

Express Way Traffic Capacity Based on ITS

【作者】 刘文刚

【导师】 王建中;

【作者基本信息】 中北大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 高速公路以其大流量、快速、安全、舒适等特点己在道路交通中扮演了重要的角色并得以迅速发展,为改善我国交通运输状况及推动国民经济的发展作出了巨大的贡献。然而,实际通行能力降低及此引起交通延误、交通安全、环境污染及能源消耗等问题严重阻碍着高速公路效益的发挥。研究和实践表明,对高速公路进行交通控制与管理,提高高速公路实际通行能力是解决上述问题的有效途径。高速公路交通控制与管理系统是一个包括人、车、路相互作用的复杂时变巨型系统,按传统的控制方法和常规管理手段很难达到满意的效果。随着智能运输系统(ITS)的兴起,智能的交通控制和管理逐渐成为解决高速公路运行问题的主要途径。本文在智能运输系统(ITS)大发展的背景下,以交通控制与管理的集成化、智能化为基本思想,以智能工程(计算机科学、人工智能及系统工程)作为解决巨型复杂问题的方法论,就高速公路网通行能力问题展开了系统、深入的研究。概括起来有以下几方面:1.研究高速公路通行能力的基础理论。从系统的角度对高速公路通行能力的基础理论进行了研究,研究了高速公路交通流特性,明确了交通量、速度、密度、车头间距和车头时距等交通量参数的定义和表示方法,以及各参数之间的关系。在此基础上,研究了高速公路通行能力理论,明确了通行能力的概念和分类,研究了通行能力现有计算模型,并分析了现有理论模型存在的问题。2.研究通行能力的传统采集方式,重点分析了观测仪器和设备,数据采集方法,观测数据的处理与分析,并分析了传统信息采集方式存在的问题。3.研究高速公路通信、监控系统的构成和功能,并对各类交通检测器的性能进行对比分析和选择。设计了基于高速公路通信、监控系统的高速公路通行能力信息提取系统,为高速公路通行能力研究提供数据源。4.研究高速公路实际通行能力信息分析系统。根据高速公路监控系统的交通检测器所检测的交通流数据和各收费站交通量数据,建立交通量分配模型,即通过建立OD表,交通生成,交通分布,交通分配,确定实际通行能力。5.研究高速公路通行能力信息发布系统,对信息发布系统的设计、外场设备布设和注意事项进行分析。6.研究高速公路服务网服务水平,对比了美国和我国对高速公路服务水平的分级标准,并根据高速公路网特性,建立了高速公路网服务水平评价指标体系。7.研究高速公路网服务水平决策模型,提出了高速公路网平均实际通行能力概念,并以其为决策目标。并将可能度与满意度概念引入高速公路服务水平研究,建立了基于可能度、满意度的高速公路服务水平决策模型,将以往高速公路服务水平分级由固定分级改变为以可能—满意度为衡量指标的动态分级。最后,论文总结全文的研究工作,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Characterized as large flux,high speed,safety and comfort,highway developsrapidly and plays more and more important role in road-based transport system,and hasmade great contribution to improving the existing transportation situation and promotingthe development of thenational economy.However,the highway capacity reduction andthe problems resulting from it,such as traffic delay,traffic safety,environment pollution and energyconsuming,have constrained badly the effect of highway transportation.According to relevant study andpractices,thetraffic control and management to freeway is effective way to solving these problems.The traffic control and management system of freeway is a Varying with time,large-scale complexsystem,which includes people,vehicle and road,and the traditional control method and generalmanagement means could notreach the satisfied result.Thus,with the development of ITS,based onintegrated and intelligent notion of traffic control and management,regarding intelligenceengineering(including computer scicnce,artificial intelligence,systemsengineering) as methodology whichsolves large—scale complex problems,this paper studies deep on the highway capacity.The mainresearches can be summed up as following aspects:1.This paper engaged in highway capacity study of basic theory.It carried out the basic theoryresearch from the system in terms of highway capacity,and studied the characteristics of highway trafficflow,then made the traffic volume,speed,density,headway and headway parameters clear such as thedefinition of traffic and that,as well as the relationship between each parameter.On this basis,it studied thehighway capacity theory,defined the concept and classification of capacity,studied calculating models ofthe capacity,and then analyzed the existing problems of currcnt theoretical models.2.This paper studied the traditional collection methods of highway capacity,and the analysis focusedprimarily on the observation apparatus and equipment,data acquisition methods,the processing andanalysis of the observation data,and it mentioned the analysis of the problems in the traditional way ofinformation collection.3.This paper researched on the highway communications,monitoring and control system structure and function,and then it engaged in various types of traffic detectors and the performance of comparativeanalysis and selection.Further morc,it has bcen finished of the design for the highway based oncommunication,monitoring and control system information extraction capacity highway system,thehighway capacity research data sourcc.4.This paper researched on the information of the highway capacity analysis of the actual system.Based on the traffic flow data and the traffic amount data of each toll station detected by the traffic detectorfrom the Highway Monitoring System,we built the traffic assignment model,that’s to say determining theactual capacity by the establishment of OD table,traffic generation,traffic distribution,traffic assignment.5.Thc paper studied the information issue system of the highway capacity,and analyzed the design ofthe information issue system and the outfield equipment build and the matters needing attention.6.The paper studied service level of the highway service network,compared the highway service levelgrading standards in the US with that in our country.And according to the high speed highway networkcharacteristic,we established the service level evaluating indicator system for the service level of thehighway network.7.The paper studied decision model of the service level,put forward the concept of the high speedhighway network average practical capacity,and set it as policy-making goal.And the degrees of thepossibility and satisfaction also have been introduced in the research of the service level of the highwaynetwork.Based on the degrees of possibility and satisfaction,a service level decision model for thehighway network has been established,thus the static classification which is based on the highway servicelevel has been changed into the dynamic classification which is based on the degrees of the possibility andsatisfaction.Finally,conclusions of all research efforts in the paper are drawn and further research directions areprospected.

【关键词】 ITS通行能力服务水平可能度满意度
【Key words】 ITScapabilitysemce levelimpossibilitydegree of satisfaction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期

