

Machine and Magnetic Diagnostics System on J-TEXT Tokamak

【作者】 丁永华

【导师】 潘垣; 庄革;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 脉冲功率与等离子体, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文完成的工作包括J-TEXT托卡马克装置的重建,以及在此基础上的托卡马克等离子体磁诊断系统设计及初步实验研究两大部分。首先,通过设计研制、加工、安装、调试等大量工作,成功地重建了J-TEXT的多个子系统,主要包含纵场线圈,欧姆场线圈,平衡场线圈,偏滤器线圈等磁体系统、真空系统、去离子冷却水系统系统、必要的支撑系统以及其它辅助设备。J-TEXT托卡马克的真空系统可分为真空室、真空抽气系统、送气系统、真空检测系统及泰勒放电清洗系统等几个部分。其中,真空抽气系统主要由两台分子泵和一台低温泵组成,总的有效抽速经理论计算和实验测试大约为1400L/s。放电时送气的气量由PV-10的压电晶体阀控制。真空室的壁处理由泰勒放电清洗来实现。真空检测系统配备各种量程不一的真空规管,覆盖的检测范围可以从大气压到超高真空。通过真空清洗和必要的加热处理,目前真空室的本底压强可达到6.4×10-6 Pa,12小时内的总出气率小于1.5×10-8 Pa·m3/s。这些工作,使J-TEXT托卡马克恢复了在美国德克萨斯大学著名的原TEXT-U装置绝大部分功能,继而J-TEXT成为了国内高校中唯一的中型托卡马克聚变实验装置,为国内高校开展相关的基础研究和人才培养奠定了坚实的基础。在完成上述工程性工作基础上,作者设计与制作了J-TEXT托卡马克的磁测量系统,包括测量等离子体电流和各个磁场电流的手工及电路印刷板罗科线圈,测量多个位置的极向和环向磁通的磁通环,监控等离子体位移的位移线圈,以及观察MHD行为的磁探针阵列等。并在J-TEXT托卡马克初步放电实验中对等离子体电流重心位置、基本MHD行为等进行了初步分析与计算。本文中作者采用电路印刷板技术设计与制作罗科线圈来测量等离子体电流的方法,迄今尚未见有其他报道。在主机的重建工作完成后,对J-TEXT的各个线圈的场形进行了测量和分析,确认了安装的可信度,对真空系统和磁测量系统也分别进行了调试和标定。最后,成功地获得了持续时间超过300ms的电流值大于200kA的等离子体,为物理实验的开展提供了必要的条件。

【Abstract】 The Joint TEXT (J-TEXT) tokomak, formerly named as the TEXT/TEXT-U tokomak and operated by the University of Texas at Austin in USA, has been reconstructed in Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China and it is the only medium-size tokomak device in Chinese universities. The machine has been run for two experimental campaigns since 2007 and a plasma current, more than 200 kA with duration of 300 ms, has been obtained. At present, all sub-systems, like poloidal field (PF) and toroidal field (TF) power supplies, vacuum system, diagnostics systems etc, are successfully integrated into the routine operation. The plasma position can be elaborately controlled within two centimeters. All operating behavior and limits of the J-TEXT tokomak are typical of the machine and easy to understand, compared to the former TEXT/TEXT-U experimental results. The Joint TEXT Lab was established to cultivate fusion engineers and do some basal physical study such as disruption. It is open to world-wide fusion researchers and J-TEXT machine can serve as the complementary and pre-experimental device for large-size tokomaks in the future.A new vacuum system is designed and developed on the Joint Texas Experimental tokomak (J-TEXT), which consists of two pumping stations, Taylor discharge cleaning system and gas puffing. With this system, the vacuum vessel of the J-TEXT tokomak can easily reach a vacuum condition which allows the operation of the machine. The sub-control system of the vacuum pumping systems with the self-protection function is reliable and easy to use. Inside the chamber, the base pressure can be lowered to 6.4×10-6 Pa, and the total leakage and outgassing rates in 12 hours is below 1.5×10-8 Pa·m3/s. Moreover, the Taylor discharge cleaning sub-system is used to clean the first facing walls of vacuum chamber to guarantee a good wall condition of the device before each run of the experimental campaign on the J-TEXT tokomak. The basic functions of the vacuum system meet the essential requirements of present experiments on J-TEXT tokomak.As a basic part of the plasma diagnostic systems on J-TEXT, the magnetic diagnostic system is very important for machine operation and the plasma physics research. The tasks of magnetic diagnostics are as follows: Measurement of basic plasma parameters such as plasma current, loop voltage, equilibrium plasma configuration determination and MHD phenomena studies. The magnetic diagnostic system had been designed and installed on J-TEXT before J-TEXT first plasma. The measurement system includes magnetic probes, Rogowski coil, poloidal flux/voltage Loops, and diamagnetic loop. Before the experiment, all the sensors and integrators are calibrated accurately by PF coils/Power supplies. This ensures each signal enough precision for the magnetic configuration determination. In both campaigns, the magnetic diagnostics provided sufficient measurements for the efficient machine operation and physical research.


