

On the New Media of Public Communication

【作者】 石永军

【导师】 石长顺;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着数字技术、网络技术和通信技术的不断发展,短短几年中诸多被称为新兴媒体的媒体形态不断涌现。本文以新兴媒体的公共传播为中心论题,从公共传播与人类交往行为、新兴媒体公共传播的实现空间、理性公众与新兴媒体公共传播、新兴媒体议程设置与公共传播实现及新兴媒体的传播规制等方面入手进行了较为系统、科学的研究。本文首先明确了公共传播的概念,指出公共传播是各类社会组织或公民个人利用各种媒介进行的以社会公众为对象的公共信息的公开传播活动,其核心价值是维护和实现公共利益,它对政治民主参与、培育社会共同体和个体社会化起着重要的作用。在大众传播时代,公共传播是单向的,并且受到政治权力和商业权力的宰制而被异化,公众缺乏参与公共传播的机会和意识。而新兴媒体时代公共传播的本质特性是交互性。通过交互,公众不再是消极的受众,而是积极的媒体使用者和公共传播参与者。新兴媒体为公共传播提供了新兴空间,新兴媒体所有权和使用权的分离又为公众参与(交互性)提供了前提条件。新兴媒体要实现公共传播,关键是发展和培育交往理性。因为新兴媒体中公民以个体身份参与传播,交往理性成为公共传播顺利实现的保障。公众理性与公共传播相互影响、相互支撑、相互作用。议程设置是新兴媒体公共传播维护公共利益的效果体现。新兴媒体议程设置分为四个阶段:分众议程、媒介议程、公众议程和政策议程,也就是在传统的议程设置三阶段的基础上增加一个分众议程。当前,新兴媒体进行议程设置离不开传统媒体的参与,在此过程中存在一个新兴媒体与传统媒体的议程互动。随着新兴媒体互动特性的深化和公众交往理性的提高,新兴媒体的“把关人”正处于成长过程中。这种把关可以被称为“共同把关”,是公众参与公共传播过程之后自然沉淀的结果。目前存在着影响新兴媒体公共传播的负面因素,虚假信息、侵权信息和消费主义横行等等是新兴媒体发展过程中的阶段性问题,相信这些负面影响会随着新兴媒体自身特性的不断完善、“把关人”的成长和公众交往理性的不断提高而淡化。

【Abstract】 As digital technology, internet technology, and communication technology continue to develop, the new form of media which be called of new media keeps emerge. This article will drop the central point on public communication, researched systemized and scientifically through following aspects: the relationship between public communication and human communication behaviors, the Space of new media, the public communication and rational citizens, the agenda setting in new media and public communication, the control of new media.This article first identifies the definition of public communication. It points out public communication is a public movement which organized by all kinds of social groups or citizen, and the channel of it is media, also the object is social citizen. The core value of public communication is to maintain public interest, on the other hand, it plays an important role in democracy, harmonious community, and socializing of individual. In the time of mass communication, public communication is one-way direction, and also alienated by the political power and commercial control. Citizens are lack of the opportunity and idea of public communication. This article consider the mature of new media is interactive. Citizens turn to use and participate in the media positively, instead of being negative audience. New media supplies a new area of public communication, while the separation of the right to use and ownership supplies assumption of interactive. The public communication relies on developing communicational rationality. Because the citizen encounter the communication as individual, so communicational rationality assures the successful realization of public communication. Public rationality and public communication effect, support each other.Public communication protects public interest, which resulted in agenda setting. The agenda setting of new media could be divided to four periods: minority agenda, media agenda, public agenda and policy agenda., which added the minority agenda in the base of three traditional periods of agenda setting. Nowadays, the agenda setting of new media can not survive without traditional medias, the interaction between new media and traditional media do exists in the above process.The "gatekeeper" in new media is growing, as the interactive and the communicational rationality of public are arising. This kind of keeper could be called "joint keeper", and it is the obvious result of precipitation in the process of civic public communication. Though the periodical problems, such as negative aspects, artificial information, infringement information, and consumerism , still effect the public communication of new media., those negatives would be estimated in the supplement of new media itself, the growth of "gatekeeper", and improvement of communicational rationality of public.


