

Study on Resource Allocation of Multi-project Management in the Construction Enterprise Groups

【作者】 祁神军

【导师】 丁烈云;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工程管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 建设企业集团所承建的工程项目逐步向大型化、复杂化、跨地域化方向发展,且风险大、工期长、涉及专业面广、参建单位多,数量多、并行施工、资源消耗大,项目之间不仅存在人力、资金、设备、物资等资源的共享和冲突,且协调难度大。在资源有限的情况下,工程项目常常无法按时完工,造成了巨大的损失。本文在分析建设企业集团多项目计划失控原因的基础上,结合多项目管理理论,根据建设企业集团现阶段对多项目进度控制和资源优化调配的客观需求,提出了“建设企业集团多项目资源优化配置研究”这一课题。在深入地分析多项目管理理论和国内外典型建设企业集团多项目管理机制的基础上,构建了建设企业集团多项目“二二一”管控模式,提出在集团母公司设立“战略决策中心”和“资源整合调配中心”,对项目和资源进行统一调度,在分子公司设置“项目运作中心”和“利润考核中心”,对项目进行统一的策划、组织、管理,在项目部设置“成本控制中心”,负责项目过程控制的创新机制。并从资金全面预算与集中调配、设备物资集中采购交易、项目管理办公室、分布式协同管控平台四方面深入地分析和研究了实施“二二一”管控模式的关键要素。结合“二二一”管控模式,提出了建设企业集团多项目协同进度计划体系和机制,即将多项目进度计划分解为总进度计划纲要、总体进度计划、专业施工进度计划、阶段性计划和周计划的进度计划体系;建立了多项目协同进度计划的编制规则、编制方法和编制流程,从而指导各层计划管理者协同编制多项目进度计划。从建设企业集团战略层面,提出了资金协同计划、设备协同计划和物资协同计划,并从计划体系、计划编制机理和编制流程三方面研究了三种协同计划的编制;构建了“基于工程量清单的进度计划与资源集成模型”,智能统计多项目劳动量、机械设备量、物资量,从而科学编制资金协同计划、设备协同计划和物资协同计划。以多项目预期收益最大和设备价值收益最大为目标,分别构建了“资金集中优化调度模型”和“设备集中优化调拨模型”,从建设企业集团战略层面优化调度资金、设备两种关键资源;以关键里程碑工作延期造成的损失最小和提前完工带来的机会收益最大为目标,构建了“多资源约束下的多项目进度计划优化调度模型”,从分子公司项目组合层面优化配置各种关键资源,优化多项目的进度计划;采用RPM分析图技术,从投入产出角度对建设企业集团多项目的资金、物资、设备等关键资源的配置进行评估,为下一阶段资源优化配置提供科学建议和措施。从计算机信息技术角度,分析和设计了建设企业集团分布式协同管控平台,从数据流、体系架构、业务流程和功能定位等方面分析和设计了关键子系统,并以中交第二航务工程局应用分布式协同管控平台为例,论证了该平台是建设企业集团多项目资源优化配置的有效技术手段之一。本文以建设企业集团多项目资源优化配置为核心,构建了建设企业集团多项目“二二一”管控模式,对多项目协同进度计划体系、关键资源协同计划以及关键资源集中优化配置进行了创新型研究,分析和设计了建设企业集团分布式协同管控平台,为关键资源优化配置提供了一种有效的技术手段。

【Abstract】 With the social economic development and infrastructure investment increasing, the construction engineering projects contracted by the Construction Enterprise Groups are large, complex, and there are many phases, hiberarchies, activities and partners in them . The activities are complicate and the processes are very difficult. They must share funds, materials, manpower, equipment and other resource with other construction engineering projects in the whole groups at the same time. As the limited resources can not be allocated effectively, the construction engineering projects are often difficult to be completed on time, which leads to enormous losses.Analyzed the reasons of losing control in the plan of multi-projects in the Construction Enterprise Groups, absorbed the main idea of Multi-Project Management, adopted the objective requirements of multi-projects schedule controlling and resources allocation among construction engineering projects in the Construction Enterprise Groups , Study on Resources Allocation of Multi-projects Management in the Construction Enterprise Groups was proposed, and it mainly consists of the following five aspects:Studied Multi-project Management, especially Project Portfolio Management, absorbed the typical multi-project management mechanism of the Construction Enterprise Groups at home and abroad, Multi-project Management Mechanism of the Construction Enterprise Groups was proposed and set up. It was analysed from two aspects: Organization Structure and Management Hiberarchy. And the key factors were pointed out from four aspects: Comprehensive Budget and Centralization Allocation of Founds , Centralization Purchase of Equipment and Staple-Special Material , Project/Program/Portfolio Management Office, Distributed-Cooperated Controlling Platform. Distributed-Cooperated System of Multi-Projects Schedule was proposed. It consisted of Master Schedule, Total Plan, Sub Plan, Phase Pan and Weekly Work. And Distributed-Cooperated Developing Mechanism of Multi-Projects Schedule was also proposed and set up, strengthening effective communication among all participators, and making developing and executing of the schedule be closely.Integration Model of Construction Engineering Quantity List and Schedule of Construction Engineering Project was set up. It defined the relationship of statistical time range and process, designed the functional relationship model of resource and process, so the phased resources requirement could be intellective counted. Distributed-Cooperated Capital Requirements Plan, Distributed-Cooperated Equipment Plan and Distributed-Cooperated Material Plan were proposed. And the three kinds of plan were analised deeply from plan system, developing mechanism and developing flow.The Centralized Allocating Capital Model and the Centralized Allocating Equipment Model were set up to allocate the founds and equipment more effectively, and service the multi-project best in the whole groups. And Schedule Optimization Model of Multi-projects in the Limit of Many Kinds of Resources was also set up to allocate the important resources only in the sub companies. Resource Portfolio Management was adopted to evaluate the allocation effect of capital, equipment and materials, and make better advice and measures for the next phase allocation of the key resource.In order to provide a technical platform for the distributed-cooperated plan and centralized allocation of the key resources, Distributed-Cooperated and Integrated Platform of Construction Enterprise Groups (DCIPCEG) was proposed and designed. And then the key subsystems, including Distributed-Cooperated Schedule System, Equipment Management System, Material Management System, and Resource Allocation Evaluation System, were designed from data flow, business operation flow, structure and function. A case was studied, which approved that DCIPCEG was an effective technical tool for distributed-cooperated resources plan and centralized allocation in the Construction Enterprises Groups.Through this study, Multi-Projects Management Mechanism of the Construction Enterprise Groups was proposed and set up. Three innovative researches, including Distributed-Cooperated Developing Mechanism, Distributed-Cooperated Plan of the Key Resources, and Centralized Allocation of the Key Resources, were studied. DCIPCEG was analysed and designed to provide an effective tool for the key resource plan and allocation of multi-projects in the Construction Enterprise Groups.

  • 【分类号】F284;F426.92;F224
  • 【被引频次】35
  • 【下载频次】2509
  • 攻读期成果

