

On the Distribution Structure and Its Logics of Higher Education in China

【作者】 郑利霞

【导师】 别敦荣;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在以教育和知识立国的今天,高等教育与国家和人民的命运已经紧紧地联系在一起。高等教育应当适应国家和社会发展的需要,满足人民群众受教育的需求。高等教育布局是否科学,直接关系到高等教育资源的利用效率,影响着高等教育的发展及其功能的发挥,从而影响到整个国家和社会的发展,影响高等教育满足人民群众需要的程度。高等教育布局结构是一个国家或地区的高等教育资源在地理空间上的分布结构,是高等教育宏观结构的一种表现形式。依据结构功能主义的观点,高等教育布局结构是高等教育系统与环境关系的集中表现,社会历史环境往往直接通过社会结构影响和制约高等教育的布局结构。当环境对高等教育系统提出新的功能期待之时,高等教育功能的变化又会促进高等教育布局结构的调整。高等教育的诸功能之间既具有融合性,又存在竞争性,这种竞争性对高等教育布局结构有着直接的影响。影响高等教育布局结构的主要因素是社会的政治、经济、科技、人口、地理状况和高等教育自身的发展逻辑。高等教育布局结构调整分战略性调整和适应性调整,在不同的历史阶段,不同的国家往往采取不同的思路、方法、策略对高等教育布局进行相应的调整。自清末洋务学堂发端至21世纪初,我国高等教育走过了精英阶段百余年的沧桑历史。晚清以降,洋务学堂从沿海“登陆”,开启了我国近代高等教育新的篇章。民国时期,分区设置高校的重要设想和大学区制的试行初步奠定了我国高等教育布局的基本格局。抗日烽火中,国民政府对于高校内迁重组与复校回迁的规划与调整,使得西北西南地区的教育落后状况大为改观。上世纪50年代的院系调整是建国初期高等教育布局调整中涉及面最广、影响最深远的事件,改革的结果至今仍在发挥着影响作用。“大跃进”后的大调整结束了高等教育无序膨胀的混乱局面,之后的“三线建设”加强了内地和中小城市高校的建设,改善了高等教育的布局。“文革”时期提倡“搬迁就是革命”、“分散就是路线”,高校“越办越大,越办越下”,高校迁往农村以及一系列的迁停并转,我国高等教育布局调整陷入有史以来最混乱最荒唐的状态。“文革”结束后,高等教育进入了新的发展时期,随着市场化改革的深入,在从沿海到内陆梯度推进的区域经济非均衡发展战略的指引下,高等教育的发展也形成了东强西弱、从沿海到内地差距逐渐拉大的态势。精英阶段我国高等教育布局调整是在社会重大转型时期所进行的有破有立、以立为主的战略性调整,其着眼点在于通过建立新的结构秩序来代替已不适应社会发展的旧的结构秩序。总体说来,其具体的调整行为是典型的“国家模式”,即通过政治变革和政治动员,以国家意志和政府行为为主导,自上而下推动实施的,具有强烈的国家主义、功利主义的特征。在改革开放以前,高等教育是实现国家目标的直接工具,国家对高等教育的布局很少考虑区域经济的发展水平及需要,各地的高等教育发展水平与经济发展水平的相关性很低。改革开放以后,随着我国经济体制由计划经济向市场经济、由行业经济向区域经济的转型,以及与之相适应的高等教育体制改革的深入,各地经济发展水平对高等教育发展的影响逐渐加强。世纪之交,我国高等教育发生了巨大而又深刻的变化,突出表现为高等教育规模的快速扩张和大众化。以高校数、每万人口中在校生数等指标,从绝对差异和相对差异等角度,于规模、层次和新的办学形式等方面来分析高等教育布局结构在大众化早期的变化与特征,实证研究表明:从横向上看,大众化早期我国高等教育布局在一定程度上得到了优化和改善,朝着相对均衡的方向发展,但加强中西部和欠发达地区高等教育发展的紧迫性也日益凸显;部分省区的高等教育发展水平未能适应和满足其经济高速发展的需要,不同地区本专科结构的趋同性日益严重,这说明高等教育发展与区域经济发展存在着不协调现象。从纵向上看,随着大众化的快速推进,高等教育地方化也取得了突破性进展,我国高等教育的重心进一步下移,地市州域高等教育在数量上迅速增长,在办学层次上逐步提升,已经成为国家高等教育的重要组成部分,一批新的地方高等教育亚中心发展起来了,地市州域高等教育的快速发展改变了高等院校过分集中在省会城市和直辖市的布局状况;高等教育由省会城市向地市州延伸的速度具有区域差异,不仅体现了区域经济发展对高等教育发展的需求和制约,也因此未能有效促进高等教育在省际间的均衡布局。地市州域高等教育的快速发展,不仅意味着高等教育布局结构的调整,而且意味着高等教育功能的下移和拓新,使得高等教育更贴近民间,能更有力地服务于各地经济社会的发展,服务于建设全面小康社会和和谐社会的伟大事业。大众化早期我国高等教育布局结构调整是高等教育系统自成体系的适应性调整,其着眼点在于通过自我调整维持布局结构间的合理比例关系,以适应规模的持续增长。与精英阶段相比,大众化早期高等教育布局的变化及其特点在很大程度上受到了区域经济发展水平的影响。区域经济发展水平是制约大众化早期高等教育发展的关键因素,但不是唯一因素,高等教育原有的布局结构特征、国家的政策调控和地方政府的制度创新,以及高等教育管理体制改革的相对滞后等因素,也在影响着大众化早期高等教育布局结构的发展变化。未来的20年,我国高等教育发展面临着知识经济和经济全球化加速演进、全面建设小康社会和社会主义和谐社会、高等教育大众化深入推进等基本环境和主要任务,这对于高等教育布局结构的合理调整提出了要求,也提供了契机。从未来经济社会发展对高等教育提出的要求来看,大众化中后期我国高等教育布局结构调整应以追求均衡发展和与区域经济社会发展相协调为目标,并要处理好非均衡发展的手段与均衡发展的目标、整体优化与自成体系、增量调控与存量盘活、集中布局与分散布局等四种关系。为此,必须重塑市场机制和政府调控的关系,优化高等教育大众化发展模式;重构公共教育权力体制,科学区分各级政府的责任与权限;加强制度建设,巩固布局结构调整的效益;实行积极差别政策,加强对欠发达地区的支持力度;继续推进高等教育地方化,大力发展地市州域高等教育。

【Abstract】 In the modern society based on education and knowledge, higher education has been closely linked to the fate of the country and the people. Higher education should be adapted to the development of the country and society, meet the people’s demands for education. The scientificity of the distribution structure of higher education (DSHE) is directly related to the efficiency of resources, affect the development of higher education and its functions, thus affecting the development of the country and society, impacting the degree of people’s needs to higher education.As a macrostructure of higher education, DSHE refers to the distribution of higher education recourses in different places. According to the theory of structural functionalism, DSHE is a symbol of the relationship between higher education and the environment. Usually, a special period of history will directly affect DSHE by social structure. When the environment looks forward to new functions of higher education, the changes of its functions will promote the adjustment of DSHE. The functions of higher education have the tendency of integration and of competition that affects DSHE directly. The factors influencing DSHE include politics, economy, science and technology, population, geographical features of a country and the logics of higher education. There are two kinds of the adjustment of DSHE: the strategic one and the adaptive one. Different counties will employ different kinds of adjustment in different period.From Westernization Colleges in the late Qing Dynasty to the early 21st century, our higher education had gone through over a hundred of years of elite higher education. Westernization Colleges embarked from the coast in the late Qing Dynasty, creating a new situation for modern higher education. The conception about establishing colleges and universities zonally in Republic of China had initiated a basic pattern for higher education. During the Anti-Japanese war, the reconstruction and rehabilitation of colleges and universities made the backward state of higher education in a vastly different situation in northwest and southwest districts. The Colleges-Departments Adjustment during 1950’s was the most extensive and far-reaching events in the early days of P.R.C., and DSHE formed in that time is still playing an important role nowadays. After the "Great Leap Forward", China readjusted higher education, and the chaos of the expansion of higher education ended. Then, "Three-Fronts Construction" strengthened the establishment of colleges and universities in the hinterland, small and medium-sized cities, and improved DSHE. During the Cultural Revolution, the tenet of "to remove means revolution, to scatter is a route" was advocated, colleges and universities were relocated to the rural areas and a series of movement made DSHE fall into the most chaotic and absurd state in the history. Higher education entered a new period after Cultural Revolution, with the deepening of market-oriented economic reforms, affected by non-balanced strategy of regional economic development, the higher education had formed a non-equilibrium situation of strength in the east and weakness in the west. In the phase of elite higher education, the adjustment of DSHE was strategic in the period of significant transition in society, and its focus was to replace the old distribution structure, which no longer met the needs of social development, with a new one. In short, it was a typically national mode, and the result of national will and governmental actions, and characteristic of nationalism and utilitarianism. Before the reform and opening up, higher education was a tool to achieve the national goals directly, and its distribution structure didn’t take the level and needs of regional economic development into consideration. After the reform and opening up, with economic system transformed from planned economy to market economy and from the economy of industry sector to regional economy as well as the system of higher education reformed in depth, the impact of regional economic development on the development of higher education strengthened gradually.At the turn of the century, great changes have happened in higher education, which highlight the rapid expansion of its scale and its massification. Based on the amount of universities and colleges and on the enrolled students of every ten thousand population, in the perspective of absolute and relative difference and the aspect of scale, level and new forms of higher education, we analyzed the changes and characteristics of DSHE in the early period of higher education massification. Empirical research shows that, from the horizontal point of view, DSHE has been improved, but the urgency of strengthening higher education in the central and western regions and undeveloped areas is becoming increasingly prominent; that the developmental level of higher education in some provincial areas fails to adapt and satisfy the needs of the rapid development of its economy, and the structure of universities and colleges in different regions becomes more similar, which shows that the development of higher education is not coordinated with regional economic development. Empirical research also shows that, from the vertical point of view, with the rapid development of higher education massification, the localization of higher education has achieved a breakthrough. Higher education in the non-provincial capital cities has become the vital part of higher education, which has increasing quantity and progressively upgraded level. A new group of sub-centers of local higher education has grown up, and the rapid development of higher education in the non-provincial capital cities has changed the situation that colleges and universities are densely set up in the capital cities and municipalities. The rapid development of higher education in the non-provincial cities not only means the adjustment of DSHE but also the down-shift and creation of the functions of higher education. In the early period of higher education massification, the adjustment of DSHE is adaptive one, whose focus is to adapt to the continuous growth of higher education’s scale by self-adjustment. Compared with the phase of elite higher education, the changes and characteristics of DSHE in this period are greatly affected by the level of regional economic development. However, the level of regional economic development is not the only factor that affects the development of higher education in this period. The original features of DSHE, the policies of central government, the system innovation of local governments and the laggard reforms in the management system of higher education also have an effect on it.In the future 20 years, our country’s development of higher education is faced with such environment and tasks which include rapid advance of knowledge-based economy and economic globalization, building a well-off and harmonious society in an all-round way, propelling the higher education massification and so on. This not only brings about requirements but also opportunities for the adjustment of DSHE. In the late period of higher education massification, the adjustment of DSHE should be based on the pursuit of balanced development and regional coordination with economic and social development. Besides, it must cope with four kinds of relationship: the means of non-balanced development and the aim of the balanced development, overall optimization and self-systematism, adjusting DSHE by establishing new colleges and universities and by restructuring present colleges and universities, centralized distribution structure and scattered one. Therefore, we must reshape the relationship between market mechanism and the regulation by government, and optimize the model of higher education massification; reconstruct the system of powers in public education, and distinguish scientifically between responsibility and authority of governments at all levels; strengthen system construction, and consolidate the benefits of adjustment of DSHE; implement the positive discrimination policy, and strengthen the supporting level for the undeveloped regions; continue to promote the localization of higher education, and vigorously develop higher education in the non-provincial capital cities.


