

Research on the Problem about China’s County Government to Supply Public Goods

【作者】 闫留义

【导师】 高建;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 县是中国农村基本的区域性政权设置,是农村经济、政治生活的区域性枢纽,是中国地方国家机构承上启下的重要环节,是密切联系群众的基本行政区域单位。县级政府是国家结构中一个特殊的行政层级。本文县级政府取其狭义概念,是指县一级的国家行政机关。公共产品及其供给问题是县级政府有效运行和管理的关键问题。本文所使用的公共产品概念,指主要由社会公共组织出于满足公共需求和公共利益而通过集体决定并提供的、在一定范围内具有消费的非排他性和非竞争性的物品和服务。公共产品供给是指经由一定主体组织,得以形成公共产品并通过一定机制体制将公共产品配置给受益群体来满足社会共同需要的一个动态过程。狭义的县级政府公共产品供给,专指县级政府作为主体单独生产和分配公共产品的过程;广义的县级政府公共产品供给指在县级政府主导下,政府与市场、社会组织、私人等协同联动供给公共产品的系统过程。本文“县级政府公共产品供给”所指为其广义。新中国成立至改革开放前,农村公共产品供给制度经历了从以私人供给为主的供给制度到单一政府供给制度的演变。人民公社时期的农村公共产品供给制度的基本特征是公共产品的单一政府供给制度。现行农村公共产品供给制度已形成了以政府供给为主、私人供给和第三部门供给为辅的农村公共产品供给制度集合。外国经验给予中国县级政府公共产品供给的启示包括:应加大财政对农村公共产品供给的支持力度;注重加强保障农业稳定发展的农村公共产品的建设;保障农村基础教育,加强职业技术教育;重视农业科技发展及其成果的转化,以提高农业现代化水平;大力支持农村合作组织,注重发挥社会组织和协会的作用;逐步将农民纳入社会保障的范围;重视农业发展中的环境保护问题;关注农民公共产品需求意愿的表达;政府调动多元主体参与农村公共产品供给。目前中国县级政府公共产品供给存在的主要问题为:公共产品供给总量不足;公共产品供给结构失衡;公共产品单元供给格局仍未得到根本改变;公共产品供给机制仍不完善。其制度性原因是:自上而下的政府决策制度对公共产品消费者需求的忽视;资金筹措制度中的旧体制遗留;生产与管理制度的低效率;资金使用制度的规范性缺失。中国县级政府公共产品供给的现实难题主要是:公共财政资源的短缺;公共产品的供给主体单一,公用经费难以筹措;基层干群关系紧张,农民对公共产品偏好的非理性。错误的政绩观是中国县级政府公共产品有效供给的思想障碍。在当前的历史发展阶段中,实现对县级政府公共产品供给的目标模式,必须在坚持以人为本、公平与效率并重、一般性与特殊性相结合、整体性与局部性相关照、阶段性与持续性相统一等原则的基础上逐步构建“政府主导多元主体协同联动”的目标模式。中国县级政府公共产品供给目标模式的实现路径是:以科学发展观为统领,加快发展;健全完善供给主体结构;深化改革,健全体制,完善机制。同时还要进一步促进县级政府的制度供给。

【Abstract】 Counties are the basic regional power establishment in China’s rural areas, are the regional hub of the rural economic and political life, are important link connecting with Chinese local state institutions and are the basic unit of administrative region maintaining close ties with the masses. County government is a special administrative level in the state structure. In this paper, the county government is the state administrative organs at the county level.Public goods and its supply is the key problem to operate and manage effectively for county government. The concept of public goods used by this paper is mainly for public organizations out of meeting the public demand and public interest through the collective decision and provides goods and services, to a certain range, in the non-exclusive and non-competitive nature of consumer. The supply of public goods is a dynamic process to meet the common needs of society by certain organizations form the public goods, and through some mechanism allocate the public goods to benefited community groups. The narrowly-defined public goods’ supply of county government is the special process that county government product and distribute public goods alone as the main subject. The broadly-defined public goods’ supply of county government is the system linkage process that the government, markets, social organization and the private supply public goods collaboratively under the domination of county government. In this paper, " county-level government supply of public goods" is referring to its broad sense.From the founding of New China to before reforming and opening, the supply of rural public goods systems have come through changes from supply mainly by the private to the single supply by government. In the people’s commune period, the basic feature of rural public goods supply system is the single supply of public goods by government. The existing rural supply of public goods has created a collective system which is mainly supplied by the government, the private and the third sector as the supplements supply of public goods in rural areas.The Revelation on the supply of public goods at the county level government in China from the experience of foreign countries included: to increase the financial support to the supply of public goods in rural areas; to pay attention to strengthen the construction of public goods in rural areas which protect the stable development of agriculture; to protect the rural basic education and strengthen the vocational and technical education; to attach importance to the transformation between the agricultural science and technology development and its results in order to enhance the level of agricultural modernization; to support the rural cooperative organizations and play the role of the community-oriented organizations and associations; to bring the farmers gradually into the scope of social security; to pay attention to the protection of the environment in the development of agricultural; to concern the expression of the demand of the peasants’ public goods; to mobilize multiple subjects participate the supply of public goods in rural areas by government.At present, the main problems existed in China’s supply of public goods at the county level are: the amount of public goods supply is insufficient; the structure of public goods supply is unbalanced; the pattern of public goods supply unit has not fundamentally changed; the mechanism of public goods supply is still imperfect. The reasons for the system are: the ignorance of the demand of public goods consumer from the top-down decision-making system by government; the carry-over of the old system in fund raising system; the inefficient production and management system; the deficient normative in the use of funds system. The practical problems of Chinese county-level government public goods supply are: the public financial resources are shortage; the subject of public goods supply is single and the public funds are financing difficultly; the relationship between cadres and mass in grassroots unit is tensional and the preferences for public goods of the peasants are irrational. The incorrect political achievement concept is ideological obstacles to the effective public goods supply of the China’s county government.In the current historical development stage, in order to achieve the target model of county governmental public goods’ supply, we must gradually construct the target model that is the collaborative linkage between government leading and multiple subjects, basing on the principle of insisting on people-oriented, laying equal stress on fairness and efficiency, combining the universality and particularity, correlating the entirety and locality and unifying the stage and continuity. We can overcome the questions existed in the county governmental public goods’ supply in the past and achieve a healthy development of public goods’ supply through the realization of this target model of supply.The path to realize the Chinese county-level government target mode of supply of public goods is: we must accelerate the development guiding by the Scientific Outlook on Development; perfect the supply of the main structure; deepen reform and perfect the mechanism. At the same time, promote further the county governmental supply system.

【关键词】 县级政府公共产品供给
【Key words】 county governmentpublic goodssupply
  • 【分类号】D625;F062.6
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1216
  • 攻读期成果

