

A Study on the Development Mode of Chinese Ocean Island Economy and Its Implementation

【作者】 王明舜

【导师】 韩立民;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业经济与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在依托沿海发达经济区发展的基础上,海岛以其特有的区位、资源和环境优势,在国家现代化建设过程中占有重要的地位。海岛作为海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,资源丰富,既是我国开发海洋的天然基地,也是我国国民经济走向海洋的先遣地和海外经济通向内陆的“岛桥”,特别是在党中央和国务院确立“实施海洋开发”的战略决策、将海洋经济作为新的国民经济增长点以来,海岛的战略地位更加提出。近年来,由于各级政府对海洋工作的重视,海岛开发有了很大的发展。我国海岛具有独特的资源优势和区位优势,在我国海洋经济发展中的地位日益突出,同时也为我国海岛经济的发展提供了内在的动力;我国海岛产业结构不断优化,虽然结构演变的路径不尽相同,但部分海岛已经形成了三、二、一的产业结构形态;海洋新兴科技产业的不断壮大,为我国海岛经济的发展提供了新的契机,随着港口、风力发电、海水淡化等新兴产业落户海岛,海岛经济产业链条不断向纵深拓展,改变了海岛传统产业结构,为海岛经济模式的转变提供了新的机遇;我国海岛根据各自的资源条件和发展的特点,相继提出了特色发展战略,成为我国海岛经济发展的新的亮点;目前,我国海岛立法工作正在紧锣密鼓的进行,加之以前颁布的海岛管理制度,必将成为规范我国海岛开发和经济发展的制度保障,我国海岛开发将改变无序、混乱的状态,向健康、有序的方向发展。目前,关于海岛经济发展的理论日臻成熟。以科学发展观为指导的海岛可持续发展、协调发展已成为指导我国海岛经济发展的重要理论支撑,我国的很多学者从不同的角度进行了相关理论的阐述,并且在实践中提出了具体的实践措施。生态经济理论无疑是我国海岛经济发展的又一重要理论,海岛具有明显的生态系统的特点,与陆域相比,环境保护尤为重要,同时也是我国海岛开发必须遵守的原则。随着区域经济理论的发展、海陆一体化理论的提出,如何海岛区域协调发展,必将成为人们关注的焦点,岛陆区域和内陆区域有明显的不同,内陆的区域经协调发展不完全适合岛陆的具体情况,因此,在理论指导上既具有普遍性,又具有特殊性。在我国海岛经济发展中,各个地区在发展的模式上都进行了一些有益的探讨,为我国海岛经济发展模式的探索提供十分宝贵的经验。比较各个海岛经济发展模式的具体实践,从理论上进行提升,可为海岛经济发展模式的选择提供参考。不同的理论对海岛经济发展具有不同的指导意义,其实现的途径也各异。可持续发展的目标是发展,前提是持续,其要求是海岛经济的发展不仅要考虑今天的发展,还要考虑子孙后代的发展,其具体的实现途径是资源的可持续开发与利用、增长方式的转变、产业结构的调整等。生态经济理论要求是,海岛经济发展要考虑海岛生态系统的特征,开发的过程中,环境保护是根本,其实现途径是实行海岛绿色工程,发展海岛生态渔业,创建海岛生态保护区,建设海岛生态环保业等。区域经理论的出发点是经济的协调发展,区域之间由于资源配置的趋利性,往往导致地区之间经济发展的不平衡,差距越来越大,带了诸多社会问题。其基本要求是通过要素在区域间的重新分配,加强区域之间的互动与合作,实现区域经济发展平衡。其具体实现途径是通过制定区域政策,实行区域统一规划,加强区域之间产业联动等形式,实现海岛区域内的协调发展。任何经济模式的实现离不开国家和地区政策的支持。实现我国海岛地区经济健康、持续发展,国家和各地政府责无旁贷。完善我国海岛立法和各项管理规章制度是目前国家和各地政府最紧迫的任务,同时,国家和各地政府要做好定位,把主要的精力集中在为我国海岛经发展的服务上,制定各项优惠措施、加强海岛基础设施建设、实施人才队伍建设等,也是我国海岛工作面临的重要任务。

【Abstract】 The ocean islands are playing an important role in the modernization of ourcountry because of their special locations,rich resources and advantageousenvironment,and close relationships with the developed coastal areas.As animportant component of the ocean ecological system,with their abundant resources,the ocean islands are not only a natural base for the development of the Chinese seasbut also a frontier for the advancement of our national economy and a bridge for theinland movement of overseas economy.Ever since the establishment of the strategicpolicy of ocean development and adopting the ocean economy as a new growth pointof the national economy,the strategic position of the ocean island has become moreprominent.In recent years,the governments as various levels attach importance to thedevelopment of the ocean islands,as a result,great progress has been achieved.Because of their advantageous resources and geographical locations,the ocean islandsare increasingly outstanding in our ocean economy development and have become aninternal driving force in the development of our ocean economy.The industrialstructure of our islands has been improved continuously and a kind of“three,two,one”industrial structure has formed.The ever-growing of new ocean scientific andtechnological industries has provides new opportunities for the development of ourisland economy.With the settlement of the new industries such as wind-poweredelectricity generation and seawater desalinity on the islands,the development ofisland economic industrial chain is deepening,changing the traditional industrialstructure,providing new opportunities for the transformation of the economy mode ofthe islands.Based on their resource conditions and development characteristics,theislands have worked out special development strategies that have become newhighlights in our island economic development.Presently,legislation for islanddevelopment is progressing intensely,this,plus the island administrative regulationsissued previously,is sure to become the guarantee in regulating the island economicdevelopment,so that the development will be more orderly and healthy.The theory of ocean island economic development is ripening with each passingday.Sustainable and harmonious development guided by the principle of scientificdevelopment has become an important theoretical pillar in guiding the economic development of our ocean island.Many Chinese scholars have elaborated on relatedtheories from different angles,and proposed concrete practical measures on the basisof practice.Eco-economic theory is no doubt another important theory for theeconomic development of Chinese ocean islands.Ocean islands are obvious in theirecological system characteristics.Compared with that on land,the environmentprotection of ocean islands is more important and has become a principle that must beobserved.With the development of the theory of regional economy and theappearance of the theory that the ocean and land should be considered as a whole,theharmonious development of the ocean and land has become a focus.Island and inlandregions are quite different,therefore a development mode suitable for inlanddevelopment may not be suitable for island.During the development of our ocean island economy,many regions have madebeneficial investigations on the mode development and gained valuable experience.Comparing the practice of different islands and refining them theoretically canprovide reference for the selection of ocean island economy development mode.Different theories have different contents for guiding the development ofeconomy and the approaches to their realization are also different.The aim ofsustainable development is development with sustainability as its prereguisite:notonly today’s but also future generation’s development should be considered,during itsdevelopment one has to pay attention to the sustainable development and applicationof resources,the modification of growth patterns,the adjustment of industrialstructures ect.According to eco-economic theory,the characteristic of ocean islandecological system should be taken into account during the economic development ofocean island.The most important aspect is environment protection,which requires theimplementation of green projects,the development of eco-fisheries,the establishmentof ocean island eco-protection zones and ecological environmental protectionindustries etc.Through the formulation of regional policies,unified planning andindustrious cooperation among regions,coordinated and balanced development can beachieved.For a better and faster development of the ocean island economy,policy supportfrom the national and local governments is indispensable;in addition,thegovernments ought to make efforts to establish various favorable measures,strengthen the construction of ocean island infrastructure and train people of talent.

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