of phonological awareness,(2) rapidnaming was primarily related to reading fluency while phonological awareness wasprimarily related to reading comprehension,(3) phonological memory was unrelatedto rapid naming and reading fluency,but surprisingly,there was also no correlationwith phonological awareness,word reading,and reading comprehension,and(4) onthe whole,the three phonological processing abilities produced significant effects oncomponent skills of reading competence.In Study 2,a nonequivalent groups pretest-posttest design was utilized toinvestigate the effects of training phonological processing abilities on readingcomponent skills.The program consisted of two parts:one providing explicitinstruction in phonological awareness and the other providing training in rapidnaming.The participants in Study 1 also participated in the intervention program.TheRN group and the PA group received rapid naming training and phonologicalawareness training,respectively,and the control group received merely regularEnglish instruction.This study reported two important findings:(1) Training in PAhad significant positive effects on word reading,and(2) improvement in rapid naminghad no significant effect on either word reading or reading fluency.These findings have important theoretical implications.First,new formulationshave been developed of phonological processing abilities and their relation to readingcomponent skills.For example,phonological awareness usually refers to theawareness of the internal structure of spoken words.The present research has furtherformulated phonological awareness as fully reflecting the quality of phonologicalrepresentations,including word-specific and grapheme-phoneme phonology.Second,the present study has presented a clearer picture of the relative contributions ofphonological processing abilities to reading component skills.More importantly,ithas provided theoretical explanation and empirical evidence for the issue concerningthe independence of rapid naming contributing to word reading.This finding hasclarified the role of rapid naming in reading skills and confirmed that rapid namingmade no independent contribution to word reading.


