

The Judgment of the Nature of Time and the Socialist Practical Choice

【作者】 孙新彭

【导师】 余金成;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文主旨是:从考察时代理论与社会主义实践的关系出发,确立社会主义市场经济在人类发展中的方位,为中国特色社会主义理论创新及战略制定提供启示。时代性质,作为人们对社会特定阶段客观事实的主观认识,是对正在发生什么和将要发生什么的总体认识和基本判断。马克思主义的时代理论属于唯物史观的重要内容。马克思曾经用不同尺度把人类历史划分为“五种社会形态”和“三种社会形态”:前者把人类区别为阶级,以生产资料技术水平和所有制性质为尺度,体现人类社会关系的发展阶段;后者把人类看为整体,以其生产能力为尺度,体现了人类与自然界关系的发展程度。马克思、恩格斯以前者为依据,认定资本主义生产关系已经不能适应以蒸汽机为代表的大机器生产力发展的要求,他们正处于社会主义就要取代资本主义的时代。在相当长的时期里,马克思主义者都坚持上述关于时代性质的论断。20世纪初期,列宁认为帝国主义是垂死的资本主义,果断发动十月革命,使落后民族率先进入社会主义建设。20世纪中叶中国共产党夺取政权,毛泽东对世界革命寄予希望,但其“抓革命、促生产”战略失败。中国1978年转入改革,邓小平提出和平与发展的时代主题;但直到90年代苏联与东欧发生剧变,中国共产党人才彻底意识到:我们面临的是社会主义与资本主义长期共存的时代;需要通过市场经济发展社会主义。中国改革的成功证明了市场经济的巨大力量,也要求我们进一步探讨其在人类社会发展中的作用,而马克思“三种社会形态”理论奠定了认识这一问题的基础。社会主义市场经济将最终体现对资本主义市场经济的超越,为人类展现出通向理想社会的道路。

【Abstract】 Starting with reviewing the relationship between Time Theory and the socialist practice, this thesis is to establish the direction of socialist market economy in human development, which will provide enlightments to socialist theoretical innovation and its strategy formulation. That is also the purport of this thesis.The nature of the time, the subjective understanding of the objective reality of certain social stage, is an overall view and basic judgment of what is happening or what is going to happen. Marxist Time Theory belongs to the important content of historical materialism.Karl Marx once divided the human history into "Five Types of Social Formations"or "Three Types of Social Formations" according to different dimensions: The former divided human beings into different classes based on technology level of means of production and the nature of ownership, which reflected the development stage of social relationship; The latter considered the human being as a whole based on production capacity, which showed the development level of the relation between the human and nature. According to the former, Marx and Engels firmly believed that capitalistic production relations can’t adapt to the requirements of the great mechanical productive forces which were represented by steamer, and that they were in the historical stage of socialism replacing capitalism.And for a long while, Marxists insisted on the above judgment about the nature of time. In the early of the 20th century, Lenin believed that imperialism was the dying of capitalism, and then decidedly started the October Revolution which led the backward people to lead off the socialist construction. In the mid-twentieth century, Chinese Communist Party seized power and Mao Zedong expected a world revolution. However, his Revolution-Focused and Production-Boosted Strategy failed. After 1978, China turned its way to reform. Deng Xiaoping raised the epochal theme of peace and development. But it’s not until the collapse of the former Soviet Union and East Europe occurred did Chinese Communists be thoroughly aware of the fact that we are in a epoch of which capitalism and socialism will exist side by side for a long time and it’s time to promote socialism by developing market economy.The great success of Chinese reform testifies to the tremendous strength of market economy, which demands us to probe further into its function in human social development. And here, Marx’s Three Types of Social Formations Theory has laid the foundation of understanding this problem. Socialist market economy will show its transcending capitalist market economy as well as presenting for the human being a way towards ideal society.


