

Marxism and the Vicissitude of Chinese Rural Culture during the First Half of the Twentieth Century

【作者】 鲍伯丰

【导师】 王同起;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 中国农村文化是一个永恒而又常新的命题。研究中国农村文化既具有理论意义,也具有实践价值。1840年以后,近代中国发生了重大的变化,农村文化受到了西方文明的严重冲击,出现了文化危机。马克思主义传入中国以后,给中国农村文化注入了生机和活力,使传统文化由被动转入主动,中国共产党以马克思主义为指导,通过苏区文化建设,打破了中国长期以来只有地主阶级有文化,农民没有文化的局面;通过抗日根据地文化建设,提高了农民的政治觉悟,培育了农民爱国主义情感,张扬了民族精神,推动了抗日战争,形成了民族的、科学的、大众的新民主主义文化;通过北方解放区文化建设,强化了农村基层政权,贯彻了新民主主义理论、路线、方针和政策,为社会主义文化事业的繁荣积累了宝贵的精神财富。中共通过以上文化建设理论及实践,将新民主主义的文化传递到社会的最底层,荡涤了封建的思想文化观念,整合了社会文化,进而使农民的价值观念、心理、思想、行为方式等从传统向现代转变,实现了对文化的重塑。中共在民主革命时期的农村文化建设的成果及经验,对于今天新农村文化建设仍有重要的当代启示。全文包括导论、正文和结语三部分。导论部分主要说明选题的依据,评析本课题的研究现状,阐明其理论意义和实践意义,并说明本文的研究方法和重点、难点问题。第一章论述了文化及其相关概念、马克思主义有关文化的论述、中共对马克思主义文化理论的新阐述。第二章论述了中国人民选择马克思主义的必然性。包括近代中国农村文化的缓慢变迁,救亡与追求现代化需要先进理论做指导,传统社会转型呼唤先进理论,中国人选择了马克思主义文化。第三章论述了苏区文化建设的内容及特点。重点论述了苏区的文化教育发展、民主政治建设、妇女解放、农民思想政治工作。中共通过苏区文化建设,打破了中国长期以来只有地主阶级有文化,农民没有文化的局面。第四章论述了华北、陕甘宁抗日根据地文化建设的内容及特点。重点论述了华北、陕甘宁根据地文化教育发展、基层民主政治建设、解放妇女、农民的思想政治教育,形成了民族的、科学的、大众的新民主主义文化。第五章论述了解放战争时期北方解放区文化建设的内容及特点。重点论述了解放战争时期北方解放区的干部教育、大众教育、农民思想政治教育、农村基层组织建设。通过论述,证实了新民主主义文化路线的正确性。第六章论述了马克思主义对中国农村文化的影响:实现了近代农村政治文化变迁、通过对农民进行思想政治教育实现了对农民落后思想的改造,基本实现了农村社会的移风易俗、科学地解决了文化的社会结构定位与历史定位问题,保证了先进文化的前进方向,提出了中国化的马克思主义文化理论,推动了向文化自觉的转变。第七章论述了中共领导的农村文化建设的启示。通过改造农村文化不同派别的分析,论述了非马克思主义改造农村文化模式在中国行不通,农村文化建设必须坚持马克思主义方向。结语部分论述了农村文化建设的重要性,提出了农村文化建设的途径。

【Abstract】 Chinese culture is an everlasting and often fresh thesis. It is meaningful to study it in theory and practice. China suffers a tremendous change after 1840, the rural culture is under the Western civilization serious impact, causing the cultural crisis. The spread of Marxism generates Chinese culture from passive to active, the ancient traditional becomes vigourous. In the process of Marxism becoming Chinese, Marxism combines Chinese practice in revolution, together with its traditional culture, bringing a lot of fresh epoch traits. The Communist Party of China take the Marxism as the guiding principle weapon, passing the new democratic culture to the lowest level of the society, cleansing the feudal culture ideas, integrating the culture, providing the rural areas with the new conditions of politics, economy and thought. All these cause value idea, the psychology, the thought, the behavior way of the social members to transform from the tradition to the modern age, and realizes the cultural remoulding. This dissertation supposes to explore the relation of the historical course of Chinese Marxism influencing and the Chinese rural culture.The dissertation concludes three parts: introduction, main text, and conclusion. Introduction mainly covers the basis of the topical choice, the present research, the significance of the study in theory and practice, and at last explains the research method, the emphasis and difficulties.Chapter One introduces as a whole the cultural theory : the cultural vicissitude, the cultural clash and the fusion, the cultural function, It also introduces Marx’ s , Lenin’ s and the Chinese Communist Party’ s elaboration on culture. thus scientifically grasps the cultural reason of the vicissitude of the change of the modern Chinese rural culture.Chapter Two illustrates the inevitability of the Chinese people to choose the Marxism. The transformation of the Chinese rural culture is realized through the Chinese Communist Party.Chapter Three elaborates the contents and the characteristics of the cultural reconstruction in Chinese Soviet areas. It mainly discusses the culture and education development, the democracy construction, the women’ s liberation, the ideological political work of the peasants in Chinese Soviet areas. Through cultural reconstruction, the Chinese Communist Party broke the situation that only the landlord class has literacy, wheras, the peasants’ class does not have.Chapter Four discusses the cultural reconstruction contents and the characteristics in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region , and the North China anti-Japanese base. It elaborates the culture and education development, the democracy and the political construction at the grassroots levels, the ideas and actions of the women liberation, the peasant’ s ideological and political education. The new democracy culture is correct direction of the Chinese culture development.Chapter Five discusses the contents of the cultural reconstruction and the characteristics in the north liberated areas during the war of liberation period: the cadre education, the mass education, the peasant’s ideological and political education, and the construction of the organizitons of the Party branches in newly-liberated rural areas. Through discussion, Chapter Five proves the rightness of the new democracy culture.The sixth chapter elaborates the effects of Marxism on the Chinese rural cultural reconstruction: the rural political and cultural vicissitude, the reform of the traditional peasants, the change of old habits and customs, the correct social cultural structure localization and the historical localization, and the realization of the Cultural consciousnesses.Chapter Seven discusses the enlightenment of the cultural reconstruction led by the Chinese Communist Party. Through the comparison of the attempt of the different groups to transform the rural culture, we draw the conclusion that the rural cultural reconstruction must insist on the guide of Marxism.The conclusion part elaborates the importance of the rural cultural reconstruction, and proposes the paths of the rural cultural reconstruction.

【关键词】 马克思主义农村文化改造先进文化
【Key words】 Marxismrural culturetransformationadvanced culture

