

The Development of Number Processing Ability under the Conditions of Visual Attention

【作者】 潘运

【导师】 沈德立; 白学军;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 数字在人们的日常生活中扮演着重要角色。个体对数字刺激进行数字心理表征的认知加工过程称为数字加工,它是人类生存所必须的基本能力。数字加工包括算术认知加工和数字认知加工,其中数字认知加工在当前数字加工研究领域中备受关注。数字加工与注意有着密切的联系,人们对数字信息的加工离不开注意的参与,同样注意的转移和分配也会影响数字加工过程。在视觉注意领域,注意可分为内源性注意和外源性注意,前者反映自上而下的控制加工,后者反映自下而上的自动化加工,二者在产生机制和对认知加工的影响大小上有着明显区别。本研究选取小学三年级、小学五年级、初中二年级、高中二年级学生和大学生共315名为被试,通过操作注意类型、注意水平、SOAs和任务难度四个变量,重点探讨不同视觉注意条件下SOA变化对数字加工的影响、中小学生数字加工能力的发展特点以及数学学优生和学差生数字加工能力的差异。本论文由四项研究共8个实验组成:研究一包括2个实验。在内源性注意和外源性注意条件下,分别采用数字大小比较和数字奇偶判断的实验任务,通过操作SOAs,考察数字加工效应发生的时间进程。实验1在内源性注意条件下,采用数字大小比较和数字奇偶判断任务,通过系统改变SOAs,考察数字加工中的距离效应和SNARC效应;实验2在外源性注意条件下,采用数字大小比较和数字奇偶判断任务,通过系统改变SOAs,考察数字加工中的距离效应和SNARC效应。研究二包括2个实验。在内源性注意条件下,分别采用数字大小比较和数字奇偶判断的实验任务,考察中小学生数字加工能力的发展特点。实验3采用数字大小比较任务,考察中小学生数字加工中的距离效应;实验4采用数字奇偶判断任务,考察中小学生数字加工中的SNARC效应。研究三包括2个实验。在外源性注意条件下,分别采用数字大小比较和数字奇偶判断的实验任务,考察中小学生数字加工能力的发展特点。实验5采用数字大小比较任务,考察中小学生数字加工中的距离效应;实验6采用数字奇偶判断任务,考察中小学生数字加工中的SNARC效应。研究四包括2个实验。在内源性注意和外源性注意条件下,采用数字大小比较实验任务,考察数学学优生和学差生数字加工的眼动特征和距离效应。实验7在内源性注意条件下,采用数字大小比较实验任务,考察数学学优生和学差生数字加工中的眼动特征和距离效应;实验8在外源性注意条件下,采用数字大小比较实验任务,考察数学学优生和学差生数字加工中的眼动特征和距离效应。研究结果发现:1.视觉注意条件下,中小学生的数字加工能力随年级升高而发展。数学学优生和数学学差生的数字加工能力差异明显。2.内源性注意条件对小学三年级学生的数字距离效应和小学生的SNARC效应产生了湿著影响,对中学生没有影响。外源性注意条件对小学生的数字距离效应,小学生和初中生的SNARC效应产生了显著影响,对高中生没有影响。表明外源性注意对中小学生数字加工效应的影响比内源性注意的更大。3.内源性注意条件只对数学学差生的大数字距离效应产生显著影响,对学优生没有影响。外源性注意条件对数学学差生的大小数字距离效应产生显著影响,对学优生没有影响。表明对于数学学差生,外源性注意的影响比内源性注意的更大,对于数学学优生,内源性注意和外源性注意的影响不明显。4.内源性注意和外源性注意条件下,当线索提示与数字目标出现的位置一致时,线索对反应有易化作用,有效线索提高了各年级和不同学业学生的数字加工成绩;当线索提示与数字目标出现的位置不一致时,线索对反应有干扰作用,无效线索降低了小学生和数学学差生的数字加工成绩,对高中生和数学学优生没有影响。5.内源性注意条件下,随着SOAs的增加,数字加工效应逐渐增大,当SOA为900ms时,数字加工效应最明显。外源性注意条件下,当SOA为300ms时,数字加工效应最明显,随着SOAs的增加,数字加工效应逐渐减小。综合上述研究结果,我们认为内源性注意和外源性注意对数字加工有着不同的影响,自下而上自动化加工注意对数字加工的影响比自上而下控制加工注意的影响更大。这两种视觉注意在时间关系发展上的特点影响数字加工过程。

【Abstract】 Number plays an important role in human’s common life,and provides the pattern thatdescribes the living circumstances for human being.The cognitive process that peoplementally represent the numerical stimulus is defined as number processing.This basic abilityis necessary for human.Number processing consists of arithmetic cognitive processing andnumerical cognitive processing.And numerical cognitive processing is one of the mostflourishing fields in the current researches on number processing.There are close relations with number processing and attention.Without attention,peoplecould not process the numerical information,meanwhile attention’ shifting and distributingwould greatly affect number processing.In the field of visual attention,attention consists ofendogenous attention and exogenous attention.The former reflects the controlling processfiom up to down,and the later reflects the automatic process from down to up.Twoattentions are obviously different on the mechanisms and the influences of cognitive process.The present study explored varied stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA)influencing thenumber processing,age-related changes and differences of high-and low-proficiencylearners of math in number processing under the conditions of different visual attentions with315 participants from third and fifth grades of primary school,second grades of junior andsenior high schools,and college.Effects of attention type,attention level,SOAs,anddifficulty in numerical tasks were examined.The eight experiments were divided into four studies.In study 1,college participants performed numerical comparison and odd/even tasks withchanging SOAs under endogenous and exogenous attentions.Experiment 1 investigated thenumber distance effect and SNARC effect of number process using numerical comparisonand odd/even tasks with changing SOAs under endogenous attention.Experiment 2investigated the number distance effect and SNARC effect using numerical comparison andodd/even tasks with changing SOAs under exogenous attention. In study 2,participants from third and five grades of primary school,second grades ofjunior and senior schools performed numerical comparison and odd/even tasks underendogenous attention.Experiment 3 investigated the number distance effect using thenumerical comparison task.Experiment 4 investigated the SNARC effect using odd/eventasks.In study 3,participants from third and five grades of primary school,second grades ofjunior and senior schools performed numerical comparison and odd/even tasks underexogenous attention.Experiment 5 investigated the number distance effect using thenumerical comparison task.Experiment 6 investigated the SNARC effect using odd/eventasks.In study 4,participants from high-and low-proficiency learners of math performednumerical comparison tasks under endogenous and exogenous attentions using the equipmentof eye movement.Experiment 7 investigated the saccades feature and number distance effectusing the numerical comparison task under endogenous attention.Experiment 8 investigatedthe saccades feature and number distance effect using the numerical comparison task underexogenous attention.The main results were as elaborated below.(1)The results indicated the development of the number processing ability increased withage fiom primary school to senior high school in the condition of visual attentions.Therewas significant difference of the ability of number processing between high-andlow-proficiency learners of math.(2)The conditions of endogenous attention influenced the number distance effect of thirdgrade primary school participant,and the SNARC effect of third and fifth grade primaryschool participants,except for the participants from junior high school and senior high school.The conditions of exogenous attention influenced the number distance effect of primaryschool participants and the SNARC effect of primary school and second grade junior highschool participants,except for the participants of second grades of senior high school.Theseresults indicated exogenous attention that influenced the number processing was moresignificant than endogenous attention.(3)The conditions of endogenous attention influenced the large number distance effect oflow-proficiency learners of math,except for high-proficiency learners of math.The conditions of exogenous attention influenced the large and small number distance effect oflow-proficiency learners of math,except for high-proficiency learners of math.These resultsindicated exogenous attention that influenced the number processing was more significantthan endogenous attention for the low-proficiency learners of math.There was no obviousdifference that both endogenous attention and exogenous attention affected the numberprocessing for the high-proficiency learners of math.(4)Under the conditions of endogenous and exogenous attentions,when the cue andnumerical target were consistent,cue could be positive to response,and improved thenumber processing of all ages participants and different proficient learners.When the cueand numerical target were inconsistent,cue could be negative to response,and reduced thenumber processing of primary school participants and low-proficiency learners.(5)Under the condition of endogenous attention,with SOAs increasing,the effects ofnumber processing were gradually increased.When SOA was 900ms,the effects were mostsignificant.Under the condition of exogenous attention,when SOA was 300ms,the effects ofnumber processing were most significant.But with the increasing of SOAs,the effects ofnumber processing were gradually decreased.These findings suggest that endogenous and exogenous attentions influence numberprocessing differently.The attention that automatically processes from up to down influencethe number processing is more significantly than the attention that controlling processes fromup to down.These two visual attentions in time course of their development would affectnumber processing differently.

  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1353

