

Research on IT-Based Instructional Design Competencies of the Primary and Secondary School Teachers

【作者】 齐媛

【导师】 何克抗;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着科技的飞速发展和社会的急剧变革,特别是以计算机为核心的信息技术在教育教学中应用的不断普及,从教育目标到教育内容、教育方法等学校教育诸因素都在发生巨大的变化,教师的角色与任务也相应地发生着改变,对教师的能力素质也提出了新的要求。教学设计作为教师的一项重要任务,很大程度上指导着教师的教学行为,影响着学生的学习活动。因而对教师教学设计能力的研究,尤其是信息技术环境下的教师教学设计能力研究很有必要。通过文献分析发现,目前对教师教学设计能力的研究存在两方面问题,一是概念界定不清、行为研究与认知研究脱节等理论上的问题,二是尚未开发出可以对教师教学设计能力进行科学测评的工具。本研究旨在这两方面有所突破。本研究首先从理论上对教师教学设计能力进行探讨,从设计的本质、教学的本质、教师与教学设计三个角度深入诠释了教师教学设计的概念、内涵与特征,为构建信息技术环境下的教师教学设计能力模型奠定了理论基础。其次,根据能力的一般定义,结合对教师教学设计过程的分析,从教师教学设计知识与教师教学设计技能两个层面构建了信息技术环境下教师教学设计能力的理论模型。第三,通过实证调查与分析进一步修订和验证了教师教学设计能力模型,并在此过程中形成了一套具有较好的测量学特征的教师教学设计能力测评工具。第四,从教师教学设计能力模型出发,提出了发展教师教学设计能力的基本途径和方法,包括提高教师的教学设计理论知识水平、通过反思实践培养教师的实践性知识,以及规范化教学设计过程以促进教师教学设计技能发展几个方面。并阐明了信息技术环境在教师教学设计能力发展中的作用和意义。最后,以笔者亲身参与的“基于网络环境的基础教育跨越式发展创新试验研究”和“运用信息化教学创新理论大幅提升农村中小学教学质量促进教育均衡发展试验研究”项目为例,介绍了项目在发展教师教学设计能力方面的举措和取得的效果,并指出了项目在促进教师发展方面更进一步的努力方向。本研究的主要创新之处在于:(1)厘定教师教学设计能力的概念及其内涵。本研究从对设计的本质分析入手,初步尝试在教学设计领域引入内部因素与外部因素的概念,对教学设计中的内部因素与外部因素加以区分和界定,为理解教师教学设计能力和构建教师教学设计能力模型提供了一个新的理论视角。(2)借用人力资源领域构建胜任力模型的方法,初步构建出信息技术环境下教师教学设计能力模型,并通过实证调查与分析进一步修订和验证了该模型。(3)开发出一套可用于测评教师教学设计能力的量表,并对该量表进行测量学属性的检验,各项指标表明该测验工具性能良好。该量表可用于教师能力的自我评估和和评定教师参与培训项目的前后变化等,亦可用作教师日常教学设计的反思工具。(4)结合亲身参与的项目,从发展教师的理论性知识、发展教师的实践性知识、发展教师的教学设计技能以及充分利用信息化环境促进教师专业发展几个方面,提出了信息技术环境下发展中小学教师教学设计能力的基本途径和方法,为教师培训项目、教师自我职业规划和发展提供了参考依据。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of science and technology, particularly the application of information technology in education, the goals, the content and the teaching methods have changed a lot. The roles and tasks of teachers have to change correspondently, which put forward new demands for the competencies of the teachers. As an important task for teachers, instructional design guides teachers’behavior, and affects students’learning activities to a large extent. And therefore the study on the instructional design competencies of teachers, especially under the information technology environment, is very necessary. Through literature analysis, we found that there are mainly two problems to be solved about the instructional design competencies of teachers. Firstly, we don’t have a clearly-defined conception on the instructional design competencies, behavior study or cognitive study can’t solve the problem by each of them self. Secondly, we have not developed a scale measuring the instructional design competencies of teachers yet. The study aims at achieving a breakthrough in these two areas.In this study, firstly we reconsidered the nature of design, teaching, and the relationship between teachers and instructional design, and then tried to give a suitable interpretation of teachers’instructional design, and its content and characteristics, which will lay a theoretical basis for constructing the IT-Based instructional design competencies model of the primary and secondary school teachers. Secondly, in accordance with the general definition of competencies, combined with the formal analysis of teachers’s instructional design process, we constructed the IT-Based instructional design competencies theoretical model of the primary and secondary school teachers from knowledge and skills two aspects. Thirdly, we revised and verified the IT-Based instructional design competencies theoretical model we have constructed, through empirical investigation and analysis of collected data. In this process, we also formed a set of measuring scale“the test of instructional design competencies”which contains 30 items and six sub-scales. The reliability and validity of the test achieve the psychometric criterion. Fourthly, based on the instructional design competencies theoretical model, we proposed the basic ways and means of developing teachers’instructional design competencies, including increasing their knowledge and improving skills on instructional design. And then we pointed out the role and significance of the information technology environment in the process of the development of teachers’instructional design competencies. Finally, taking the projects which the author personally have taken part in for almost three years as example, which are“the Network-based Leapfrogging Development Instruction in Chinese " and "innovative used IT-based Leapfrogging development instruction improving the quality of education in rural primary and secondary schools to promote education equity", we introduced the actions we have taken to develop teachers’instructional design competencies and the results we have achieved, and then pointed out the direction of further efforts on developing teachers’instructional design competencies.The main innovations of this study are listed as below:(1) Reinterpreting the conception of teachers’instructional design competencies. In this study, we started at the analysis of the nature of design, and took the initial attempt in the field of instructional design to the introduction of external factors and internal factors of design, and tried to distinguish them and give them suitable definitions and descriptions. It will lay a theoretical basis for constructing the IT-Based instructional design competencies model of the primary and secondary school teachers.(2) By utilizing competency theory that has been widely used in human resource, adopting behavioral event interview and factor analysis, this study tried to establish a set of models of teachers’instructional design competencies, and also formed a set of measuring scale“the test of instructional design competencies”which contains 30 items and six sub-scales.The result of this study is of practical value in terms of evaluating teachers.(3)“The test of instructional design competencies”measuring questionaire can be used for measuring the instructional design competencies; the relevant indicators show that it is a good test tool. The questionaire can be used for teachers’self-assessment or the assessment of the quality of teacher training programs by contrasting the changes before and after the training. It can also be used as a reflective tool for teachers’daily instructional design.(4) Based on the instructional design competencies theoretical model, we proposed the basic ways and means of developing teachers’instructional design competencies, including increasing their knowledge and improving skills on instructional design. It can provide reference for teacher training programs or career planning and development by teachers themselves.

  • 【分类号】G434;G635.1
  • 【被引频次】35
  • 【下载频次】4543
  • 攻读期成果

