

Novel and Enlightenment: Studies on French Novels from 1750 to 1789

【作者】 韩水仙

【导师】 栾栋;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 法国文学与比较文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 小说是一种古老的叙事文学样式,但只是随着现代社会的形成,才上升为主导性文学体裁。启蒙运动作为西方现代社会的发端,在小说兴起的过程中发挥了重要作用,一方面,它所导致的社会状况、历史环境的变化为小说的兴盛提供了客观条件;更为内在的是,启蒙的主体性与理性原则从根本上改变了小说的叙事形态,使小说从此承载起现代个体精神探索的使命。小说形式上的灵活与开放,及其抵制正统、主流叙事的固有特征,在启蒙时期,与思想上对宗教迷信、传统偏见、僵化体系、风俗道德的反思与批判结合起来,对启蒙的深入、传播、演化和拓展产生了积极影响。同时,用小说叙事表达哲学思考,预示着现代哲学重视人的存在问题及其现实情境的转向。伏尔泰(Francois-Marie Arouet,dit Voltaire)、卢梭(Jean-JacquesRousseau)、狄德罗(Denis Diderot)等人是法国启蒙运动的核心人物,同时也是小说启蒙叙事形式的主要开拓者,他们各自创造了最适合自己思想的叙事形式。这些小说具有很强的原创性,体现了启蒙叙事的内在逻辑,同时隐含了启蒙叙事的分歧、局限和悖论,在小说史和思想史上均有重要意义。伏尔泰在民间文学的基础上,创造了启蒙叙事的寓言形式,隐喻个体理性的觉醒,对虚妄观念的怀疑和讽刺,但建立在自然神论和经验主义之上的理性原则最终无法实现现代主体的丰富性,反而预示了启蒙态度的危机。卢梭试图完全祛除文明的遮蔽,恢复人类自身良好的天性,纯粹依靠个体反思,重建自主、自律、自足的道德体系和精神世界,标志着启蒙观念向主观性的转捩。但其书信体小说的叙事控制以及多重视角的互现证实透明的、完全坦露的人只是浪漫主义的虚构。狄德罗更看重个体的自由及其情感欲望的现实实现,旨在破除宗教、意识、风俗、道德方面压抑、愚弄人的清规戒律。但他的唯物主义在伦理领域并没有得到完全贯彻,对话体小说形式展示了各种相对的要求催生的辩证法思想,最终导致启蒙边界的瓦解。拉克洛(Pierre-Ambroise-Francois Choderlos deLaclos)、萨德(Donatien Alphonse Francois,marquis de Sade)作为启蒙运动晚期的主要作家,其小说作品反映了启蒙思潮的复杂影响和不同趋向。这些小说既融入了作家个体的人生体验和精神探索,也是对现代人存在问题的普遍反思。法国启蒙哲学家的深刻与偏执导致了各具特色但同样问题重重、充满悖论的小说叙事形式。尤其是,作为启蒙叙事核心的主体性问题,理性与信仰、道德情感与世俗欲望、个体自由与普遍法则的关系问题充满了悖谬和自反性。启蒙与启蒙小说叙事的活力在其否定性的一面。启蒙运动是一个历史性的社会文化运动,它一度被狭义地理解为理性、科学、秩序、进步、自由、民主、博爱等的代名词,但广义的启蒙则是思想文化自我反思、自我批判、追求人的充分解放和实现的永恒要求。启蒙因而是超越文化疆域和意识形态、面向未来、没有终结的过程,启蒙必须防止自身僵化、停滞,成为新的神话。相应地,小说启蒙叙事的演化表现为个人化叙事对绝对化、一体化叙事的逸出和抵制,小说必须克服自身体制化、庸俗化的双重危险,把握社会、文化、意识历史中个体存在的境遇,保持思想和形式的开放性、先锋性。论文分六章,第一章综论启蒙运动与法国小说的兴起,第二章至第五章分别论述伏尔泰、卢梭、狄德罗、拉克洛、萨德等人的代表性小说作品,第六章总结小说启蒙叙事的历史发展和当下状况以及对中国启蒙问题的启示。

【Abstract】 Fiction is an old genre of narrative literature. Nevertheless, it is not until the formation of modern society that it rises up to be the dominant one. Enlightenment movement as the start point of modern western society,plays an important role in this process.On the one hand, the society situation and history environments it causes provide objective conditions for the rise of novel. On the other hand,also the more intrinsic one is that, the principles of subjectivity and reason of enlightenment change fundamentally the narrative patterns of novel so that this genre can bear the mission of the spiritual exploration of modern individual.In this period, flexibility and openness of the novel forms and the born features of its resistance to orthodox and mainstream narration are combined with the reflection and critics on religious superstition, traditional bias, rigid system,customs and morals,which pushes greatly the deepen, spread, evolution and exploration of enlightenment thoughts. Meanwhile,the philosophy thinking in fictional narration predicts the focus shift of modern philosophy to the question of human being in realistic situation.Voltaire, Rousseau and Diderot are the core persons of French enlightenment. They are the main founders of narrative types of enlightenment novel too. Each of them creates a special way of narration to meet his own thoughts. Their original works not only contains internal logic of enlightenment narration but also implied its division, limitation and paradox.They have great significance in the history of novle and western thoughts.Voltaire, on the basis of folk literature, creates the fable of enlightenment,which implicates the wakening of individual’s mind and his suspect and irony upon superfitious concepts. However, Voltaire’s principle of reason based on deism and empiricism can not finally implement the richness of modern subject, which indicates the crisis of Voltaire’s enlightenment attitude instead. Rousseau,tries to eliminate completely the cover of civilization and customs, and recovery the good nature of human being. He commits to construct a kind of independent, self-discipline and self-fulfilled moral system and spiritual world, which marks the transtion of enlightenment concept to subjectivity. While the narrative control and inter-reveal among multiple perspectives in his epistolary novel proves that transparent subject without any shelter is factually fictional. Diderot concernes more the freedom of individuals and the realization of their emotions and desire.He targetes to destroy the provisions and precepts of religion, mind,customs and morals which suppress and deceive people. Nevertheless, his materialism is not infiltrated into his ethics thoughts.The conversation form indicates his dialectical thoughts promoted by various contradictory requests, which finally leads to the collapse of the limit of enlightenment. Laclo and Sade are writers in late period of the movement.Their works reflect the complex influence and differentiation of enlightenment thoughts. All these novels are general reflection on modern life as well as the combination of the author’s life experience and mental exploration. The profound and paranoid of these enlightenment philosophers brings up various, but all problematic and paradox narrative forms.Especially,the question of subjectivity, the relation of reason and belief, moral feelings and secular desire, individual freedom and general rules, as the core of enlightenment narration,is full of paradox and self-reflexivity. The energy of enlightenment narrative mainly comes from its negative side.Enlightenment is a historical society and cultural movement. It has ever been narrowly understood as synonym of slogans such as reason,science,order, freedom,democracy and philanthropy etc. However, enlightenment should be widely understood as a kind of self-reflection, self-critical and eternal request of the fulfilment and implementation of human being. Enlightenment thus goes beyond cultural limits and ideology. It is a future-oriented and never-ended process which must prevent itself from rigidity and stagnation, or backing to new myth.Correspondingly,the evolution of enlightenment narrative is always connected with the divaration and resistance to absolute and integrative narrative. Novel must be kept away from the danger of institutionalization or vulgarization. It should grasp the life conditions of individuals in the history of society, culture and mind to keep its openness and advance.The thesis composes of six chapters. The first one is a general introduction of enlightenment and the rise of French novel. The second to the fifth chapter are separate analysis of representative novels of Voltaire,Rousseau,Diderot,Laclo and Sade. The final chapter is a conclusion of the history of enlightenment narrative and its inspiration to enlightenment question in nowadays China.

【关键词】 小说启蒙18世纪法国文学伏尔泰卢梭狄德罗
【Key words】 NovelEnlightenment18th CenturyFrench NovelsVoltaireRousseauDiderot

