

On Social Belief

【作者】 谷生然

【导师】 欧阳康;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 社会信仰论是关于社会信仰的形成、发展、冲突、危机与建构的基本理论。社会信仰研究严格遵循逻辑与历史相统一的原则,力求阐述社会信仰发展的一般过程,它分析了中、西方传统社会信仰的发展历程及现代社会信仰的基本形态,深入探讨了社会信仰的冲突与危机现象,并由此确立了建构当代社会信仰的基本原则。社会信仰理论主要包括以下基本内容:社会信仰一般理论、西方传统信仰的发展、中国传统信仰的发展、现代社会信仰基本形态、社会信仰冲突、社会信仰危机与社会信仰建构等。(一)社会信仰的一般理论。文章分析了信仰、社会信仰的基本内涵、特征与本质,探讨了信仰、社会信仰与个人信仰之间的相互关系。文章认为,信仰是人类社会中的一种精神现象,它既是人们对世界和人生终极发展状况的总体性把握,又是指导人们实践生活的一系列根本价值原则的总和。信仰包括个人信仰与社会信仰,其中前者是个人为主体的信仰,后者是以特定社会为主体的信仰。社会信仰不同于个人信仰,它是不同类型的个人信仰之间相互作用的结果,它是一个文化共同体的普遍性的公共信仰。社会信仰的本质就是特定社会共同体对世界的真理性追求、认识与实践。(二)西方传统信仰的发展历程。这一历程的主轴是上帝与理性关系,包括古希腊罗马时期的信仰观、中世纪的基督教信仰观、近代的基督教信仰观。古希腊时期的信仰观对理性非常重视,在这一时期最卓越的代表亚里士多德的信仰中,神被看作是世界第一因并从根本上服从于理性。中世纪信仰观的核心是爱上帝,奥古斯丁提出“信仰为了理解”,托马斯·阿奎那坚持认为上帝与理性是一致的;邓斯·司各脱主张信仰与理性相互独立。近代以来,科学、理性获得了巨大发展,最后,黑格尔指明了上帝的实质是理性,费尔巴哈论证了上帝的秘密在于人本身,这样,上帝的信仰不可避免地走向终结——“上帝死了”。(三)中国传统信仰的发展历程。我国传统社会信仰是由儒道佛三家信仰构成的矛盾统一体,其主轴是道与德的关系。“道”是我国传统信仰的最高本体,天地鬼神、万事万物都服从于“道”。儒家信仰主张以“仁”实现“大道”,道家信仰主张“无为”是实现“道”的唯一途径,佛家认为“道”或“法”在于“空”。“德”即德行,是人对“道”的运用。从远古到春秋时期,天神崇拜逐渐转变为重视人伦,“以德配天”;从春秋时期一直到隋唐时期,是儒、道、佛三家信仰不断形成、发展、冲突与融合时期;到了北宋时期,儒道佛三家信仰融合成为一种新儒家信仰——理学信仰。我国传统信仰具有志气恢宏、心胸坦荡、视界开阔等优越性,但是缺陷在于过分强调个人的伦理修养,忽视了人对社会现实的改造,而且对专制势力缺乏有效制约。(四)现代社会信仰基本形态。现代社会信仰相对于传统社会信仰而言,它是西方社会在工业、科学、理性、人的充分自由等条件下围绕着“上帝死了”而形成的新形态的社会信仰。主要包括马克思主义信仰、科学主义信仰、人本主义信仰等三种基本形态。马克思主义信仰以马克思、恩格斯为代表;科学主义信仰以罗素、卡尔纳普、安东尼·弗卢等为代表;人本主义信仰以尼采、弗洛伊德、萨特等为代表。(五)社会信仰冲突。这是指不同社会信仰之间的对立、冲突。这一部分主要探讨了社会信仰冲突的概念、类型与一般成因,然后分析了传统社会信仰如基督教、伊斯兰教、儒学信仰等之间的主要冲突,最后分析了现代社会信仰基本形态之间的主要冲突——马克思主义信仰与自由主义信仰的冲突。(六)社会信仰危机。在这一部分中,主要探讨了社会信仰危机的概念、类型与一般成因,分析了传统社会信仰面临的真理性危机——上帝的存在问题,以及现代社会信仰所面临的主要危机。对于传统社会信仰,尽管当代的基督教学者普兰丁格、斯温伯恩等对上帝的存在提供了一些新的论证,但是,效果并不理想,他们的论证并不能从根本上挽救传统社会信仰的根本性危机。另外,现代社会信仰面临的危机可能更加严重,例如:片面强调科学技术,从而导致忽视了人的伦理理性、审美理性;在真理等问题上过分强调人的主观性,从而也取消了人类认识的价值与存在意义;而且它还承受着本质上属于现代主义的后现代主义者的致命性颠覆,从而使现代社会信仰呈现出一种混乱、矛盾甚至荒谬的状态。最后,在以上基础上,文章提出了在当代进行社会信仰建构的基本原则。首先,应当以马克思主义信仰引领时代。马克思主义信仰是彻底的人道主义与彻底的自然主义的统一,不但要求实现政治上的自由、平等、博爱,而且要求实现经济层面的自由、平等与充分发展。其次,应当充分重视传统信仰在当代的价值。传统信仰在当代社会仍然发挥着重要的积极意义,我们应当立足于现代认识成果努力改造传统社会信仰。第三,多种信仰并存,促进信仰的发展。精神自由是人类探索真理的必要条件,只有通过各种信仰形式之间的对话、交流、甚至冲突才能充分地发展真理,因此政治、经济等方面的具体措施应当尽量避免对精神自由发展造成不必要的干扰。

【Abstract】 The theory of social belief is the basic theories for the formation, the development, the conflicts, the crisis and the construction of social belief. It strictly follows the unity of logic and history in dialectical thinking, trying to expound the general processes of social belief. It analyzed on the general course of Chinese and Western traditional social beliefs respectively and on the basic forms of modern social beliefs, then discussed the crisis and the construction of social belief, and lastly it established the fundamental principles of current social belief.Specifically speaking, the theory of social belief mainly concluded the following contents: the general theory of social belief, the developed course of Western traditional belief, the developed course of Chinese traditional belief, the basic forms of modern social beliefs, conflicts among the social beliefs, social belief crisis, and social belief construction, etc.(1) The general theory of social belief. The part of this thesis analyzed basic connotation, character and essence of belief and social belief respectively, and then discussed the interrelation of belief, social belief and individual belief. The thesis hold that belief is one of the spiritual phenomenon in mankind which is not only the overall understandings of the people to the world and their living but also is the total of fundamental value principles that are used to restrict and direct people’s behaviors. Belief includes individual belief and social belief, the former is the belief owned by the individual subject while the latter is the ones owned by the social subjects. Differed from individual belief, social belief is a kind of public belief in a cultural community which resulted from the interactions of individual beliefs, and it in essence is the cultural community’s pursuit, understandings and practice to the truth.(2) The developed course of Western traditional belief. At the course, the interrelation of the God and rationality is the key question and it can be divided into three stages which are social belief in ancient Greek and Roman times, Christian social belief in medieval times and Christian social belief in recent times. It highly regarded rationality in social belief in ancient Greek and Roman times, and the most remarkable representative this time Aristotle insisted that the God was only the first cause of the world and it followed rationality. Loving God was regarded as the core factor in Christian social belief in medieval times, and at that times Augustine considered that belief to God is to understand it, and Thomas Aquinas insisted that rationality is consistent with God, and Duns Scotus believed that rationality is dependent on belief in God. Since recent times science and rationality has got the tremendous development and finally Hegel showed clearly that the essence of God is rationality and Feuerbach has proved that the secrets of God is in the mankind itself, so belief in God goes to the end inevitably, that is named as "God died".(3) The developed course of Chinese traditional belief. Chinese traditional belief is a special contradictory unity comprised mainly of Confucian school, Taoist school and Buddhist school, in which the interrelation of Tao and De (morality) institutes the basic relation. Tao is the highest ontology in Chinese traditional belief, so the heaven, the earth, the ghosts and the gods, and all the other things were obeyed the Tao. Confucian school insisted on pursuing for "the highest Tao" by the way of Ren(benevolence), and Taoist school hold that "inaction" would be the only way to realize Tao, and Buddhist school believed that Tao or Dharma only is the void of world. De is benevolence, which is applied of Tao. From the remote antiquity to the Spring and Autumn period, worship for Sky God was displayed gradually as "worshiping God to win His trust by virtue". From the Sponge and Autumn period to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Confucian school, Taoist school and Buddhist school were continually formed, developed respectively at the same time they struggled against each other and mixed together. Until the Northern Song Dynasty, they were turned into a new Confucian belief, which is the belief of idealist Confucianism. Chinese traditional belief had a glorious aspiration with open-hearted and a wide field of vision, etc. and its disadvantages mainly displayed in overemphasizing individuals’ ethics, ignoring improve to the surroundings and lacking of restriction to the power of autocracy.(4) The basic forms of modern social beliefs. Compared with the traditional social belief, the modern social belief was a new kind of social belief which centered on "God is dead" on the base of full development of modern industry, science, rationality, and individuals’ freedom in Western society. It was mainly comprised of the belief of Communism, the belief of scientism and the belief of humanism. The eminent representatives who insisted on the belief of Communism were Marx and Engels, etc., and the representatives who insisted on the belief of scientism were Bertrand Russell, Rudolf Carnap, Antony Flew and others as same as the representatives of the belief of humanism were Nietzsche, Frued, Sartre and others.(5)Conflicts among the social beliefs. This refers to conflicting among different social beliefs. In this part, it discussed the concept, the type and the general causes of "conflicts among the social beliefs", and then analyzed the main conflicts among the traditional social beliefs such as Christianity, Islam, Confucianism and others, and finally analyzed the main conflicts in the modern social beliefs - conflicts between the Communist belief and the belief of liberalism.(6) Social belief crisis. In this section, it discussed the concept, the type and the general causes of "social belief crisis", and then analyzed the truth crisis of traditional social beliefs - God’s existence, as well as the crisis of modern social beliefs. In traditional beliefs, it was unsatisfactory even though contemporary Christian scholar Alvin Plantinga, Swinburne and others provided some new arguments for the existence of God, for their arguments can not save fundamentally the traditional social beliefs from the truth crisis. In addition, the crisis which modern social beliefs are facing to may be more serious, such as: overemphasized on science and technology, while ignored the ethical rationality and aesthetic rationality; overemphasized people’s subjectivity in truth, and thus abolished the value of man’s understandings, and it bore the deadly attacks from post-modernist who belongs to modernism in essence, so that the modern social belief is deep in confusion, contradiction and even absurd.Finally, it proposed the fundamental principles of reconstruction of social belief in the present age in the thesis. First of all, Marx’s belief should be used to lead the spirit of the times, for Marx’s belief is the relatively comprehensive unity of humanitarianism and naturalism, which not only requires to realize the freedom, equality, fraternity of people in the social political level, but also to achieve the freedom, equality and full development of people in the social economic level. Secondly, it should be pay adequate attention to the value of the traditional beliefs in the present days. The traditional beliefs continue to exert a positive influence nowadays, so we should try my best to reform traditional social beliefs and adapt it to the modern scientific knowledge. Thirdly, the multi-beliefs should be coexisted so as to promote the development of social beliefs. The spiritual freedom is a necessary condition for developing truth, and we could develop fully the truth only through dialogues, communications and even conflicts of various social beliefs, so we should try our best to prevent some wrong political, economic and other specific measures from the development of spiritual freedom.


