

MarX’s View of Nature and Its Contemporary Value

【作者】 杨卫军

【导师】 张廷国;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 人与自然的关系是人类的永恒主题。近年来,生态环境问题已经威胁到人类的生存,成为全球的焦点。严峻的生态环境要求人们重新审视人与自然的关系,反思人类的生存方式。马克思的自然观逐渐受到人们的关注,因此,“重读马克思”显得十分必要。坚持和发展马克思哲学的一个重要的方面,就是要用马克思的基本观点、方法、思维方式去审视实践中的新情况、解决新问题。这既是马克思哲学理论本身的要求,也是马克思哲学为何保持旺盛的生命力的原因所在。用马克思的自然观为解决全球生态问题提供智慧,为构建社会主义和谐社会提供可资借鉴的理论基础,是本文的主题。本文从“自然”概念入手,采取了从历史研究到现实研究的研究方式,系统地考察了马克思之前西方自然观的历史流变、马克思自然观实现的哲学范式的变革,马克思的自然观的思想进路,马克思的自然观在西方的影响以及马克思自然观对解决生态问题的多方面意义和启示。马克思之前西方自然观经历了古希腊有机自然观、中世纪神学自然观、近代的机械自然观。而马克思的自然观实现了哲学范式的革命。马克思的自然观的核心是人与自然的关系。马克思一贯主张,哲学所关注的应该是现实的自然,而不是抽象的自然。马克思的自然概念既指“感性的自然”、“人化的自然”、“历史的自然”、“人类学的自然”、“价值的自然”,又指“人周围的自然”和“人自身的自然”,一句话,马克思视域中的自然界是在人类社会实践中生成的自然界,是“属人的自然”,是人的现实的自然界;人与自然的关系不是抽象的人与抽象的自然界的关系,而是现实的人与现实的自然界的关系;人与自然关系的真正解决要以人与人关系的解决为前提;只有在未来的共产主义社会,才能消除人与自然的异化、实现人与人、人与自然的和解。西方马克思主义者认为,马克思的自然概念具有社会.历史的性质,基本上把握了马克思自然观的本意。但又错误地宣称马克思自然概念所谓的“非本体论”特征;把马克思的哲学仅仅理解为方法论,否定了世界观性质;否定了自然辩证法;没有看到马克思自然观与他的共产主义学说的关系,而是将其错误地污蔑为乌托邦。“生态学马克思主义”认为,生态社会主义是社会主义发展的方向。这对于我们树立和落实科学发展观,加强社会主义经济、政治、文化和生态建设,构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要的启示作用。人与自然的关系反映着人类文明进步的程度。目前人类文明正处于从工业文明向生态文明过渡的阶段。生态文明是人类文明发展史上一种崭新的现代文明形态。反思人类发展史,虽然社会的文明程度越来越高,但是文明的脚步却是以自然为人类工具进而牺牲自然环境为代价的。自然是人类之本、人类之根,无论是过去、现在和将来,它是人类的希望所在。因此,生态文明要求人类重新认识自身与自然的关系。人与自然的关系从古代到现代经历了从原始的统一到近代的对立再走向对立统一的过程,这是一个否定之否定的过程。生态文明是重建人与自然关系的必然选择。生态文明建设是马克思主义中国化的当代科学实践,它不仅是中国特色社会主义发展的方向,也是未来人类发展的方向。生态文明理论是对马克思自然观和文明理论的新发展。马克思自然观的当代价值在于,它为构建科学的环境伦理学提供合法性和合理性证明;为解决全球性生态危机提供生态智慧;为贯彻落实科学发展观,建设生态文明,构建社会主义和谐社会提供理论指导。只要用马克思自然观来指导生态文明建设,共同呵护人类生存的地球家园,我们就一定能够“诗意地栖居”于大地上。全文共分为六章:第一章概述研究的问题、方法与意义;第二章概述西方自然观的历史流变;第三章:马克思自然观实现的哲学范式的变革;第四章:马克思自然观的基本内容;第五章:从马克思的自然观到西方马克思主义自然观;第六章:马克思自然观的当代价值

【Abstract】 The relationship between human and nature is mankind’s eternal subject. With the recent quick deterioration of Earth’s environment, which has threatened the very existence of human race, there now is an urgent need to review the traditional view of nature and reconsider the relation between nature and human. With his unique point of view, MarX’s natural view has attracted more and more attentions.This article is an attempt to reread the Marx’s view of nature in current environmental crisis. The very reason for Marx philosophy to maintain the exuberant vitality is the philosophy base, method and thinking mode provided by Marx philosophy. By using these tools Marx philosophy can be used to understand and solve contemporary practical problems. This paper uses Marx’s natural view to provide solutions to the current ecological crisis and basis to build socialism harmonious society.This article begins with a systematical analysis of historical evolution of human’s view of nature. It then looks into the Marx’s view of nature, such as its historical evolution, its Copernicus revolution, its influence on current western society.The western natural view had been experienced from ancient Greek to mediaeval Christianity’s theology to modern machinery natural view. Marx transformed the paradigm of natural view. The core concept of Marx’s natural view is the interaction between human and nature. Marx considers the nature as a practical entity instead of an abstract entity. He emphasizes not only the nature itself but also the human practice on nature. Without human interaction it’s meaningless to talk about nature. Derived from this core concept Marx think that the concept of nature can be labeled as "perceptional nature"、" humanized nature"、" historic nature"、" anthropology nature"、"valuable nature"and "external nature"、"internal nature". In one word, there is no such thing as pure nature. There is only nature created by human being. The contemporary western Marxism researchers point out that Marx’s concept of nature is both social and historical. This is the essence of Marx’s view of nature. According to Marx, the relationship between human and nature is not abstract but actual, The solution of the relationship between human and nature is at premise of solution among human beings.western Marxism researchers point out that the meaning of natural of Marxism philosophy is anti-ontological nature; They regard Marxism philosophy as methodology not view of world; They deny the existence of natural dialectcs; they did not recognize the relations between Marx’s natural view and communism and thinks that it is utopia.Eco- Marxism maintains that Eco-socialism is the direction of socialism. It provides instruction to utilize scientific development and construct harmonious society.The interaction between human and nature also reflects the level of civilization. In the beginning man rely on nature and are afraid of nature. As civilization grows forward man start to conquer and utilize nature. Correspondingly, the civilization advanced from primitive to agriculture and from agriculture to industrialization. Every advance in human civilization is accompanied with sacrifices on natural. However nature is the root of mankind. The sacrifice of nature eventually means the harm on human being. Now the civilization is at the point of transforming from industrial civilization to ecological civilization. In the phase of ecological civilization a new view of nature has to be reconstructed to reverse the previous damage on nature. The relationship between human and nature has gone from primitive unity to modern opposition and from modern opposition to opposite unity. This is a case of dialectical negation. Constructing ecological civilization is contemporary scientific subject of Marxism. The creation of new view of nature not only benefits the creation of socialism harmonious society but also helps future mankind. Ecological civilization is a new stage for Marx’s view of nature and civilization theory.This article claims that Marx’s view of nature not only provides scientific and rational basis for environmental ethics but also provides ecological guidance to solve the current environmental crisis. In addition, it provides instruction to utilize scientific development. With these guidance and human practices mankind can live cheerfully on the earth.This article consists of six chapters: chapter one gives a general survey of the issues, scopes, significance and methodology of the research. Chapter two provides a systematical analysis of historical evolution of human’s view of nature. Chapter three illustrates the Copernicus revolution of Marx’s view of nature. Chapter four presents the main contents of Marx’s view of nature. Chapter five analyzes its influence on current western view of nature; Chapter six explores the contemporary value of Marx’s view of nature.

  • 【分类号】A811.6;X2
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】4373
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