

The Occurrence and Development of Aesthetic Course in Modern and Contemporary China

【作者】 王丽

【导师】 王确;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 从1904年清政府颁布《奏定学堂章程》,美学首次被列入大学工科建筑学门,到新中国成立,美学课程在中国近现代的发生与发展跨越了40多个年头。本文试图描述的正是这时美学课程在中国的发生,并从不同方面展示美学课程的发展历程。中国的美学课程发生在世纪更迭的风云突变时期,中国传统的文化思想受到质疑、西方大量的先进文化思潮更是以迅雷不及掩耳之势冲击着国人,美学思想在这样的背景下涌入中国,受到学人的关注与青睐,于是美学课程也应运而生。从进入高等教育体系、到正式开始课堂授课、再到美学课程在高等教育中的逐渐展开,是高等教育革新、美学自身发展、学人学习效仿西方等诸多因素偶然及必然合力的成果。本文分七章,按照各章所论述的内容,可视为四个部分。第一部分包括第一、二章,这部分是美学课程发生的前提。这两章简要勾勒了美学课程发生的新教育背景及美学课程的实现。上个世纪初期的教育革新并非一蹴而就的,近代开始中国受到西方列强侵略,改良派迫切要求革新,在经历了一系列的改革及失败后,终于认识到教育改革的重要性,而美学课程恰恰是在这样的环境下进入了中国高等教育体系,并借助教育改革的契机,在不久之后便名副其实地成为了一门大学课程,而美学成为大学课程的几个重要的里程碑也呈递进式展现于第二章中。第二部分包括了第三、四章,这部分主要是关于课程自身的材料梳理与总结。这一部分综合了当时全国高等学校开设美学课程的情况,以时间为脉络,将不同性质的学校开设美学课程的实况进行了分类及评析,对美学课程在上个世纪初期的发展概况有了整体的把握,希望对美学学科的整体研究提供可资借鉴的史料。第三部分包括第五、六章,是对美学课程发展条件的论述,主要考察了美学教育的师资和教材的情况。当时的美学教员身份差异悬殊,有从事美术专业教育的、有从事美学专业的、有原本是哲学专业的等等,本文试图按照他们的身份进行划分,并分析不同师资类型出现的原因;此外第五章还介绍了对美学教学做出突出贡献的蔡元培、邓以蜇、宗白华、朱光潜等美学教育家们,并简略论述了他们的美学教学及本土化美学思想。教材是学科发展的另一个重要条件,搜集并分析美学教材是探析美学课程不可或缺的一个方面,因此本文将当时的美学教材、书籍,既有公开出版的教材、也有未公开出版的讲稿,加以搜集整理,总结那一时期美学教材的共同特点。第四部分也即第七章,单就西南联大时期美学课程的进展情况进行了简要的论述。这部分可以说是美学课程在二、三十年代走向一个辉煌时期后的延续,由于受到抗日战争的影响,整个国家的教育都受到了阻碍及制约,因此,美学课程势必也受到波及,其开设的范围、传播的范围都比前一时期相对萎缩,然而,其内容的细化及专业程度的加深,却是本文在研究过程中的一个惊喜发现。

【Abstract】 Aesthetics was first listed in the architecture of the engineering courses of universitiesin 1904 when the government of Qing Dynasty promulgated the Presentation of Regulationson Determination of the Courses of Schools. The aesthetic course has gone through 40 yearsof development in the modern and contemporary history of China by the founding of thePeople’s Republic of China. It is the occurrence of the aesthetic course in China at that timethat is described and the development of the aesthetic course is shown from the differentaspects in this dissertation. The aesthetic course of China occurred in the period when suddenchanges often happened at the crossover of centuries, the traditional culture and thoughts ofChina were doubted and a large amount of advanced western culture and thoughts suddenlyand rapidly influenced the Chinese people. Under such a background, the aesthetic thoughtsswarmed into China and were in the attention and favor of the Chinese scholars, so theaesthetic course emerged as the times required. It is the result of many accidental andnecessary factors such as reform of the higher education, development of aesthetics andChinese scholars learning and following the western examples from entering the highereducation system to the formal starting of lectures in the class and then to the gradualdevelopment of the aesthetic course in the higher education.The dissertation is divided into 7 chapters and 4 parts according to the contents dealtwith in all the chapters.Part 1 includes Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. This part is about the premise for occurrence ofthe aesthetic course. In the two chapters, the new educational background of occurrence of theaesthetic course and realization of the aesthetic course are briefly introduced. The educationalreform at the beginning of the previous century was not accomplished in an action. China wasinvaded by the western powers from the modern times, the reformers were urgent to requirereform and the importance of the educational reform was finally understood after a series ofreforms and failures. It is under such a background that the aesthetic course entered the highereducation system of China and truly became a course in the university very soon, dependingon the opportunity of educational reform. Some important landmarks of aesthetics becoming acourse in the university are also progressively dealt with in Chapter 2.Part 2 includes Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. This part is mainly about arrangement andconclusion of the materials of the course. The cases of the aesthetic course opened in theuniversities all over the country are summarized and the actual cases of the aesthetic courseset in the different schools are classified, evaluated and analyzed in the order of time;therefore, the overview of development of the aesthetic course at the beginning of theprevious century is grasped as a whole and intended to provide the historical materials forreference for research on aesthetics as a whole.Part 3 includes Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. It is to deal with the conditions fordevelopment of the aesthetic course and the teaching staff and materials of the aestheticeducation are mainly investigated. There are great differences in the statuses of the aesthetic teachers at that time. Some were engaged in the education of fine arts, some in aesthetics andothers originally in philosophy. An attempt is made to classify the aesthetic teachers accordingto their statuses and analyze the reasons for the teachers in the different statuses in thedissertation. In addition, some aesthetic educators who made prominent contribution to theaesthetic teaching such as Cai Yuanpei, Deng Yizhe, Zong Baihua and Zhu Guangqian, etc.are introduced and their aesthetic teaching and native aesthetic thoughts are briefly discussedin Chapter 5. Teaching materials are another important condition for development of thediscipline. It is indispensable to collect and analyze the aesthetic teaching materials foranalysis of the aesthetic course. Therefore, the aesthetic materials and books, including thosepublished and not published at that time are collected and arranged well and the commoncharacteristics of the aesthetic materials at that time are concluded.Part 4 is Chapter 7 in which the progress of the aesthetic course in the period ofNational Southwest Associated University is briefly dealt with. It can be said that it is thecontinuum of the aesthetic course going through a splendid period in 1920s and 1930s.Influenced by the war of fighting against the Japanese invaders, the education of the wholecountry was affected and limited; therefore, the aesthetic course was necessarily affected andits opening range and propagation were narrowed relative to those in the previous period;however, the subdivision of its contents and deepening of its special degree is a surprisediscovered in the dissertation.

【关键词】 教育高等学校美学课程师资教材
【Key words】 educationuniversityaesthetic courseteaching staffteaching materials

