

A Study of Communist International Communist Party of USSR and Marxism Sinolization (1919-1943)

【作者】 王占仁

【导师】 郑德荣;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 共产国际、联共(布)与中国革命联系紧密,民主革命时期中共党史上的许多重大问题都有深刻的“国际”背景。对于共产国际、联共(布)与马克思主义中国化的研究,需要从历史的角度入手,在对大量史料进行由表及里的鉴别和分析基础上,以政治上的敏锐观察和科学把握为前提,把马克思主义中国化的历史性命题,置于马克思主义发展史和国际共运史及中国共产党艰难曲折的斗争历程的大背景中来开展研究。从马克思主义中国化理论创新规律的高度,深入细致地考察共产国际、联共(布)与毛泽东主体思想和支柱理论包括“一条道路”和“三大法宝”,即社会革命理论、革命统一战线理论、武装斗争理论和党的建设理论的关系。对于各个基本理论,以翔实的国情情况和历史背景材料,理论结合实际,分别展开论述运用了哪些基本原理,结合了什么样的国情和重大形势变化,总结了哪些国际共运经验和中国共产党独创性历史经验,汲取了哪些民族传统文化精华,实现了马克思主义中国化,创立了中国化的马克思主义,实现理论创新的。通过理论创新过程的细化展开,具体体现并总结出马克思主义中国化的基本经验与基本规律,用事实进行有说服力的论证,俾使经验既有理论升华,又有可操作性。第一章:共产国际、联共(布)与马克思主义中国化基本问题。一是阐述共产国际、联共(布)对马克思主义的继承与发展,主要探讨共产国际、联共(布)对马克思主义的坚持和捍卫、发展和推广以及理论研究和建设情况;二是阐述共产国际、联共(布)与马克思主义中国化的关系,主要探讨共产国际、联共(布)对中国共产党的创立、马克思列宁主义在中国广泛传播、中国革命基本问题的初步探索产生的影响,以及对中国共产党的思想禁锢和组织控制;三是从意义、内涵、实质、进程、体系、主体、民族形式、反倾向性斗争等八个方面完整准确理解马克思主义中国化科学命题。第二章:共产国际、联共(布)社会革命理论中国化。一是阐述列宁主义对新民主主义革命理论形成的影响,主要探讨列宁关于马克思主义活的灵魂的思想、关于民主革命与社会主义革命之间关系的思想、关于无产阶级在资产阶级民主革命中掌握领导权的思想、关于东方革命历史特点的思想、关于民族殖民地革命战略和策略的思想对新民主主义革命理论的影响。同时探讨毛泽东如何创造性地发展列宁主义,解决了新民主主义革命的对象、任务、动力和领导,中国革命道路等具体问题;二是阐述共产国际、联共(布)与中国共产党三次“左”倾错误的关系。论证三次“左”倾错误的共同特点是与共产国际、联共(布)的指导密切相关。探讨共产国际、联共(布)与三次“左”倾错误的制度根源,由于有严格的制度作为保障,共产国际的指示在中共中央是要无条件执行的,所以当时中共的路线、方针、政策正确与否,首先与共产国际的指导正确与否有直接关系。从三次“左”倾错误中总结出来的一条重要经验就是要坚持实事求是、群众路线和独立自主;三是阐述中国特色革命道路的科学内涵与理论价值。中国特色革命道路是“从新民主主义到社会主义的道路”,既包括新民主主义革命道路,也包括社会主义改造道路。既不只是新民主主义革命道路,更不只是通常所说的农村包围城市道路,内涵更丰富,范畴更广泛。论证中国特色革命道路是中国革命历史经验的基本总结,是中国革命发展规律的深刻揭示,是新民主主义理论认识上的升华,是中国特色社会主义道路的历史由来。第三章:共产国际、联共(布)革命统一战线理论中国化。一是阐述共产国际、联共(布)与两次国共合作的关系。着重探讨两次国共合作领导方式的差异和“苏联利益中心论”等问题,揭示出两次右倾错误的深刻国际背景。从全新视角来评价和理解两次右倾错误,重点理顺组织负责与个人负责,合作共事与独立自主的关系;二是阐述中国革命“三阶段论”与中国共产党政治上的“左”倾关门主义的关系。“左”倾关门主义的主要问题是在阶级关系上不懂得把大资产阶级和民族资产阶级区别开来,把反帝反封建和反对资产阶级并列、把中间势力作为“最危险的敌人”加以反对、推行“下层统一战线”政策、实行打击富农的政策;三是将共产国际、联共(布)与毛泽东革命统一战线理论进行比较研究。得出五条基本结论:毛泽东比共产国际更深刻地论述了中国建立广泛的革命统一战线的必要性与重要性;比共产国际更早地注意到农民问题,把农民作为中国革命的主力军,更坚定地把工农联盟作为统一战线的基础;比共产国际更科学、更系统地分析了中国的资产阶级,创造性地解决了无产阶级同资产阶级联盟的重要问题;比共产国际更具体地指出了如何坚持无产阶级领导权的问题;比共产国际更精辟地概括提出了坚持“发展进步势力、争取中间势力、孤立顽固势力”的策略总方针和“有理、有利、有节”的基本原则。第四章:共产国际、联共(布)武装斗争理论中国化。一是阐述共产国际、联共(布)“第三时期”理论与中国共产党军事进攻路线的关系。受“第三时期”理论影响,李立三和王明的“左”倾机会主义军事进攻路线既如出一辙,又不断升级。遵义会议上实际地解决了错误的军事路线,此后毛泽东又对“左”倾冒险主义者的军事进攻路线进行了理论上的批判与反思,彻底清除其负面影响;二是阐述共产国际、联共(布)与中国共产党革命道路上的城市中心论的关系。提出以“先后顺序”、“工作重心”、“时机把握”为主要标准判断“农村中心”还是“城市中心”。按此标准来衡量,共产国际、联共(布)在中国革命道路问题上确实实现了由“城市中心”向“农村中心”的转变,而临时中央却没有放弃“城市中心”的思想,从“城市中心”向“农村中心”的转变存在的反复性和不彻底性主要是临时中央的问题;三是阐述共产国际、联共(布)与农村包围城市理论的关系。毛泽东既坚持和发展了马克思列宁主义关于暴力革命、武装斗争、军队建设的理论以及人民战争的战略战术原则,又突破了此前已经形成的先城市后农村的革命基本模式,走出一条先农村后城市的革命道路,形成了农村包围城市理论,这是对传统的突破,为马克思列宁主义理论宝库增添了新的科学理论。第五章:共产国际、联共(布)党的建设理论中国化。一是阐述马克思列宁主义的建党思想原则与中国共产党的根基。论证中国共产党在成立之初就把自己的根基深深地扎在了马克思列宁主义的建党思想和基本原则之上;二是阐述共产国际“布尔什维克化”方针与中国共产党的建设。“布尔什维克化”方针影响到中国共产党建设的各个方面。以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人对党的建设的错误作法进行了批判和纠正,表现在:批判“唯成份论”,高度重视思想建党、批判教条主义,创造性地提出“三大作风”建设、克服偏重集中的弊端,实现民主与集中的辩证统一、批判宗派主义,贯彻“任人唯贤”的组织路线;三是阐述共产国际、联共(布)与中国共产党建设的基本经验。一是独立自主,既要独立自主地寻找革命和建设的道路也要主要依靠自己的力量来实现革命和建设的奋斗目标;二是理论建设,这是党的建设根本的首要任务;三是党际关系问题,要按照独立自主、完全平等、互相尊重、互不干涉内部事务原则发展党际关系。第六章:共产国际、联共(布)与马克思主义中国化第一次历史性飞跃。一是阐述共产国际、联共(布)与毛泽东领导核心地位的最终确立。毛泽东领导核心地位不是共产国际封的,靠的是毛泽东路线的正确和战略家的杰出智慧及其党内斗争的高超艺术。共产国际对毛泽东的支持,不只是针对毛泽东本人,而是对中国革命形势和党内领导层状况进行科学判断基础上的理性选择。共产国际对毛泽东的认可一定条件下促进了毛泽东领导核心地位的最终确立;二是阐述抗日战争时期马克思主义与中国革命实践的双向互动。毛泽东适时地向全党提出了马克思主义中国化的历史任务,全面贯彻马克思主义中国化的要求,既“使马克思主义中国化”,又“使中国革命丰富的实际马克思主义化”,实现了马克思主义与中国革命实践的“双向互动”;三是阐述共产国际、联共(布)与马克思主义中国化第一次历史性飞跃的基本经验:要有一个坚强的党的领导核心和卓越的领导人来独立自主地坚持和发展马克思主义,这是前提和理论基础;对中国的国情进行深入的调查研究,把马克思主义的基本原理与中国特殊国情紧密结合,这是重要途径;在实践过程中及时总结经验,修正错误,这是实践基础;要树立理论联系实际、实事求是的学风,这是指导原则;要反对教条主义,这是主要历史特点;要走自己的路,这是马克思主义中国化的最高境界。第七章:毛泽东论共产国际。毛泽东对共产国际的历史地位、共产国际和中国共产党、共产国际与马克思主义中国化等重大问题的论述总体上是科学的,具有重要现实意义。启示我们必须坚持把马克思主义的基本原理同本国革命的具体实际相结合,不断推进马克思主义中国化。

【Abstract】 China’s revolution is closely associated with Communist International and Communist Party of USSR. During the period of Democratic Revolution, many important issues in CPC history have a profoundly“international”background. The study of Communist International, Communist Party of USSR and Marxism Sinolization should be set about from the perspective of history, which means to start the study based on an outside-in distinction and analysis of historical sources, on the keen observation and scientific recognition of politics, in the background of Marxism development, international communist movement and the strenuous progress of CPC. At the high degree of Marxism Sinolization, the study makes an intensive observation into the relationship between Communist International, Communist Party of USSR and Mao Zedong Thought, especially its keystone,“One Way”and“Three Treasures”(social revolution theory, Revolutionary United Front theory, military struggle theory and Party construction theory). The dissertation mainly discusses the following issues that are based on the theories concerned and faithful accounts: what principles of Communist International and Communist Party of USSR are put to use; what were the national conditions and great changes at that time; what experience is concluded from international communist movement and initiative exploration of CPC; what essence has been drawn upon from traditional Chinese culture for the realization of Marxism Sinolization and the establishment of Sinolized Marxism. The study is intended to conclude the basic experience and basic principle of Marxism Sinolization profoundly by detailed analysis of theoretical innovation progress and convincing argumentation based on facts.Chapter One: The discussion of fundamental issues of Communist International, Communist Party of USSR and Marxism Sinolization. Firstly, Communist International and Communist Party of USSR’s the inheritance from and development of Maxism is expatiated on, especially inheritance and defence of Communist International and Communist Party of USSR’s, development and popularization, theoretical research and construction to Marxism. Secondly, the relationship between Communist International, Communist Party of USSR and Marxism Sinolization is expounded on, as well as the influence of Communist International and Communist Party of USSR on the founding of CPC. The wide spread of Marxism and Leninism in China and the tentative explorations into basic issues of China’s revolution and Communist International, Communist Party of USSR’s mental and organizational control to CPC are mainly discussed. Thirdly, the complete and accurate understanding of Marxism Sinolization is discussed from eight aspects, which are significance, connotations, essence, progress, mechanism, main part, national form and anti-tendency struggle .Chapter Two: The discussion of the Sinolization of Communist International, and Communist Party of USSR’s social revolution theory. Firstly, Leninism’s influence on the theory of New Democratic Revolution is expatiated on; Lenin’s thought about the living spirit of Marxism, about the relationship between democratic revolution and socialist revolution, about proletariats’control of power in bourgeois democratic revolution, about the characteristics of the revolutionary history in the east, about the influence of revolutionary strategies and guiding principles of colonies on the theory of New Democratic Revolution is mainly discussed ;and how Mao Zedong developed Leninism creatively to make clear the issues such as target, task, motivation and leadership of New Democratic Revolution; and the way of China’s revolution is also analyzed. Secondly, the relationship between Communist International, Communist Party of USSR and the three left-tendencies in CPC history is expounded on. It argues that the three left-tendencies are closely related to Communist International and Communist Party of USSR. Communist International’s organizational control to CPC resulted in the unselective performing of Communist International’s decisions. Therefore, the right/wrong of CPC’s choice of way, guidelines and principles is strongly dependent on the guidance of Communist International. One lesson learned from the three left-tendencies is that fact-orientedness, mass line and self-independence must be insisted on. Thirdly, scientific connotations and theoretical value of the revolutionary way with Chinese characteristics are discussed. The revolutionary way with Chinese characteristics covers both New Democratic Revolution and Socialist Revolution (including socialist reformation). It is more than New Democratic Revolution or“encircling cities from rural areas”in scope as well as connotations. It is concluded that the revolutionary way with Chinese characteristics is the summary of experience of China’s revolution, the revelation of laws of China’s revolution, the sublimation of New Democratic Revolution theories and the origin of the socialist way with Chinese characteristics.Chapter Three: The discussion of the Sinolization of Communist International, Communist Party of USSR’s United Front theory. Firstly, the relationship between Communist International, Communist Party of USSR and the two cooperations between CPC and Kuomintang is expatiated on;and the differences in leadership between the two cooperations and the issues like“USSR interest centeredness”are underlined;and the international background of the two right-tendencies is revealed;and a new interpretation and evaluation of the two right-tendencies is made from the distinctions between organizational responsibilities and personal responsibilities, cooperation and independence. Secondly, the relationship between“three stages”of China’s revolution and left-tendencies is discussed. The problems in left-tendency conservatism are the unclear distinctions between upper bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie, the equal treatment of anti-imperialism, anti-feudalism with anti-bourgeoisie, the unwise isolation of middle class, the implementation of lower United Front and the attack on rich peasants. Thirdly, a comparison is made between the United Front theory of Communist International, Communist Party of USSR and that of Mao Zedong. And five conclusions are drawn based on the comparison: being compared with Communist International, Mao Zedong has a deeper expatiation of the necessity and importance of establishing a more extensive United Front in China and an earlier recognition of peasant issue, making the alliance of workers and peasants the basis of the United Front ;and Mao has a more scientific and systematic analysis of China’s bourgeoisie and resolving the problem of proletarian and bourgeois alliance creatively;he also has a more specific claim of proletariats’leading power and has a wiser strategy in dealing with different social forces, putting forward“developing progressive forces, winning middle forces and isolating diehards”and“overall consideration of sense, manners and integrity”.Chapter Four: The discussion of the Sinolization of Communist International, Communist Party of USSR’s military struggle theory. Firstly, the relationship between Communist International, Communist Party of USSR and the military strategy of CPC is expatiated on. Influenced by“the third period”, Wang Ming shared something in common with Li Lisan and upgraded his left-tendency opportunism in military strategy. Zunyi Conference literally pointed out its mistakes, and Mao Zedong made theoretical criticism and reflection on left-tendency opportunism and completely eradicated its negative effects. Secondly, the relationship between Communist International, Communist Party of USSR’s and CPC’s city-centeredness policy in certain historical period is expounded on. It argues that“time”,“priority”and“opportunity”are the main criteria to judge“country-centeredness”or“city-centeredness”. According to such criteria, Communist International, Communist Party of USSR did experience the change from“city-centeredness”to“country-centeredness”;however, the temporary center of CPC did not give up“city-centeredness”and this principle resulted in the repetitiveness and incompleteness of the change from“city-centeredness”to“country-centeredness”. Thirdly, the relationship between Communist International, Communist Party of USSR and“encircling cities from rural areas”theory is discussed. Mao Zedong inherits and develops the principles of Marxism and Leninism like violent revolution, military struggle, army construction and people’s war, and transcends“city-country”mode of revolution by walking on a“country-city”road. The theory of“encircling cities from rural areas”is a breakthrough to tradition and a supplement to Marxism and Leninism.Chapter Five: The discussion of the Sinolization of Communist International, Communist Party of USSR’s Party construction theory. Firstly, the Party construction principles of Marxism and Leninism and the basis of CPC are expatiated on. Secondly, the“Bolshevikization”principles of Communist International and the construction of CPC are expounded on.“Bolshevikization”principles have effects on many aspects of CPC construction. CPC members represented by Mao Zedong criticized and corrected the mistakes of Party construction. They criticizes“political background centeredness”, attaches great importance to the ideas of Party building, criticizes dogmatism, creatively proposes the construction of“three styles”, overcomes the problem of overconcentration in power, realizes the dialectical unification of democracy and concentration, criticizes sectarianism, carries out the policy of appointing people on their merits. Thirdly, Communist International, Communist Party of USSR and the basic experience of CPC construction is discussed. The experience mainly covers three aspects: self-independence, which means exploring the road and realizing the goals of revolution and construction independently; theoretical construction, which is the foremost task of Party construction; relationship among Communist parties, which is developed according to the principles of self-independence, complete equality, mutual respect, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.Chapter Six: The discussion of Communist International, Communist Party of USSR and the first historical leap of Marxism Sinolization. Firstly, Communist International, Communist Party of USSR and the ultimate establishment of Mao Zedong’s leading positon are expatiated on. The leadership of Mao Zedong was not authorized by Communist International but established upon the correctness of his thought and his exceptional wisdom as a strategist and the superb skill in resolving problems in the Party.Communist International’s support for Mao Zedong is not just a support for himself but a wise choice upon the scientific analysis of CPC’s leading group. Communist International’s recognition to Mao Zedong, to some extent, promotes the ultimate establishment of Mao Zedong’s leading position in CPC. Secondly, the two-way interaction between Marxism and China’s revolutionary practice during the Anti-Japanese War is expounded on. Mao Zedong timely put forward the historical task of Marxism Sinolization and the requirement of fully implementing Marxism Sinolization, sinolizing and enriching Marxism with the facts of China’s revolution, to realize the two-way interaction. Thirdly, Communist International, Communist Party of USSR and the basic experience of the first historical leap of Marxism Sinolization are discussed. The independent development of Marxism led by an excellent leader is the prerequisite and theoretical foundation. The close scrutiny to the national conditions of China and the combination of Marxism keynote and China’s special conditions are important means. Reflecting and correcting mistakes in practice is the foundation of practice. The establishment of theory-reality combined and practical learning ethic is the guiding principle. The opposition to dogmatism is the main historical feature. Taking our own road is the highest state of Marxism Sinolization.Chapter Seven: The discussion of Mao Zedong’s comments on Communist International. Mao Zedong’s comments on the historical position of Communist International, Communist International and CPC, Communist International and Marxism Sinolization are generally scientific and significant. An important message that comments convey is we must combine the basic principles of Marxism with the particular conditions of China’s revolution ,impelling the Sinolization of Marxism unceasingly.


