

On the Concept Practice of "Ecological Perspective" in Contemporary Chinese

【作者】 李树铭

【导师】 胡海波;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 森林是陆地生态系统的主体,地球之肺。森林在涵养水源、保持水土、保护生物多样性等方面具有重要的作用。林业是人类以森林为改造对象的一种基础而特殊的实践活动方式。近代以来的森林生态危机,以至于自然界生态系统失去应有的平衡,根本原因在于人类林业实践的理念与方式存在误区。当穿越了一个多世纪的理论批判、思想反省之后,林业实践的理念与方式发生了重要的变革。在当代中国,人们既注重保护森林生态,又注重发展林业生态产业,努力寻求保护与发展的最佳结合点。人与森林的对象性关系经历了从最初的简单利用与被利用到掠夺与被掠夺再到保护与被保护的转变。林业作为人类一种重要而基础的实践活动,其理念与践行方式的生态性变革不能不引发我们对人类一般性的实践理念及其践行方式的反思。在当代中国人未来发展的价值视域中,在历史与逻辑统一的思想理路中,本文以林业实践理念与方式变革为切入点,运用归纳与演绎的思维方法,对人类实践理念及其践行方式的变革展开研究。本文认为,鉴于人类主体自觉性生成的不同境界,人类实践理念的生成要经历三个阶段:即“自然观点”的实践理念,“经济观点”的实践理念,“生态观点”的实践理念。“自然观点”的实践理念是自然经济中以“自然的生存需要”为核心的“依附性”实践理念;“经济观点”的实践理念是市场经济中以“以获取经济利润”为核心的“占有性”实践理念;“生态观点”的实践理念是生态经济中以“人与自然和谐统一”为核心的“和谐性”实践理念。“自然观点”与“经济观点”的实践理念属于人类传统的实践理念,而“生态观点”的实践理念是在生命层面统一与提升“自然观点”与“经济观点”实践理念的基础上形成的人类走向未来的理想性思想观念。作为人类传统的实践理念,“自然观点”与“经济观点”的实践理念是人类核心价值的一重意蕴。在这两种实践理念的导引下,人类从野蛮不断走向文明。但由于人类主体自觉性的境界较低,贯穿于人类传统实践理念的“单一性”生命观、“实体性”思维方式与“功利性”价值取向亦使当代人类陷入了生存的焦虑之中,陷入了诸多生存危机之中。在林业领域发生的实践理念及其践行方式的生态性变革,意味着当代人类若想走出传统实践理念带来的生存困境,必须塑造与确立“生态观点”的实践理念及其践行方式。在恰切地分析传统实践理念的特点与践行方式的基础上,本文以马克思主义人与自然关系的思想为理论根基,以分析西方生态性的社会思潮为理论参照,以当代中国生态文明的思想观点为理论前提,对“生态观点”实践理念的特质、思想观点与践行方式进行了深入的研究。其一,“生态观点”实践理念的特质。“生态观点”的实践理念具有“生命性”、“历史性”、“丰富性”、多重内在矛盾的特质。“生命性”特质意指此种实践理念既尊重人类的主体性生命价值,又不否定自然界的外在生命价值,并试图通过一种崭新的价值模式实现人与自然的生命和谐;“历史性”特质意指此种实践理念是对“自然观点”和“经济观点”实践理念的扬弃,是在更高的生命境界中对二者的容纳与发展;“丰富性”特质意指此种实践理念表征了人的生命的丰富性和全面性及其具体的实现方式;多重内在矛盾特质意指此种实践理念是人类生命之整体性与特殊性、理想性与现实性、继承性与超越性的矛盾观念统一体。其二,“生态观点”实践理念的思想观点。“生态观点”实践理念的核心问题是此种理念与传统实践理念之间的关系。本文认为,“生态观点”实践理念是人类核心价值之多重意蕴的统一,亦即“生态观点”实践理念不仅融含了传统实践理念的特质,而且在更高的生命境界中,以人的生命尺度与自然界尺度的双重尺度统一的思维方式,重构“科技理性”与“人文精神”双重精神元素的同一,追求实现人类“生命和谐”的“生态家园”之价值理想。其三,“生态观点”实践理念的践行方式。在形上的视域中,生态实践是“生态观点”实践理念的践行方式。生态实践是注重实践元素之间关系,注重生态能量持续循环发展,注重改造与保护、效益与发展统一,凸显生态公平的“和谐型”实践方式。在具体的人类实践中,应通过创立生态效益补偿机制的践行方式,建立生态保护体系的践行方式,形成生态循环发展的践行方式来实现“生态观点”实践理念的价值追求。

【Abstract】 Forests are the main terrestrial ecosystems, the Earth’s lungs. Of forests in water conservation, soil and water, the conservation of biological diversity plays an important role. Forestry is a forest for the transformation of human to an object based on the practice of special activities. Modern history of forest ecological crisis, that the loss of natural ecosystems should be a balance, the fundamental reason is that the concept of human forestry practice and the existence of errors. When more than a century through a critical theory, ideological soul searching, forestry practice and the way the concept of an important change. In contemporary China, people not only pay attention to the protection of forest ecosystems, but also pay attention to the development of eco-forestry industry, conservation and development efforts to find the best combination of points. The object and the forest has experienced sexual relations from the initial use of simple to use and has been plundered and looted and then to the protection and the protection changes.Forestry as an important basic human practice, its philosophy and practice of ecological changes the way we human beings can not but lead to the practice of the general concept and its approach to reflect on practice. In contemporary China, as the value of the future development of the domain, in the logic of history and logic of the idea of unification, this article in order to practice the concept of forestry and changes in the way as the breakthrough point, the use of inductive and deductive ways of thinking, the concept of human practice and practice changes in the way of research.This article holds that, in view of the main human-generated different realm of consciousness, the concept of the generation of human practice to go through three stages: the "natural perspective" the practice of philosophy, "the economic point of view," the practice of the concept of "ecological perspective" the practice of philosophy. "Natural perspective" the practice of philosophy is a natural economy to "the survival of the natural needs" as the core of the "dependency" in practice the idea; "economic point of view," the practice of the concept of a market economy in order to "to obtain economic profits" at the core " possession of "the practice of philosophy;" ecological perspective "is the practice of the concept of ecological economy of" harmony between man and nature "as the core of the" harmony "of the practice of philosophy. "Natural point of view" and "economic point of view," the practice of the concept of belonging to the traditional practice of human ideas, and "ecological perspective" in the practice of the concept of unity and enhance the level of life "natural point of view" and "economic perspective" practice based on the concept of the the ideal of humanity into the future of ideas. The traditional practice of human philosophy, "natural point of view" and "economic point of view," the practice of philosophy is a core value of human re-implication. In both practice guided by the concept of human civilization from barbarism towards. However, due to the realm of human consciousness in the main low, through the traditional practice of the concept of human "oneness" concept to life, "entities" in the way of thinking and "utilitarian" values also fell into a contemporary human survival anxiety, and into a number of survival crisis.Occurred in the field of forestry practice and practice the concept of ecological way of change, means that the contemporary human To bring out the traditional practice of the concept of the survival of the plight of the need to create and establish the "ecological perspective" the practice of philosophy and its practice methods. Analysis of the pertinent characteristics of the traditional practice of philosophy and practice based on the way, this article Marxism relationship between man and nature of the ideological foundation for the theory to analyze the ecology of Western social thought for the theoretical reference to the ecological civilization of contemporary China the premise for the theory of ideas of "ecological perspective" idea of the nature of practice, practice the way of ideas and in-depth research.First, the "ecological perspective" the nature of the practice of philosophy."Ecological perspective" the practice of the concept of "life" and "historic", "rich", the characteristics of multiple internal contradictions. "Life" of the characteristics of such a practice means that both the concept of respect for human life of the main value of the external nature without denying the value of life, and trying to value a brand new mode of life between man and nature in harmony; "historic "characteristics of the concept of the meaning of such a practice is a" natural point of view "and" economic point of view, "the idea of abandoning the practice is at a higher level of life to accommodate both and development;" rich "means the characteristics of such practice Characterization of the idea of the wealth of human life and the realization of a comprehensive and concrete manner; multiple characteristics of the internal contradictions of such practice, the meaning of the concept of human integrity and particularity of life, ideals and reality, inheritance and transcendence the concept of unity of contradictions.Second, the "ecological perspective" idea of ideas in practice."Ecological perspective" the core issue of the practice of philosophy is such a concept with the traditional concept of the relationship between the practice. In this paper, that the "ecological perspective" Our goal is to practice the core values of human multiple implication of the unity that is "ecological perspective" into the practice of philosophy not only with the traditional idea of the nature of the practice, but also in a higher realm of life to human life scale and nature of the double-scale-scale unified way of thinking, reconstruction of "technological rationality" and "the humanistic spirit of" double spirit of the same element, the human pursuit of "harmonious life" and "eco-home" value of the ideal.Third, the "ecological perspective" means the practice of the concept of practice. As in the metaphysical domain, ecological practice is the "ecological perspective" meansthe practice of the concept of practice. Ecological practice is focused on the relationship between elements of practice, pay attention to the continuing cycle of development of ecological energy, focus on transformation and protection, efficiency and development of a unified, highlights eco-fair "harmony-based" practices. In specific human practice, eco-efficiency through the creation of a compensation mechanism of the practice means to establish the practice of ecological protection system means the formation of the ecological cycle of the development of practice methods to achieve "ecological perspective" to pursue the practice of the concept of value.


