

Study on Determinants of Biogas Engineering Development in Large-scale Pig Farms

【作者】 林斌

【导师】 余建辉;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林业经济管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 养猪业是中国农村经济的优势产业,规模化养猪场已成为我国生猪产区养猪的主体。然而,规模化养猪在实现集约经济优势的同时,也带来了严重的环境污染问题。沼气工程是养猪场废弃物污染治理的最主要解决办法。通过发展沼气工程,规模化养猪场不但可以治理污染,还可以取得一定的经济效益,沼气工程所产生的副产品,沼气、沼液和沼渣都具有很好的经济用途。由于沼气工程具有能源效益、生态效益和经济效益等较好综合效益,因而已成为我国政府加强农村环境治理的重要措施,成为推进社会主义新农村建设的重要手段。各级政府都在积极鼓励和推动规模化养猪场沼气工程的发展。然而,在实践中我国规模化养猪场沼气工程的发展程度却很低。因此,对规模化养猪场沼气工程发展程度的影响因素进行理论分析和实证研究,找出影响我国规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的关键因子,可以为政府部门制定沼气工程发展政策和寻找养猪污染治理策略提供决策基础,这对社会主义新农村建设和养猪业健康持续发展都具有重要的现实意义。本文以外部性理论、信息不对称理论和行为决策理论为指导,通过问卷调查和案例研究对规模化养猪场沼气工程发展进行大量的实际研究和深入的理论分析,并运用多元回归分析的方法对规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的影响因素进行实证研究,并找出推进规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的关键因子,以此为契机提出一套科学可行的推进规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的政策保障体系论文的研究内容从逻辑上分为六大部分,从形式上分为九章。第一部分是总体概论,包括第一章导论和第二章文献综述,主要阐述论文的研究背景、研究意义、研究的技术路线、研究方法、研究的基本内容、研究特色及可能的创新之处以及文献综述。第二部分包括第三章,主要对福建省规模化养猪场沼气工程的发展现状进行分析。本部分首先分析了福建省养猪产业的发展概况,然后介绍了福建省规模化养猪场的污染现状和治理模式,其次对福建省发展规模化养猪场沼气工程的必要性和可行性进行了探讨,最后简要地介绍了福建省规模化养猪场沼气工程的发展概况。通过分析发现:规模化养猪已成为福建养猪生产的重要模式,但规模化养猪所带来的污染问题目前仍没有得到有效治理。福建省具有发展沼气工程的适宜的气候条件和充足的资源潜力,同时福建又属于能源禀赋贫乏的省份,使得福建省规模化养猪场沼气工程具有必要性和可行性。虽然,进入新世纪以来,福建省规模化养猪场的沼气工程有了较快的增长,但从总量来看仍然较少,福建省规模化养猪场沼气工程的发展程度仍较低。第三部分包括第四章,主要对规模化养猪场沼气工程进行技术经济分析。首先介绍了规模化养猪场沼气工程的两种工艺模式。然后,以建瓯市健华猪业有限公司青州养殖场为案例,对规模化养猪场沼气工程项目进行技术经济分析。分析结果表明:在沼气工程的副产品(沼气、沼液和沼渣)使用率为100%和可以实现年减少排污罚款的情况下,即使没有政府补贴的情况下,规模化养猪场发展沼气工程具有经济效益。因此,从建瓯市健华猪业有限公司青州养殖场个案来看,规模化养猪场发展沼气工程项目在技术经济上是可行的。通过对项目的敏感性分析后发现:政府补贴额度和沼气沼液等综合利用程度可能是影响规模化养猪场沼气工程投资决策的重要因素。第四部分是规模化养猪场沼气工程发展影响因素的理论分析和实证研究,包括论文的第五章和第六章。第五章主要阐述规模化养猪场沼气工程发展影响因素的理论分析框架和数据来源。论文依据经济人假设、外部性理论、信息不对称和行为决策理论对规模化养猪场沼气工程的投资决策行为进行理论分析,认为规模化养猪场是一个追求经济利益最大化的理性经济人,规模化养猪场的污染问题是与其逐利行为密切相关。规模化养猪场沼气工程发展程度受到沼气工程的建设成本、沼气工程副产品(沼气、沼液和沼渣)综合利用程度、政府补贴、监管当局监督的有效性、业主个人特征变量和养猪场地理特征变量等因素的影响,并依此建立规模化养猪场沼气工程发展影响的理论分析框架。第六章对规模化养猪场沼气工程发展影响因素进行实证研究。本章首先选定规模化养猪场沼气工程发展影响因素的实证模型,列出规模化养猪场沼气工程发展理论模型各影响因素的具体定义及对被解释变量的预期作用方向。然后利用SPSS17.0软件对规模化养猪场沼气工程发展影响因素进行多元回归分析,回归结果显示:沼气使用率和政府补贴十分显著,养猪场所在地的人均GDP和养猪场与最近村部距离显著,养猪规模较显著;从五个显著因素对规模化养猪场沼气工程发展程度的影响作用大小比较,沼气使用率>政府补贴>人均GDP猪场>最近村部距离>养猪规模。理论模型中有些自变量,如环保部门的监督力度、沼气服务体系、沼液使用率、与最近小溪的距离和养猪场所有者的教育特征等对规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的影响不显著。最后,对回归结果进行了解释和讨论。第五部分是规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的政策研究,包括论文的包括第七章和第八章。第七章对规模化养猪场沼气工程发展政策的国内外比较研究。本部分以美国、欧盟、日本等沼气工程发展程度较高的国家作为比较对象,从法律政策、财政政策、税收政策、金融政策和科技政策等五大方面与我国规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的相关政策进行深入地对比分析,找出目前我国规模化养猪场沼气工程发展政策的不足,并总结出规模化养猪场沼气工程发展政策的三点国外经验借鉴:完善我国沼气工程发展的相关法律法规体系,并同时加强执法力度;加强财政、金融和税收等经济政策的投资杠杆作用;鼓励沼气发电,完善沼气发电上网优惠政策。第八章是推进我国规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的保障政策分析。这部分结合前文的实证分析结论和国外政策经验借鉴,并依据我国的国情和沼气工程发展的现状,针对性地提出了推进我国规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的保障政策体系,主要包括:加大财政扶持力度,调整财政补贴方式;完善沼气服务体系;提高沼气相关技术创新能力;完善相关法律法规;强化环保部门的执法力度;构建多元化融资机制等。第六部分包括第九章,主要阐述研究结论、研究不足与展望。

【Abstract】 Pig industry is the advantage of China’s rural economy industries,and large-scalepig farms have become the main entity in pig-producing areas.However,withrealizing the intensive economic advantages,large-scale pig-raising brought aboutserious environmental pollution problems.Biogas engineering is the most importantsolutions to control the pollution of pig farms waste.With the development of gasengineerings,large-scale farms can not only control pollution,but also can achievecertain economic benefits.By-products generated by the gas engineering,biogas,liquidsqueezings from biogas engineering have good economic application.Because biogasengineering having energy efficiency,ecological benefits and economic benefits andother relatively good Comprehensive benefits,biogas engineering has become theimportant measure of strengthening environmental governance in countrysidel areas,and an important means of promoting the building of new socialist countryside.At allclasses of government are actively encouraging and promoting biogas engineeringdevelopment in large-scale pig farms.In practice,however,the degree of developmentof biogas engineerings in large-scale pig farms in China was verylow.Therefore,theoretical analysis and empirical research of the factors affecting thedevelopment level of biogas engineering in large-scale pig farms is made to find thekey factors which influence biogas engineering development in large-scale pig farmsof China.Its results can provide the decision-making basis for governmentdepartments to formulate the development policies for biogas engineering and find thestrategy for pollution control.It has an important practical significance in building anew socialist countryside and in the sustainable、healthy development of the pigfarming industry.In this paper,I used externality theory,information asymmetric theory andbehavioral decision theory as a guide,made a large number of practical research andin-depth theoretical analysis of biogas engineering development in large-scale pigfarms by questionnaire survey and exemple study,and used multiple regressionanalysis method in empirical research of the factors affecting biogas engineeringdevelopment in large-scale pig farms to identify the key factors of promoting itsdevelopment,and see it as a opportunity to put forward a set of scientifical、feasiblepolicy support system to advance biogas engineering development in Iarge-scale pigfarms.Logically,the thesis is divided into six parts,and is divided into nine chapters in the form.The first part is the overall introduction,including Chapter I of introduction andChapter II of literature review,which mainly on the research background、researchsignificance、research technique、research methods、study characteristics and possibleinnovations as well as the literature review.The second part is ChapterⅢ,analyzing mainly the development status ofbiogas engineerings in Fujian Province.Firstly,this section analyzes the developmentpig industry of Fujian Province,and then introduced the pollution status and solutionmodel of the large-scale pig farms in Fujian Province.Secondly,this section analyzesthe necessity and feasibility of developing the biogas engineering in large-scale pigfarms in Fujian Province.Finally,this section makes a brief introduces on thedevelopment of biogas engineerings in Fujian Province.After analyzing I found that:large-scale pig production has become an important pig production model for FujianProvince.But,there is still no effective treatment for the pollution problems causedby pig-raising.Fujian Province has suitable climatic conditions and adequate resourcepotential for developing the biogas engineerings.While,Fujian Province is anenergy-poor province,which makes large-scale pig farms biogas engineering inFujian Province being necessity and feasibility.Although,from the new century,large-scale pig farms biogas engineering in Fujian Province has been growing rapidly,but is still in low levels on the total quantity,large-scale pig farms biogas engineeringin Fujian is still in a relatively low degree of development.The third part includes the fourth chapter,Mainly making the technical andeconomic analysis on biogas engineering development in large-scale pig farms.Firstly,it introduces two technology models of biogas engineering in large-scale pigfarms.Then,it takes Jianou Kin Wah Co.,Ltd.Qingzhou pig farm for the exempleconducting a technical and economic analysis of large-scale pig farms biogasengineerings.The result shows that:as the utilization rate of a by-product of the biogasengineering (biogas,liquid squeezings from biogas engineering) is 100% and annualsewage fines can be reduced,even without government subsidies,large-scale pigfarms build biogas engineerings having economic benefits.Therefore,in JianhuaJianou Co,Ltd.Qingzhou pig farm’s case,biogas engineering development inlarge-scale pig farms is feasible in technologically and economically.The resulit of thesensitivity analysis of the engineering shows that:the amount of government subsidyand the extent of the comprehensive utilization of biogas and methane may be the important factors which affect the investment decisions for developing the biogasengineerings of large-scale pig farms.The fourth part is theoretical analysis and empirical researches of the impactfactor of biogas engineering development in large-scale pig farms,including paper’sChaptersⅤand ChaptersⅥ.ChapterⅤfocuses on the theoretical analysis of factors affevting thedevelopment of biogas engineering in large-scale pig farms and data sources.Thispaper analyzes the decision-making of investing the biogas engineerings oflarge-scale pig farms based on economic man assumption、externality theory、information asymmetry theory and behavioral decision theory.This article holds that alarge-scale pig farm is an economic man who pursuits the maximizing interests andthe pollution problem of large-scale pig farms is closely related to its profit-drivenbehavior.This paper established the theoretical analysis framework of biogasengineering of large-scale pig farms based on which the capital cost of biogasengineering、the utilization level of by-products (biogas,liquid and squeezings frombiogas engineering)、government subsidy、the effectiveness of regulatory authorities、the owner’s personal characteristics、the geographical characteristics and other factorsaffect the development degree of biogas engineering in large-scale pig farms.ChapterⅥis a empirical study of factors influencing biogas engineeringdevelopment in large-scale pig farms.At first,this chapter selects a empirical model ofthe factors affecting biogas engineering development in large-scale pig farms,listsspecific definition of these factors and explains this factors’ expected workingdirection for the explainded variable.Then,I made a multiple regression analysis thefactors affecting the development of biogas engineering in large-scale pig farms byusing SPSS17.0 software,which shows that:gas utilization and government subsidy issignificant,the per GDP of the location of pig farms and the closet distance betweenpig farms with the Village Department is significant,pig scale is relatively moresignificant;with the comparison of the size of five significant factors affecting thedevelopment degree of biogas engineering in large-scale pig farms,biogasutilization>government subsidy>per GDP>closest distance to Village Department>the scale of pig.Some of the variables in theoretical model,such as the supervision ofenvironmental protection departments、gas service system、utilization of liquid frombiogas engineering,of the closet distance with the stream education characteristics offarms owners,and so on,are not affected significantly on biogas engineering development in large-scale pig farms.Finally,I explained and discussed on theregression results.The fifth part studies the policy of developing the biogas engineering oflarge-scale pig farms,including ChapterⅦand ChapterⅧ.ChapterⅦcompares the domestic and foreign development policy of thelarge-scale pig farms biogas engineering.This part of paper sees the United States、theEuropean Union,、Japan and other countries with higher levels of development ofbiogas engineerings as comparing objects,and making a deep comparative analysis onthe related policies of biogas engineering development in China’s with them on legalpolicy、fiscal policy、tax policy、financial policy and science and technology policy,and finds the inadequate of policies of biogas engineering of large-scale pig farms inChina,and summarizes up three experiences from foreign policy:improving therelated laws system on biogas engineering development as well as strengthening lawenforcement;strengthening the financial、monetary and taxical policy and othereconomic policies’ investment leverage;consummating policies of generatingelectricity by biogas to encourage in generating electricity by biogas.ChapterⅧis the protection policy which promoted the development of biogasengineering of large-scale pig farms in China.Combining the conclusions of theformer empirical analysis and experiences learned from the foreign policies.Inaccordance with China’s national conditions and the development status of gasengineerings,this part of the paper puts forward contrarily the security policy systemfor promoting biogas engineering development in large-scale pig farms.Mainlyincluding:strengthening financial support and adjusting the way of financial subsidy;perfecting gas service system;enhancing the capacity of gas-related technologicalinnovation;improving relevant laws and regulations;strengthening the enforcementof environmental protection departments;building a diversified financing mechanism.PartⅥis the ninth chapter,mainly on the study’s conclusion、study’s shortageand study’s prospect.

  • 【分类号】F323.214;F224
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2031
  • 攻读期成果

