

Research on R&D, Innovation and China’s TFP

【作者】 杨剑波

【导师】 彭代彦;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 西方经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 理论研究和大量国际经验表明,R&D对创新以及创新对全要素生产率具有显著贡献。本文旨在研究我国R&D活动对创新产出的影响、以及创新产出对我国全要素生产率(Total Factor Productivity,以下简称TFP)的影响。第1章阐明本文的选题意义、研究内容、研究方法和组织框架,对数据来源、本文的创新之处和论文不足的地方做了说明。另外,在本章还阐述了美日等发达国家的政府和企业都非常重视R&D和创新对TFP的促进作用。鉴于我国中央政府已提出把我国建设成为创新型国家战略目标,因此本文研究这一主题就更具有理论意义和实际意义。第2章对有关R&D内生增长理论的文献进行了综述。一方面,本文发现创新是企业有意识进行R&D投资的结果,来自创新的垄断利润则为企业从事R&D活动提供了市场激励,分权经济增长率一般不等于社会最优水平,政府政策具有增长效应等等。另一方面,本文认为该理论成功地揭示了经济增长规模递增效应的原因,发现知识积累和R&D研发对经济增长的起着显著促进作用。第3章使用不同类型的时间序列数据和面板数据,研究在封闭经济条件下,我国R&D、创新和TFP关系进行实证分析,我们得出以下结论:使用全国宏观层面的时间序列数据我们发现,我国R&D资金投入和R&D人员投入直接促进了我国创新的发展,产业结构调整、创新和进出口贸易对我国的TFP均有显著积极的影响,创新对TFP的作用位居第二。但随着把我国建设创新型国家这一战略的出台,创新对我国TFP的作用必将居首位。使用我国大中型企业层面的时间序列数据我们发现,企业自身R&D活动对创新的作用最大。我国企业TFP提高的三个主要因素——企业自身的创新、政府公共R&D创新和FDI对我国大中型企业的TFP均有显著积极的影响。使用我国东中西三大区域面板数据证实,R&D活动对三大区域的创新均产生了积极显著的影响。东部的产出弹性大于中西部,而西部的产出弹性大于中部。创新对于全国和中、西部TFP的影响甚微且统计上不显著,但是对于我国东部的TFP的提高却是正向且显著的。使用行业层面的面板数据证实,R&D活动对我国高科技制造业领域中的创新产出是正向且显著的;对于一般制造业创新的影响是正向的、但统计上不显著,检验结果缺乏稳健性;对于我国整个制造业TFP的影响是正向的、但统计上不显著,检验结果缺乏稳健性。第4章,使用不同类型的时间序列数据和面板数据,研究在开放经济条件下,我国R&D、创新和TFP关系,我们有以下发现:我国进出口贸易和FDI对我国的创新均有着积极显著的影响。我国进口和外商直接投资引致的“二次创新”均对我国TFP有积极且显著的影响,但我国出口引致的“二次创新”对我国TFP的影响是负面的。另外,进出口和FDI引致的创新必须具备人力资本和R&D配套资金这两个条件。第5章,本文对中、美、日和韩等国等四国的R&活动、创新产出和TFP变化进行了比较研究后发现:从R&D活动投入的资金和R&D创新产出来看,我国已经是一个R&D投入和创新大国,2003年以来,这两项指标均排名世界前5名。但从创新的质量和影响力来看,我国但还远不是一个创新强国,我们的世界排名位居10名左右。我国TFP相比美日韩等国来说,不仅增长缓慢,而且对我国经济增长的作用非常有限。第6章是本文的结论和政策建议。本文提出应该进一步加大R&D的投入,R&D项目应该面向市场,提高创新产出成果的转换为实际生产力的比列,重视基础R&D的研究,提高我国R&D的研究质量等。

【Abstract】 The dissertation studies China R&D activity’s effect on innovation output, and innovation output’s effect on China’s total factor productivity. The reasons of selecting the topic are:Endogenous economic growth theory based-on R&D explains successfully a couple of economic phenomena and issues, and has become the major one of many economic growth theories. 2) China has set a goal to establish innovative country, so scientific development thought has become working principles of all level government. Therefore, introducing endogenous growth theory based-on R&D and applying the theory to explain our economic issues, as well as directing our economic development, is of great meaning.At the beginning of Chapter I, we articulate the thesis’s research contents, research framework, methods and the major discoveries.In Chapter II, we review history, model and major assumptions, of endogenous economic growth theory based-on R&D. We summarize the relations between R&D and innovation, innovation and total factor productivity (TFP), and most of studying documents found the two relations are positive and significant. Of course, because selecting different country, applying different research methods and different period, the result is a little different.Chapter III studies the R&D activity’s effect on innovation and innovation’s effect on TFP using time series data of the whole nation and large & medium-sized state owned enterprises, panel data of three regions-east,middle and east, and industries panel data.When we use the time series data, we find: 1) as a whole nation, R&D activity has a positive and significant influence on innovation which has a positive and significant influence on our TFP. 2) In the light of the data of large & medium-sized state owned enterprises, R&D activity of these enterprises has a positive and significant influence on innovation which results in increase to TFP of these enterprises.When we use the panel data of three regions, we find: 1) R&D activity in every region has a positive and significant influence on innovation. And the output elasticity in eastern region is higher than that of middle & western regions, and western region’s elasticity higher than middle region’s. 2) On innovation’s effect on three region’s TFP, we think the innovation in eastern region has a significant and positive on TFP, but a insignificant and positive on middle & western. When we use the panel data of industries we find: 1) R&D activity in high-tech manufacturing has a positive and significant influence on innovation, positive but insignificant effect in either general manufacturing or in whole manufacturing. 2) Innovation has positive but insignificant influence on TFP in whole manufacturing.In Chapter IV, we analysize R&D’s effect on innovation and innovation’s effect on TFP using import & export and FDI in open economic case. We find: 1) both import & export and FDI have positive and significant influence on innovation. 2) "Secondary innovation" induced by import and FDI result in an obvious increase to our TFP, but secondary innovation induced by export has no effect on our TFP.In Chapter V, we compare China’s R&D & R&D’s innovation output with that of USA’s.we find that China’s is a large but not a power innovation country. In the last Chapter, we sum up the major conclusions of the dissertation, and give some suggestions.

  • 【分类号】F224;F273.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1365
  • 攻读期成果

