

Criticism and Transcension

【作者】 伍正翔

【导师】 柳海民;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪90年代,以“因特网”为雏形的“信息高速公路”的建立宣称了一个“信息时代”的来临。在一片“麦克卢汉”式的为“电的身体”热情歌颂的声音中,我国的基础教育也开始掀起了一股“以教育的信息化带动教育的现代化”的热潮。从这一背景出发,本文通过对当前有关“基础教育信息化”的各种理论解读以及基础教育的现实状况的批判性分析,揭示了造成当前信息技术在基础教育应用过程中流于形式化和技术化的主要原因乃我们在处理教育与技术的关系时陷入了“技术工具论”的“陷阱”。在此基础上,本文从技术哲学、媒介生态学的视角出发对信息技术的价值进行了批判性的解读,然后在教育学的视角下对信息技术的教育价值进行了重新构建,并为其潜在教育价值的实现指明了必要的价值前提以及实践路向。具体而言,本文的逻辑架构由五个部分组成:论文的第一章阐明了基础教育遭遇信息时代时所引发的一系列问题以及问题背后潜藏的原因。论文的这一部分首先对“信息时代”作了简要的理论述清;然后对我国基础教育所作出的回应进行了理论透析,以及对当前的现状作了批判性的分析。在此基础上,论文指出,当前的主要问题在于“信息技术教育应用的形式化”和“教育的技术化”。通过理论透析和现实状况的对比分析,论文指出,导致上述两个方面的问题的原因主要在于:一方面人们陷入了对技术的盲目崇拜之中,过高地估计了信息技术的教育价值;另一方面,则又忽视“教育”的本质,忽视了教育的文化特性同信息技术之间所存在的文化冲突。论文的第二章从技术哲学和媒介生态学的视角出发对“信息技术”的价值进行了批判性解读。论文的这一部分首先从现象学技术哲学的视角出发阐明了“技术”的内涵及其特征,并简要梳理了当前技术哲学领域关于技术价值的几种流行观点。在此基础上,论文详细讨论了“信息”以及“信息技术”的内涵,并从媒介生态学(麦克卢汉与尼尔·波兹曼)的视角出发探讨了有关早期电子媒介的价值、从技术哲学的视角出发探讨了计算机和互联网的价值,并在最后借用唐·伊德的“技术知觉”的相关观点批判性地阐释了信息技术与人的知觉改变之间的关系问题。本文认为,信息技术并不像乐观者畅想的那样会将人类社会带入无上幸福的天堂,在将“世界”拉近到我们眼前的时候,它也诱使我们丢弃了那真实的、可体验的、丰富多彩的生活世界。论文的第三章在第二章的基础上指出,对于教育的发展而言,信息技术的确具有某种可能性,但他不可能扮演“救世主”的角色。论文的这部分首先通过历史考察和教育学的考察分析了教育与广义上的信息技术的关系,并指出作为“社会行动”的教育尤其钟情于“信息技术”。然后,论文从教育学的视角出发,对那种以“教育的发展离不开传统信息技术,故而现代信息技术必然有利于教育发展”的逻辑进行了批判,并在批判的基础上探讨了信息技术之于教育目的、教育手段、教育者和受教育者的潜在价值。在此基础上,论文指出,对于教育而言,信息技术的合理价值定位乃“作为课程”、“作为教育技术”、“作为学习技术”,并且这三种身份对于教育而言都不是基础性的,而是补救性的。论文的第四章指明了信息技术潜在教育价值的实现所应遵循的几个核心价值前提,分别是:批判性的态度、以“人”为本以及信息技术的教育化。论文的这一部分首先通过对那种“非此即彼”的观念进行了批判,并通过对历史上“勒德主义”所蕴含的意义的重新解读,指出,我们首先应在观念上超越“非此即彼”的两极,应以“勒德式的态度”来看待信息技术。然后,论文通过对人的现代性困境以及在信息时代所出现的新的困境的分析,指出,作为对人的自由与幸福始终给予终极关怀的教育行动理应帮助人们走出这些困境,但这种教育不是被工具理性浸淫的现代教育,更不是信息化的教育,而是始终“以人为本”的教育。最后,论文的这一部分阐明了信息技术潜在教育实现的另一重要前提便是“信息技术教育化”。论文的第五章阐明了信息技术潜在教育价值实现的实践路向,即它需要什么样的支撑条件。论文认为,对于信息技术的教育价值的实现而言,需要学校、家庭以及社会给予足够的“制度关怀”,即要求这三者有意识地干预或保持孩童与信息技术之间的“距离”。除此以外,信息技术的教育价值的实现也需要我们建立良好的软、硬件环境、恰切有效的教师信息技术素养提升机制以及恰切有效的激励机制。

【Abstract】 In the 1990s, with "Internet" as its rudiment, the "Information Highway" was founded, which announced the coming of "information era". In the McLuhanism’s tribute to "the body of electric " , arose the wave of "the modernization of education driven by the information-based education" in the basic education in our country. Starting from this background, this dissertation interprets the various current theories of "information-based basic education" and critically analyzes the real condition of basic education. With these, this paper discovers the main reasons for the formalization and technicalization of the usage of IT in the area of basic education: we fall into the trap of "technology instrumentalism" in handling the relationship between education and technology. Based on this discovery, this paper critically interprets the value of IT from the points of view of technical philosophy and media ecology, and then from the point of view of pedagogy, reconstructs the educational value of IT, and demonstrates the necessary precondition value and practical direction to realize its potential educational value. Concretely speaking, this dissertation consists of five logic parts:The first chapter describes the series of problems evoked by the encounter of basic education with information era, and the underlying reasons behind these problems. In this part, firstly the author concisely classifies the various theories about "the information era", and then gives a deeply theoretical analyses on the responses from the basic education of our country. Based on all these, the dissertation points out that presently the formalization of usage of IT in education and the technicalization of education are the main problems. By comparing the theories and the reality, this dissertation points out the main reasons leading to the above two problems: on one hand, we blindly worship technology and overestimate the educational value of information technology; on the other hand, we overlook the nature of "education" and the cultural conflict between the cultural quality of education and information technology.The second chapter critically interprets the value of IT from the points of view of technical philosophy and media ecology. In this part, the author firstly interprets the connotation and characters of technology from the view of phenomenological Philosophy of Technology, and concisely classifies the popular views about technology’s value in the area of philosophy of technology. With these as the base, this paper particularly discusses the connotation of "information" and "information technology". Then the author discusses the value of electronic media in the early time from the point of view of media ecology (McLuhan & Neil Postman) , and the value of computer and internet from the point of view of technology philosophy. At last with the help of the relative theory of "technical consciousness" from Don Ihde, this chapter critically interprets the relationship between IT and the change of people’s consciousness. According to this paper, IT can not bring people into the happy heaven as the optimist expects. When bringing the whole "world" before us, it also cheats us to leave behind the real, practical and colorful world.Based on the second chapter, the third chapter points out that IT isn’t the "God" to save everything for the development of education, even it helps in some extent. In this part, the author analyzes the relationship between education and information technology in the broaden meaning from the view of history and the pedagogy, and points out that as "social activity", education pays more attention to "information technology". Then with pedagogy as the starting point, this chapter criticizes such logic as "education can not develop without traditional IT, therefore the modern IT will bring benefits for the development of education". Based on this critique, the author discusses the underlying value of IT for the ends and methods of education, the educator and educate. After all these, this chapter points out that for education, the reasonable position of the value of information technology should be "as curriculum", "as education technology" and "as study technology". For education these three identities work not as base, but as remedy.Chapter four points out the preconditioned core values for IT to realize its underlying educational value: critical attitude, people foremost and educationalization of IT. In this part, the author first criticizes the radical idea of IT, and points out that we should transcend the radical idea and look on IT with the attitude of Luddism through the reinterpretation of Luddism in history. Then the author analyzes the modern difficult position and the new difficulty in information era, and points out that the education activity, having always taken an ultimate care of people’s freedom and happiness, should help people get out of these difficulties. But the education is not the modern one which has been reasonably invaded by instrumental rationality, or the informationalized one, but the one that has always been people-foremost. At last, this chapter explains that another important precondition for information technology to realize its underlying value is the "educationalization of IT".Chapter five explains the practical direction for information technology to realize its underlying values, or the supporting conditions it needs. According to author, for this realization, school, family and society are necessary to supply their institutional cares. That is, to consciously keep children a certain distance from information technology. Besides, we should also build a good environment of soft and hard wares, the efficient system to improve the IT literacy of teachers and to inspire them.

【关键词】 技术信息技术教育教育技术价值
【Key words】 TechnologyInformation TechnologyEducationEducation technologyValue

