

A Rearch on College Entrance Examination System Based on Nationalism

【作者】 宋洁绚

【导师】 别敦荣; 贾永堂;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 高等学校招生考试制度既属于教育制度范畴,也属于政治制度范畴。作为一种教育制度,高等学校招生考试制度的目的是为高等学校选拔合格新生确定标准和程序;作为一种政治制度,它体现着国家意志,促使民众与国家在意志上趋同,以强化国家凝聚力,维护政局稳定。自1977年恢复高等学校招生考试制度以来,它已经走过了30年的历程。30年来,国家通过对考试方式、命题方式、考试科目、内容、频次、招生方式、招生计划、录取体制以及相关技术环节不断改革探索,建立了一套以统一考试、统一招生为主、单独考试与少量学生免试保送以及高等学校自主招生为辅的具有中国特色的高等学校招生考试制度。然而,教育界乃至整个社会对于高等学校招生考试制度的争议与质疑并没有因为这一系列的调整与改革而稍有缓和。近年来,公众对“国家完全控制高等学校招生考试制度”的批评越来越尖锐。但客观而言,已有的针对高等学校招生考试制度的讨论与评议大多遵循的是“批判—建构”模式,忽略了对制度生成与变迁特点的考察,而按常理,解释制度的生成与分析制度的变迁是评价与建构一项制度的基础。众所周知,我国是一个有着高度集权传统的国家,国家主义作为建立和巩固政权的价值基础贯穿于整个国家的发展历程。国家主义是一种研究治国之道和治国之术的学说。它以国家为价值本位,追求国家利益至上,通过国家权力的运作贯彻国家意志,最终达到国家层面上的统一、稳定与和谐的目标。在教育领域,国家主义尤为强调教育服务国家需要,体现国家意志,具体表现为教育目的一般由国家最高权力部门制定,强调国家本身就是目的,高过个人目的,视国家为个体的最终目标,个人乃至社会是为国家而存在的。基于这一基本判断,本论文将高等学校招生考试制度的研究置于国家主义的框架之中,以“国家利益-国家权力-国家意志”为基本线索,从高等学校招生考试制度的价值取向、运行模式以及变革与监控等三个方面,结合百年历史与现实,围绕“考试——招生”这一基本程序,从考试方式、报考资格、考试科目与内容、招生方式、招生机构等五个方面对高等学校招生考试制度的生成与变革进行分析,揭示高等学校招生考试制度及其运行的内在逻辑,透视国家主义对我国高等学校招生考试制度形成及其社会功能的影响,解读高等学校招生考试制度的本质特征。论文最后在分析现行高等学校招生考试制度困境的基础上,勾勒了该制度改革的未来走向。作为独立实体的国家、地方、高等学校和考生及其家长在高等学校招生考试制度中进行着各自的利益选择与利益追求。从整体上看,在学用结合、培养目标上,国家与地方、高等学校及个人之间在根本利益是一致的,而不是对立的。百年来,高等学校招生考试制度经历了摸索、初创、遭受劫难、重建与改革等四个时期,其价值取向保持着内在一致性,即以追求国家利益为最高目标。国家深刻并且全面地影响着高等学校招生考试制度的建构。从国家完全垄断着所有高等学校招生考试中的权力,到经过这些年的改革与调整,国家、地方、高等学校等权力主体之间的权力格局有了一定的调整,地方获得了一定的考试命题权,高等学校获得了一定的自主招生权。但从根本上说,在高等学校招生考试制度的运行中,国家权力主导并强制推动其实施的性质仍没有发生改变。国家的发展在很大程度上依赖于教育的发展。人才培养是高等教育的核心,作为高等教育人才培养系统工程的入口,高等学校招生考试制度直接关系到整个国家的利益和安危,并在一定程度上引导着一个国家教育的发展方向。从“教育救国”、“教育立国”、“教育兴国”再到“教育强国”战略,国家意志在高等学校招生考试制度的改革运行中起着相当重要的作用,它是决定改革运行方式、方向的根本性因素。借助国家主义的学理资源研究高等学校招生考试制度,我们会发现,高等学校招生考试制度呈现出的明显特征是国家全面主导:国家利益是制度设计与建构的出发点,国家权力是推动制度运行的基本力量,国家意志是决定制度运行方式、方向的根本因素。可以说,国家与高等学校招生考试制度息息相关,主导和推动着高等学校招生考试制度的生成与改革。客观事实表明,国家主义全面影响下的高等学校招生考试制度对国家的繁荣与稳定起着关键的作用,尤其是在当下民众高度重视社会公平公正的氛围里,还很难找到一种更合适更能让人信任的制度来替代它。不过,现行的高等学校招生考试制度存在的问题也是显而易见的,如国家利益统领,地方、高等学校与个人利益被遮蔽;国家通过强制性行政手段施加影响力,导致地方、高等学校和考生个人力量处于被压制状态;国家意志强势主导着制度改革的方向,地方、高等学校与个人意志被忽略。具体表现在:有失公允的“升学机会面前人人平等”,“国家标准”替代“高等学校标准”,倾斜的招生与录取,刚性的甄选标准,高度集中的招生录取权等。随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和国家各项事业的快速发展,我国高等教育已经跨入大众化的新阶段。以多样化为主要特征的大众高等教育,要求有相应的教育观念和教育体制与之相适应,高等学校招生考试制度改革也应随之作出积极的回应。如确立多元和谐统一理念,建立适合我国国情的国家柔性干预方式,进一步扩大和落实高等学校招生自主权以及考生的受教育权,以及积极培育市场力量等。

【Abstract】 College Entrance Examination System belongs to the category of political system aswell as of educational system. As the educational system, the goal of College EntranceExamination System is to set standards and procedures for universities to select qualifiedfreshmen; as the political system, it reflects the will of the nation and promotes the publicand the state to reach the agreement so that the cohesion of the state is strengthened andthe stability of political situation is maintained. Ever since College Entrance ExaminationSystem was resumed in 1977, it has gone through the course of over thirty years. In theseyears, China has consistently conducted the exploration of the system, including the modeof exam and subject assigning, the subjects, content and rate of exam, the mode and planof enrolment, the admission system and relative technical links.Consequently CollegeEntrance Examination System with Chinese characteristic has been established, whichfocuses mainly on unified exam and enrolment and allows for the separate exams, themode of recommending a few students for admission to school, and independent decisionright for enrolment. However, despite the series of adjustment and reform, there has beenstill much dispute over College Entrance Examination System in the education circle andeven the whole society. In recent years, the public has harsher and harsher criticism of it.In an objective way, most of the discussion and evaluation on College EntranceExamination System follow the pattern of criticism-construction and overlook the surveyof the features of system production and changes, whereas normally the explanation ofhow the system produced and the analysis of how the system changed are the basis ofevaluating and constructing a system.As is well-known, China is a country with the tradition of high centralization. As thevalue basis of establishing and strengthening regime, nationalism, a doctrine on the wayand art of administering the state, ran through the whole development process of the state.Basing the state as the value standard, the interests of the state is held by-nationalism areabove everything else and carries out the will of the nation through the operation of powerin order to reach the goal of unity, stability and harmony of state. In the field of education,nationalism underlines education serves the state and embodies the will of the nation.More exactly, educational objective is generally set by the sovereign power department.The objective of the state is itself and above that of the individual. Meanwhile the state isconsidered as the final goal for the individual and the individual and even the society existfor the state. In the educational management system, nationalism attaches greatimportance to centralization so that the state has the most powerful and efficient functionand power. Starting from this point this dissertation conducts the research of CollegeEntrance Examination System in the frame of nationalism. At the angle of the interests ofthe state-the power of the state-the will of the nation and from the three factors of value trends, power and operation mode, combining the history of one hundred years and thereality and centering around the basic procedure of examination-enrolment, thisdissertation analyses the production and changes of College Entrance Examination Systemfrom five aspects of mode of exam, application qualification, the subjects and content ofexam, mode of enrolment and enrolment organization, reveals the inner logic of theoperation of College Entrance Examination System, discusses the influence of nationalismon the form and the social function of College Entrance Examination System andinterprets the essential features of College Entrance Examination System. Finally, it givesa brief account of the future trend about the reform of the system, based on the analyses ofthe dilemma now College Entrance Examination System faces.As the independent entity, the state, local government, universities, examinees andtheir parents are in pursuit of their respective interests. On the whole, in the combinationof learning and application and the goal of training the fundamental interests of the state,local government, universities and the individual are coherent instead of opposite. In thepast one hundred years, College Entrance Examination System has experienced fourstages: exploration, initial stage, suffered disaster, reconstruction and deepening of reform,with the value trend keeping the inner consistence which is the pursuit of interests of thestate as the highest goal. The state influences the construction of College EntranceExamination System in a profound and comprehensive way.At the very beginning stage, the state was in total control of College EntranceExamination System. After these years of reform and adjustment, the game playing patternbetween the power subjects such as the state, local government and universities,has turnedout some changes. The local government has obtained certain power to assign examsubjects and universities certain power of independent enrolment. But essentially thepower of the state dominates and forces forward in the operation of College EntranceExamination System.To a large extent the development of the state relies on that of education. Talents’training is the core of higher education. As the entrance of systematic project of highereducation talents training, College Entrance Examination System matters the interests andsecurity of the whole state and leads the development direction of education. The strategyhas changed from education as the foundation to build up the state, education as thefoundation of the prosperous country to education as the foundation to strengthen the state,while the will of the nation, a critical factor in deciding the direction of reform, has alwaysplayed an important role in the reform of system.After College Entrance Examination System has been studied in the frame ofnationalism, we find that the most distinct feature of College Entrance ExaminationSystem is the strong dominance of the state: the interests of the state is the starting point ofsystem design and construction, the power of the state is the basic power in promoting theoperation of system, the will of the nation is the critical factor in deciding the direction ofsystem operation. It can be said that the state is closely related to College Entrance Examination System, causing and promoting the prodution and reform of CollegeEntrance Examination System.Objective facts show that under the comprehensive influences of nationalism, CollegeEntrance Examination System plays a key role in promoting the prosperity and stability ofthe state, especially nowadays the public attaches great importance to social fairness andjustice. It is actually hard to find a more appropriate and more trusting system to replacethe present College Entrance Examination System. But there are some obvious problemsin this system, for example, the dominance of the interests of the state and the obscurity ofthe interests of local government, universities and the individual, the obligatoryadministrative influence of the state upon the operation of system and the suppression ofthe state and the obscurity of the interests of local government, universities and theindividual, the leading function of the will of the nation in deciding the direction of systemreform and the neglect of the will of local government, universities and the individual.Specifically the injustice of the equality before the opportunity of entering a higher school,the national standards’ replacement of the standards of universities, the control of the stateon the enrolment plan, rigid selection standards and highly centralized admission rights.With the establishment of socialist market economic system and the rapiddevelopment of social economy, Chinese higher education has developed into the newstage of mass education with the characteristic of diversification, which demandscorresponding education ideas and education system. At the same time College EntranceExamination System is reformed in a very active way, such as the formation of the idea ofdiversified and harmonious unity, the establishment of flexible intervention pattern of thecountry suiting Chinese actual situation, further enlarging and implementing theindependent enrolment fight of universities and examinees’ right to education and theactive cultivation of market force.


