

Research on Enterprise Integration Technology in Manufacturing Grid

【作者】 程念胜

【导师】 张宜生;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 材料加工工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在企业信息化发展的过程中,采用不同的技术路线先后建立起相对独立的管理流程和应用系统,但是这些系统业务流程不统一、制造信息不一致、业务界面不统一,不可避免地造成系统间“信息孤岛”的问题。精益制造与准时化生产模式,要求基于标准的公共平台建立车间内智能物流管理,优化作业调度,完成企业过程、信息及应用的全面集成,达到降低制造成本、提高资源利用率、加快产品面市的目的。通过深入调查某汽车配套落料加工企业生产经营模式,结合国际合作项目,建立了支撑准时生产模式的制造网格体系结构,规划了面向服务的制造网格应用层(应用层)、应用中间件层、网格中间件层、制造网格资源层(资源层)的功能,提出基于流程管理技术的过程集成、基于本体论的信息制造集成及基于门户技术的应用集成的理论与方法。针对生产管理需要工作流模型简单、严谨、实用的要求,借鉴WfMC工作流参考模型和常用工作流建模语言,提出了基于扩充Petri网的多维制造网格工作流元模型,包括过程模型、组织模型和资源模型。设计了基于XML DTD描述该模型,分析了该模型支持的工作流模式和过程逻辑,采用数学的方式验证了该模型的正确性,从而获得了描述企业过程集成的严格定义、规范描述的业务流程模型。根据活动的时间特性,定义了特急活动、紧急活动、中等紧急活动和正常活动,建立了面向任务调度的关键任务优先规则、先到先服务规则、最大任务优先规则、紧急任务优先规则,设计了遵循上述规则的启发式任务调度优化算法,分别基于J2EE和Visual C++平台开发了工作流引擎和工作流模型定义工具,获得了制造网格环境下工作流管理服务能力。提出了基于虚拟数据库的信息联合模式和基于数据仓库的信息整合模式,给出了计算制造领域本体概念名称、概念属性和概念层次,综合计算概念语义相似度的算法。结合信息集成模式,设计了基于语义的制造信息集成框架,解决了数据集成中语义二义性的问题。设计并实现了统一认证服务实现框架,以安全域活动目录作为认证权威,采用Kerberos和SPNEGO实现了统一认证单点登录认证服务。并给出了采用Portlet封装和整合各系统应用界面,实现基于门户的制造资源统一访问入口技术方案,解决了应用集成中界面集成和安全认证统一的关键需求。综合运用本文的研究成果,基于J2EE技术,遵循面向服务的制造网格体系结构,建设和实现了落料加工出库管理系统,解决了库区存储及叉车作业调度的难题,同时实现了与母材管理系统、生产执行系统制造信息的互访互通及统一安全认证,验证了本文提出的过程集成、信息集成和应用集成的可行性。综上所述,本文提出的面向服务的制造网格企业集成的三种方法和技术,有助于解决制造网格环境资源管理的分散性、动态性、异构性等问题,为实现产品设计制造和企业管理的信息化、生产过程控制的智能化、制造装备的数控化以及咨询服务的网络化、全球化深入的研究奠定了一定的基础,是数字化全球制造计划、企业联盟制造、柔性制造、敏捷制造、企业集成等先进制造思想、方法在中国有益的实践!

【Abstract】 With the development of enterprise informatization, relatively independent applications have been established using different technologies. But among the systems, business processes are not integrated, manufacturing information is inconsistent and user interfaces are not uniform. Lean manufacturing and Just In Time(JIT) production mode require to build intelligent logistics management system based on the common platform, to optimize workshop scheduling, to achieve the complete integration of business processes, information and applications and to meet the purpose of lower the manufacturing costs, increase the utilization rate of the resource and accelerate time to the market.By investigating in-depth to the production and operation mode of a car supporting blanking enterprise, manufacturing grid architecture which is fit with the JIT mode has been established combined with the international cooperation project. The thesis plans the main functions of SOA based manufacturing grid and proposes the theories and methods of enterprise integration which includes process management based process integration, ontology based information integration and portal bases application integration.To meet the requirement of production management, the Petri-net based multi-dimensional Manufacturing Grid Workflow Meta-model is put forward which includes process model, organization model and resource model. The meta-model is described with XML DTD and the soundness id verified by mathematical way to obtain a business process model with strict definition and normal description for process integration.The core structure of task scheduling for the workflow is designed. The task scheduling rules such as mission-critical priority rule, first come first serve rule, the biggest task priority rule and the urgent tasks priority rule are built with the definitions of Express activities, emergency activities, middle-emergency activities and normal activities according to the time features of tasks. The Heuristic Optimization Algorithm is designed to follow the above rules. The workflow engine and model definition tool are developed with J2EE and Visual C++ separately. Thus, the ability of process management is gained.The information integration models of virtual database based joint model and data warehouse based integration model are proposed. The algorithm for computing the concept semantic similarity is realized by the names, attributes and levels of concept of the manufacturing area. The problem of the semantic ambiguity for data integration is resolved by semantic based manufacturing integration framework with information integration models.A unified authentication service framework is designed and built by taking Active Directory of the domain as authentication authority and the SSO authentication service is implemented with Kerberos and SPNEGO. The technical solution which meet the key requirement of user interface(UI) integration and user authentication integration is given by integrating the various UIs with Portlet.The products management system is implemented with the solution of the present research to overcome the previous problems. At the same time, the information sharing and unified authentication are taken into reality between the three systems of the cooperative enterprise to verity the possibility of the theories and methods of process integration, information integration and application integration.To sum up, the theories and methods for the enterprise integration proposed in the thesis help to resolve the decentrality, dynamic and heterogeneity problems in the manufacturing resources management and to achieve the informatization of product design and enterprise management, intelligent control of the production process as well as networking and globalization of advisory services. It is also the valuable practice for the thinking of advanced manufacturing such as digital and global manufacturing plan, enterprise alliance manufacturing, flexible manufacturing, agile manufacturing and enterprise integration in China.


