

A Study on the Yao Language

【作者】 胡晓东

【导师】 黄树先;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 瑶族勉语是目前国内外瑶族群众使用得最多和最广的语言,一般认为属汉藏语系苗瑶语族瑶语支。按照大多数学者的看法,当前真正意义上的瑶语指的就是勉语。本文主要是从比较语言学的角度对瑶族勉语进行比较研究。本文正文共由十个部分组成:第一章,绪论。内容主要是说明研究的目的和意义、瑶语和瑶族语言的区别,以及研究的材料和方法。通过研究,本文认为瑶族是当今我国少数民族中独具特色的民族群体,不但瑶语体系复杂和内容多样,可为我国民族语言研究提供丰富的研究资料,而且瑶语研究长期以来在国内外都有重要的研究地位,加上目前国内的瑶语研究相对滞后,所以进一步加强瑶语的研究具有较高的理论意义和现实作用。并通过对前人相关论述的梳理进一步明确了我国当前“瑶语”和“瑶族语言”的内涵,同时对本文研究的材料和方法进行了说明:第二章,瑶族的历史及其传说。内容主要是叙述瑶族和苗族早期的共同历史、瑶族历史来源的传说和近年来学者们对瑶族历史所进行的新探索。通过研究,本文认为从瑶族的历史发展来看,瑶族早期跟苗族同出一源是可以肯定的,最早也是到了隋、唐以后,现在瑶族的先民才逐渐从苗瑶共同体中分化出来,并开始以“莫徭”的名称见诸于汉文史籍,到了宋代以后瑶族才出现“瑶”的名称并由此作为一个独立的民族群体登上历史的舞台。同时对瑶族民间广为流传的“盘瓠”传说、“千家峒”传说和“飘洋过海”传说等族源传说进行了梳理;第三章,苗瑶语的早期历史。内容主要是回顾苗瑶语早期系属及来源的争论,并对苗瑶语的早期来源提出了自己的几点构想。认为现代苗、瑶语的早期历史可以划分为“原始苗瑶语时期”、“南方原始苗瑶语时期”、“北方原始苗瑶语时期”、“苗瑶共同语时期”和“现代苗语和现代瑶语的分立与发展时期”;第四章,当代瑶语语音概述。内容主要是对当代瑶族勉语的声母、韵母和声调进行简单的介绍。因篇幅所限,文中只以瑶族勉语中的江底、庙子源、罗香、长坪、梁子、滩散、东山、石口、牛尾寨、大坪、巫不和达地这12个语音点为代表进行简单的介绍;第五章,当代瑶语声母比较。内容主要是按“唇音声母”、“舌音声母”、“齿音声母”和“牙喉音声母”4种分类对当代瑶族勉语的声母进行共时比较。通过研究,指出了瑶族勉语的部分pj声母及其变体跟黔东苗语的ts声母对应、瑶族勉语的部分pj声母及其变体还跟黔东苗语的(?)声母对应以及瑶族勉语的部分bi声母及其变体跟黔东苗语的n声母对应;第六章,当代瑶语韵母比较。内容主要是按“i”、“e”、“ε”、“a”、“o”、“u”6种分类对当代瑶语的韵母进行共时比较。并通过研究指出了瑶族勉语中江底、梁子、东山、大坪、庙子源、滩散和牛尾寨等方言土语的韵母对应关系。第七章,当代瑶语词汇分析。内容主要是从当代瑶语词汇的构成、当代瑶语词汇的来源、当代瑶语词汇的差异和当代瑶语词汇的核心词比较等4个方面,分别对当代瑶族勉语的单音节词、多音节词、苗瑶语同源词、瑶族勉语的基本词汇和汉语借词等进行分析。不但指出当代瑶族勉语不同方言和土语之间在词汇上的一些差异,同时还指出瑶族勉语中的汉语借词至少包含有“古代汉语借词”、“现代汉语借词”和“汉语方言借词”3个方面的内容。并对当代瑶族勉语的部分核心词进行了比较;第八章,苗瑶语的古音及其构拟。内容主要是对国内外学者关于苗瑶语古音的研究和构拟进行分析,并提出自己关于苗瑶语古声母和古韵母的一些看法;第九章,当代瑶语的发展趋势。内容主要是从语言的接触和影响、语言的濒危和保护等方面,对当代瑶语的语音变化和未来发展趋势进行简单的讨论。认为当今瑶语虽然在不少的瑶族聚居区仍然拥有相当数量的使用者,但在很多瑶族与其它民族杂居的地区同样是处于弱势的地位,瑶语和我国其它的许多少数民族语言一样仍然被排斥在主体语言之外,瑶语真正的强势地位并没有建立起来,瑶语使用环境的萎缩乃至濒危状态的出现也是我们应该予以关注和重视的问题。第十章,结束语。内容主要是对本文的研究内容进行简单的总结。不但归纳了本文研究的基本结论,同时还指出了本文的研究创新之处和研究不足的所在。

【Abstract】 Mian language, the language of Yao ethnic minority group is the most universallanguage for the Yao people. It is generally thought to belongs to Yao language To mostscholars, in Sino-Tibetan family. To most scholars, the real Yao language is Mian. Inthis thesis, the Mian language has been researched by the author from the perspective ofcomparative linguistics.Except the acknowledgements, the main quotation and appendix, the paper iscomposed of ten parts. Part 1: Introduction. It emphasizes the aim and the significance ofthe research、the differences between the Yao language and the language of the Yaonationality, the material and the method in research. The author holds that Yao nationalityis a nationality with great characteristics throughout the research. Yao language has acomplicated system and various contents which provide abundant material for ournational language research, and what’s more, the study of Yao language has an importantposition for a long time. At present, the research of Yao language is relatively backwardin our country, so making further research for Yao language is of great significance inboth theory and reality; Part 2: the history and the legend of the Yao nationality, whichmainly specifies the early common history of the Yao nationality and the Miao nationality,the legend about the origin of the Yao nationality’ history and the new research done byscholars for the Yao nationality’ history in recent years. The author makes sure throughthe research that Yao nationality and Miao nationality are of the same origin in the earlytime in view of the history of Yao nationality. At the earliest time, the ancestors of Yaonationality gradually broke away from the Miao-Yao community after Sui Dynasty andTang Dynasty and appeared in Chinese historical records in the name of"Mo Yao". AfterSong Dynasty, Yao nationality used "Yao" as the name and appeared in history as aethnic group; Part 3: the early history of Miao-Yao language. It reviews the dispute about the early relations and origins of Miao-Yao language, and moreover, it putsforward the author’s propositions about the early origin of Miao-Yao language; Part 4:the contemporary sketch of Yao-language. It simply introduces the consonants, thevowels and the tones of the contemporary Mian. But because of the limit of this article’length, the author simply introduces the 12 sound-sites which is JangDi(江底)、MiaoZiYuan(庙子源)、LuoXiang(罗香)、ChangPing(长坪)、LiangZi(梁子)、TanSan(滩散)、DongShan(东山)、ShiKou(石口)、NiuWeiZhai(牛尾寨)、DaPing(大坪)、WuBu(巫不) and DaDi(达地) in the Mian(勉) as the representatives; Part 5: the comparison ofconsonant in contemporary Yao-language. The consonants in contemporaryMian-language has been compared synchronically, classified as Labial consonant, lingualconsonant, Sibilance consonant and Tooth-throat-sound (牙喉音)consonant; Part 6: thecomparison of vowel in contemporary Yao-language. The vowels in contemporaryYao-language has been synchronicly grouped into "i"、"e", "ε"、"a"、"o"、"u"; Part 7:the analysis of vocabulary in contemporary Yao-language. It analyses cognate words ofMiao-Yao language, monosyllabic word, polysyllabic word, core words and Loanwords in Mian-language from Chinese in the aspects of the composition, the component,the difference and the core words in vocabulary in contemporary Yao-language. It notonly points out some differences in vocabulary among different dialects inMian-language, but also analyses some core words in Mian-language; Part 8: the ancientpronunciation and reconstruction in Miao-Yao language. It analyses and emphasizes theancient pronunciation and reconstruction in Miao-Yao language which has been done byscholars over the world, and puts forward some views; Part 9: the development tendencyof contemporary Yao-language. It discusses the voice changes and the futuredevelopment tendency from the angles of the language contact and language influence,the eclipse and protection of language and so on. The author believes that a lot of peoplespeak Yao language in many Yao villages, but it is in a weaker position in the placewhere Yao nationality lives with the other nationalities, like the other minority languages, Yao language is marginalized by the main language. Therefore, Yao language doesn’toccupy the mighty status. The atrophied and endangered circumstances for Yao languageshould be taken into serious consideration; Part 10: Conclusion. It gives a conclusion ofthe research in this thesis.


