

The Research on Urban Space from the Perspective of Everyday Life

【作者】 马振华

【导师】 龙元; 汪原;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 现代科学的发展将一元论价值观导向排除主体介入并强调完全客观的理性主义,科学思想逐渐成为唯一合法的对现实的解释。19世纪的都市化过程,城市建筑变成标准化的商品,并呈精确的几何图式被大量复制。这种秩序和功能至上的思想,强调了高效率的生产,忽视了人的体验,否定了日常生活的多样性和不可预见性,背离了设计的本源,其结果往往导致城市历史断裂、社区毁坏、城市活力丧失的所谓“抽象空间”的产生,巴西利亚的规划建设就是典型的明证。然而时至今日,这种脱离生活的城市实践仍在大行其道。在很大程度上,生活世界的神秘力量消失了,人类的终极意义和价值彻底地沉沦了。传统的城市研究的方法,即以时间序列和社会结构展开研究和描述,是难以真正把握空间本质的,这就很难为规划设计提供有力而全面的理论支持和方法指导。只有“回归生活世界”,才能从根本上解决上述问题,因为日常生活就是人类的终极意义和价值所在。有鉴于此,论文通过厘清“日常生活”的理论脉络,提出了“日常生活视野”,尝试建构一种从日常生活出发的研究视角:强调突破传统的“就空间论空间”的桎梏,跳出主体讨论客体的俗套,不再是主观的鸟瞰而是深入日常生活,一改以往“宏大叙事”的着眼点和旁观者的精英角色,使自己变成客体的一部分,关注居民的行为以及空间使用的意义,更加关注日常生活轨迹和社会逻辑。在此基础上,论文把汉正街纳入日常生活的视野之内,选择了七个案例作为研究对象,借用“过程/事件”分析的手段,了解每一个空间案例背后的故事。在此意义上,这些案例同本雅明的那些断裂的句子和文法一样,拼贴成瓦砾般的汉正街碎片。这些碎片是单子式的,但却是“总体事件的结晶”,每一个碎片都藏着整个世界的秘密,它们呈现能力十分强大,“宛如一片叶子展开所有植物的丰富经验世界一样”。通过局部了解整体,通过细节体察全局,这是微观都市论者的方法,也是论文的技巧所在。通过这种视角的研究,我们发现,尽管汉正街仍然存在着现代性规训下的规划和建设,但居民却生活的悠然自得,居民的日常生活形成着一种反力,抵抗着并逐渐消解了汉正街中所谓的理性建造。所以,汉正街是一个日常生活的世界,是日常生活是空间实践的动力源,日常生活与空间的互动促发了空间的多样性,看似混乱的空间背后潜藏着一种人类生活的秩序,使得场所精神在此重申。然后,文章强调了日常生活视角的重要性,为我们真实地把握和理解城市空间提供了新的视点和可能性。最后文章就“汉正街改造到中国式造城”进行了的阐述,并对汉正街旧城更新提出一些建议。

【Abstract】 With the development of Modern science, the values-orient of Monism is emphasizedexcessively and the rationalism is stressed totally. And the scientific thought graduallybecomes the only legitimate interpretation of reality. Furthermore, in the process ofurbanization in 19th century, the city and architecture were regarded as standardizedgoods with precise geometric pattern, which had been constructed in a large number byreplication. This is a kind of ideology that not only stresses the importance of rationalorder and function, but also takes the efficient production as granted. At the matter of fact,this ideology is completely wrong beacuse it has neglected the essential experience ofhuman beings and denied the the diversity and unpredictability of everyday life. As aresult, this ideology has caused a lot of probloms such as the fracture of urban history, thedamage of community, the loss of urban vitality and so on. In a word, this ideology musthave some relationshiop with so-called "abstract space". To tell the truth, the abstrct spaceis boring which means a departure from the real origin of the design and construction. Theplanning and construction of Brasilia are the typical case of failure.However, the construction from rationlism is still popular nowadays. At a large extent,the mysterious force of the life world has disappeared, and as the same time the ultimatemeaning and value of human beings have been destroied thoroughly. Obviously, thetraditional methods of urban research excessively stress the time and the social structure toopen up the study and description, which have been proved impossible to truly grasp thenature of space. Thus traditional methods could not provide strong theoretical support andcomprehensive guidance for the planning and design. Only by the way of "Return back tothe living world", we could fundamentally solve the above problem, because everyday lifeis the ultimate meaning and human value.In view of this, the paper clarifies the theoretical context of "everyday life", and puts forward a research vision of "everyday life". Then the paper tries to construct a new studymethod starting from the perspective of "everyday life". The important thing is that, thenew method emphasises to break through the shackles of the traditional research waywhich is so called "from the space to the space". And the research is no longer a bird’s-eyeview of the subjective but a review from everyday life, which has changed the backwardfocus of "grand narrative" and denied the role of spectator of the elite. On the contrary, thenew method argues the importance to go deep into the "everyday life", to concern thesignificance of residential behaviors as well as the use of space, and to pay more attentionto the logic of everyday life and the social trajectory.On this basis, the paper takes Hanzhengjie as the research object from the vision ofeveryday life, and selects seven typical cases to analyze by means of "process- incident".And only in this way, the paper could understand the story behind each spatial case. In thissense, these cases would have meaning and importance same with those fragmentingsentences and grammar from Benjamin. Each of these fragments looks like single list-style,but it is the crystallization of the complete incident as a whole. Because each of debrisinvloves the secrets of the world, and they would show the powerful capacity of "from aleaf to grasp all the experience of the plant world." Through the partial to understand thewhole, or through the details to understand the overall situation, is the method ofmicro-city research. And it is the basic skill of the paper.From the study above, the paper finds that Hanzhengjie attracts a wide range ofmarginalized groups to concentrating here. All the people here could flee away from thefalse demand creating by advertisements, and directly focus on Hanzheng Jie itself. As aresult, their own consumer, which be defined by their demand of everyday life, would bethe best way to clear up the zero space of contemporary cities. In addition, despite therestill exists the planning and construction under the modern discipline in Hanzhengjie, theresidents live laid-back. Everyday life of the residents here has formed a reacting force,including kinds of activities of anonymous creations and marginalized practices, which resists and dispells the rational construction of Hanzhengjie powerfully. Therefore,Hanzhengjie is a world of everyday life, and everyday life is the power of spatial practicewhich priming the diversity of space. And the space seems chaotic while it is a order ofhuman life.Then, the paper stresses the importance of the research perspective from everyday liferepeatedly, which provides us a new perspective to grasp and understand the innatecharacter of urban space. Finally, the paper discusses the problem on "Hanzhengjietransformation", and makes some suggestions on the urban renewal here.

  • 【分类号】TU984.113
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1380
  • 攻读期成果

