

A Study of Non-equilibrium and Coordinated Development Based on Industrial Clusters and Regional Economy

【作者】 孙霞

【导师】 方齐云;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 西方经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文围绕产业集群与区域经济非均衡协调发展这一主题,运用发展经济学、区域经济学、产业经济学等多学科相关理论,以及大量经验数据分析和计量经济学方法,借鉴国外产业集群发展推动区域经济增长的经验,并结合我国产业集群与区域经济发展的现状,试图改变以往研究的视角,从产业集群角度出发寻找影响区域经济非均衡协调发展的因素及其作用机制,建立起一个基于产业集群基础的区域经济非均衡协调发展的分析框架,为制定基于产业集群的区域经济协调发展战略提供理论支撑。近年来,随着生产过程中分工的进一步深化,为了降低成本和增加收益,具有相同或相似特征的企业和机构通常会在市场机制的驱动下向要素资源丰富或区位优势突出的地区集中,最终形成彼此联系密切,且各具特色的产业集群。本文认为,随着经济市场化和全球化进程的不断加快,我国区域之间的竞争日益激烈并逐渐呈现出群体竞争,即产业集群式竞争的特点。经济发展过程中的非均衡发展是区域经济发展变化的一般规律,但是非均衡发展的过程必须能保持国民经济的整体繁荣,相互依存的各区域经济都能得到发展,并且各区域之间的发展差距是逐步缩小的,或者保持在合理和适度的范围内,即区域经济非均衡发展必须是协调的发展。本文的研究发现,区域经济发展如果不协调,将会给发达地区和落后地区都造成一定的利益损失,最终影响我国经济发展的整体速度和质量。通过对产业集群与区域经济发展二者之间关系的研究,本文认为产业集群与区域经济发展二者之间是相互影响,相互依赖的。地区产业集群的发展是提升区域竞争力,推动区域经济的有效组织形式。产业集群会通过影响地区经济的增长、区域内企业的创新能力、企业的生产和交易成本、区域品牌和产品品牌、城乡的协调发展以及区域的可持续性发展,从而对区域经济产生巨大的影响力。而区域经济发展的状态也会在很大程度上影响产业集群的发展。区域内自然要素的多少、制度环境的优劣、劳动力素质的高低、区域整体开放度的大小,以及基础设施是否完备等因素都会对产业集群的发展产生较大的影响。大量经验数据的分析表明了我国目前的产业集群发展情况很不协调,充分表现在地区分布总量的不协调、产业集群组织结构和主导产业产业结构的不协调。而由于产业集群与区域经济之间的密切联系,这种不协调导致了我国区域经济发展过程中出现了各种不协调的状况,表现在地区经济总量、生产要素的区际流动、地区之间创新能力、经济发展与生态环境的不协调。因此,本文认为,目前我国产业集群发展情况的不协调是造成我国区域经济发展不协调的重要原因之一。因此,要推动我国区域经济发展由不协调向协调的方向努力,应该改进区域环境中会对产业集群产生较大影响的那些因素来积极培育和发展落后地区的产业集群,调整区域内部产业集群发展不协调的方面,从而达到促进地区经济的发展,缩小地区之间的差距的目标。本文通过研究产业集群与区域经济非均衡协调发展的相互关系,提出了通过产业集群发展战略实现区域经济非均衡协调发展的路径方法。不仅符合我国当前区域经济发展的实际情况,具有较强的现实意义,而且对于从产业集群角度来理解如何推动区域经济的非均衡协调发展也有一定的理论价值。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on a topic that is a non-equilibrium and coordinated development based on industrial clusters and regional economy. Many theories such as developing economics, regional economics, industry economics, and econometric methods used to analyze empirical data are used in this paper. The experience that is how to promote regional economic growth by industrial clusters development is referenced and the present situation of industrial clusters and regional economic development in China is considered in this paper. In order to alter a traditional perspective, what influence factors affect on the non-equilibrium and coordinated development of regional economy and its mechanism are discussed from a new point of industrial clusters. A study framework which the non-equilibrium and coordinated development of regional economy is affected by industrial clusters is constructed in order to provide theoretical support for drafting a regional economic coordinated development strategy based on industrial clusters.In recent years, in order to reduce production cost and increase profit, many characteristic and linked closely industrial clusters are finally formed by the same or similar enterprises and institutions gathering into the place where resource endowment is abound or location advantage is obvious with the further deepening of the division of labor in the production process. A perspective is hold in this paper that regional competition is increased greatly with a new characteristic of industrial clusters competition owing to the accelerating process of the economic marketing and economic globalization.A non-equilibrium development in the process of economic development is a regular pattern of regional economic development. But a generally flourished nationwide economy, all interdependence regions developing and the gradually narrowed gap or the controlled gap to the reasonable and modest extent between regions should be companied with this non-equilibrium economic development. That is the non-equilibrium development of regional economy should be developed coordinately. A study reveals in this paper that the interest of developed and undeveloped regions should be affected to some extent if regional economy developed uncoordinatedly and eventually our nation economic development should be damaged in developing speed and quality.By analyzing the relationship between industrial clusters and regional economic development, there is an interaction and interdependence relationship between industrial clusters and regional economic development. The development of regional industrial clusters is an effective institution that will improve a regional competitive power. The regional economic growth, enterprise innovation capacity, production & transaction cost of enterprise, the regional brand and product brand, the coordinated development between city and countryside and the sustainable development in regions should be influenced by industrial clusters, which have a great influence on regional economy. Meanwhile, the industrial clusters development will be affected by the regional economic development. And the endowment of natural resource, the environment of institution, the quality of labor, the overall openness and the completeness of infrastructure in region and so on will do greatly influence on the development of industrial clusters.The development of industrial clusters is unbalanced greatly as a fact of the disparities of distributed quantities in different regions, the non-equilibrium institution structure of industrial clusters and leading industrial structure by analyzing mass empirical data. Because of there is a contact interaction between the industrial clusters and regional economy. So this non-equilibrium situation causes all kinds of uncoordinated situations just like total regional economic quantity, the flow of production factor between regions, innovation capacity between regions and economic development and ecological environment. So the situation that industrial clusters in our country are not equilibrium is a most important reason that causes the uncoordinated regional economic development.So in order to promote regional economic development from the uncoordinated situation to the coordinated situation, we should improve those factors which influence the industrial clusters in regional environment to foster and develop the industrial clusters in undeveloped regions. And we should adjust the uncoordinated situation of industrial clusters within regions to promote regional economic development and narrow the gap between regions.In this paper, a method that how to realize the non-equilibrium coordinated development of regional economy by industrial clusters development strategy is brought forward based on a study of the relationship between industrial cluster and the non-equilibrium coordinated development of regional economy. This is in line with current regional economic development in our nation, which has a strong practical significance. And also there is a certain theoretical value of studying the non-equilibrium coordinated development of regional economy from the industrial cluster view.

  • 【分类号】F270;F061.5;F224
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1943
  • 攻读期成果

