

Visual Search and Information Integration during Scene Identification

【作者】 康廷虎

【导师】 白学军;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在日常生活中,人们会面对各种各样复杂的生活情景。对情景的识别是人们正确应对和处理生活事件的前提,情景识别与否将直接影响人们的生活。因此,情景识别引起了心理学研究的关注。在情景识别的研究中,情景何以识别是研究者共同关心的问题。但是,长期以来,相关的理论或研究始终存在着争论,即情景的识别,究竟是自下而上视觉信息输入的结果,还是受自上而下知识经验的影响。情景识别的双通道加工模型有效整合了自上而下和自下而上加工,为情景识别提供了一般性解释框架。本研究以此为理论基础,以15-23岁青少年为对象,选择与生产、生活安全有关的情景图片作为实验材料,运用学习-测试、移动窗口等范式与技术,考察了情景识别过程中,在不同时间、不同信息获取条件下的情景信息搜索与整合,以及各年龄阶段青少年情景识别的发展特点。研究主要由两部分组成,实验任务及基本研究结果如下:第一部分为情景信息搜索的研究。研究运用学习-测试、单闪、闪烁3种实验范式,通过变换情景中的靶刺激信息,操作情景信息的语义属性,考察不同时间条件下青少年情景识别的信息搜索以及靶刺激信息的作用。在学习-测试条件下,青少年有充分的时间学习情景,并可以通过眼动获得情景信息。在这一条件下有2个实验,实验1通过变换靶刺激信息,考察情景识别过程中靶刺激信息的作用。在此基础上,实验2使用视觉优势区分析技术,对情景语义信息和知觉信息进行了分离,设计了靶刺激信息与视觉优势区重合和分离2种试验条件,试图进一步分析情景识别过程中靶刺激信息的引导作用。在单闪-闪烁范式条件下有2个实验,实验3运用了单闪范式。这种范式通过快速系列呈现情景图片,可以有效控制眼动和记忆对信息搜索及情景识别的影响。实验4运用了闪烁范式,该范式在方法上综合了学习-测试和单闪范式,情景图片的呈现仍然采取快速系列呈现,但与单闪范式不同的是,在被试没有做出反应之前,情景图片可以循环呈现。如此,被试可以通过眼动获得情景信息并学习情景。第二部分为情景信息整合的研究中,分别运用了消失文本范式和移动窗口技术。消失文本范式为探索注视点区域信息获得的时间过程提供了技术支持。在这一条件下,可以通过操作注视点区域信息的呈现延迟时间,了解注视点区域信息获得的时间特点;而且,通过对注视视角的控制,可以探索中央窝信息和副中央窝信息的整合。在实验5中,设计了3种呈现延迟时间条件,考察了青少年情景信息的获得及整合。移动窗口技术可以在操作注视窗口的大小、有效控制副中央窝信息干扰的条件下,考察中央窝信息的获得及整合。在实验6中,设计了3种注视窗口条件,考察了不同条件下青少年中央窝信息的获得与整合。研究结果发现:(1)在充分学习情景图片的条件下,靶刺激具有注意优先性,对青少年的信息搜索具有引导作用,而这种引导作用受到情景语义约束强度的影响。语义约束强度越强,靶刺激信息的作用就越明显;反之,情景语义约束强度越弱,靶刺激信息的作用就越小。(2)在个体无法通过眼动获得情景信息的条件下,靶刺激信息的变换会被编码为运动信号,这一条件下的快速情景识别实际上是一种知觉水平的运动觉察;相反,在个体可以通过眼动获得情景信息的条件下,青少年对情景语义的加工则会干扰快速情景识别。(3)在通过眼跳获得并整合情景信息的过程中,当情景呈现时间在100ms之内,青少年从注视点区域的信息获得就会受到影响,且情景信息的整合水平较低;当呈现时间在100~200ms之间,青少年则可以获得注视点区域信息,并可有效整合中央窝和副中央窝信息。(4)注视点区域获得信息的整合与注视点区域可获得的信息量有关。在注视视角为1~2(?)的条件下,青少年从注视点可获得的信息非常有限,情景信息的整合需要较长的时间。随着注视视角的增大,可获得情景信息量的增加,自上而下知识经验对注视位置的影响也随之加强,情景信息整合所需时间也逐渐减少。(5)青少年的情景信息搜索与整合存在年龄差异。相对而言,高年龄阶段青少年在情景信息搜索的过程中,更易受情景语义约束的影响。在情景信息的整合过程中,低年龄阶段青少年的情景信息整合水平较低,而高年龄阶段青少年的整合更加有效。

【Abstract】 In everyday life, people will inevitably meet a variety of complex life situations. To identify scenes is the basis of dealing with life events properly. Whether it is identified will have a direct impact on people’s life. Therefore scene identification has aroused the attention of psychology researchers. They have shown common interest in how to identify scenes. There are, however, arguments with theories and researches concerned, that is, whether the scene identification is the result of bottom-up visual information input or of top-down knowledge influence. Dual-Path Model of Scene Processing, integrated process of both bottom-up and top-down, provides an explanatory framework for scene identification in general.Within the framework of Dual-Path Model, the present study sets out to investigate the information search and integration of scene identification under different times and information acquiring conditions as well as the developmental features of different age groups. The participants were teenagers aged 15 to 23 years old. The testing materials were scenes related to living safety. Some paradigms and techniques, such as study-test, moving-window technique and so on were adopted.The present study consists of two parts. The Experimental tasks and general results are as follows:In information search research, study-test, one-shot paradigm, flicker paradigm were adopted to investigate information search and the influence of object changing in scene identification process. In study-test condition, subjects had enough time to identify scenes and acquire information through eye movement. Experiment 1 investigated the influence of object changing information. Experiment 2, separating the semantic information and perceptive information by saliency map analysis technique, designed two experimental conditions to further reveal whether the guiding role of object information is influenced by semantic constraint or by perceptive features. In one-shot condition, influence of eye-movement and long-term memory was controlled effectively through rapid presentation of a series of materials. Flicker paradigm combined the study-test paradigm and one-shot paradigm. Materials were also presented rapidly as in the one-shot approach, but it could be presented repeatedly before subjects made a decision. In this way, subjects could acquire and process scene information through eye movement.In information integration research, disappearing text paradigm and moving window technique were used. Disappearing text approach provided technical support for study on time process of information acquisition from foveal. In this condition, time process of information acquisition from foveal was studied by delaying presenting time. Moreover, by controlling fixation angle, integration of information from foveal and parafoveal was studied. In experiment 5, three delayed presentation types were designed to study information acquire and integration from parafoveal in different conditions. Moving window technique was adopted to reveal information acquisition and integration from foveal by controlling viewing window size, which could effectively control influence from parafoveal. In experiment 6, three viewing window types were designed to study information acquire and integration from foveal in different conditions.The main results were as elaborated below.(1) In the process of information searching when subjects had enough time toidentify the scenes, objects had priority to guide information searching, which is related to semantic constraints. The stronger the scene semantic constraints were, the greater the guiding role of object information would be; on the contrary, the weaker the scene semantic constraint was, the smaller the guiding role of object information would be.(2) In the process of rapid scene identification, if subjects were unable to get scene information through eye movement, identification of rapid presentation in one-shot condition was actually a kind of motion perception. On the contrary, if subjects were able to acquire scene information through eye movement, rapid scene identification would be interrupted by semantic processing.(3) In the process of information acquire and integration through eye movement, when the presenting time was in 100ms, information from fixations would be influenced. Moreover, the level of integration would be lower. When the presenting time is between 100ms and 200ms, subjects would be able to acquire information from fixations and integrate information from foveal and parafoveal more effectively.(4) The integration of information from fixations was relevant to the amount of information available. When subjects got scene information from a 1-2? visual angle, it takes more time to integrate information. With the viewing angle enlarged, the amount of information increased, and the influence of top-down knowledge strengthened, the time needed in scene information integration decreased accordingly.(5) There were age differences in scene information search and integration process. Compared with the younger group, the elder groups were more likely to be influenced by semantic constraints in the process of information searching. In the process of scene information integration, younger group’s information integration level was lower, while elder group integrated information more effectively.

  • 【分类号】B842.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】757

