

The Study on "Iraq-gate"

【作者】 冷雪梅

【导师】 于群;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,随着海湾战争的打响,美国的伊拉克政策引起了学术界极大的关注:一方面因为伊拉克做为海湾地区重要的石油大国,其能源战略地位成为西方各国,特别是美国能源战略中至关重要的一环。因此接近和控制伊拉克的石油一直是美国伊拉克政策、甚至是全球战略中的重点。另一方面做为海湾地区大国,伊拉克政权的性质和政策取向极大地影响地区的平衡和稳定,因此直接关系到美国在海湾地区的国家安全利益。70年代末开始,美国决策者已经意识到伊拉克的重要性,因此开始逐步修补美伊外交关系,并在两伊战争期间确立了对伊拉克的倾斜政策,在倾斜政策的指导下,美国制定了以援助和合作为主要特征的出口政策。通过研究可以看到:整个80年代,做为美国对伊拉克政策一暗一明两条线索,美国伊拉克外交政策同美国积极的出口政策相互补充配合,都是为了实现美国遏制苏联,确保能源供应安全、抢夺伊拉克市场的整体战略目标。同时结合1989年爆发的“伊拉克门”丑闻而引发的美国政府对80年代伊拉克政策的整体审查和最终结果,通过研究分析美国外交政策的制定、实施以及通过审查解决外交政策危机的整体过程,可以概括出80年代美国伊拉克政策的主要特征和务实主义的本质。本文主要分为五个部分:绪论;第一章,20世纪50-80年代美国对伊拉克的政策;第二章,20世纪80年代美国对伊拉克的出口政策;第三章,“伊拉克门”与美国伊拉克出口政策审查;结论。引言中,主要对国内外学术界对美国中东政策和伊拉克政策研究做了一个综述性的介绍。在国外学术界,对于90年代之后美国伊拉克政策的研究比较深入,但是在政策功过是非的评价上呈现出结论对立化的趋势;在国内学术界,主要从美国中东政策的宏观把握上入手,美国伊拉克政策做为美国中东政策的一个分支,通常做为章节性的讨论而泛泛出现,缺乏细致紧密的原始档案资料的支持。引言中对美国伊拉克政策研究的现状做了一个综合性分析。还对本选题涉及的概念性的问题,选题的意义、研究方法和资料来源作了说明和解释。第一章对二战后美国的海湾政策和伊拉克政策做了一个概括性的追溯,侧重于美国对外经济援助政策和军事援助政策的发展脉络,以期为80年代美国制定对伊拉克出口政策的历史背景做出铺垫性陈述。同时从美国修补美伊关系入手,借助原始档案资料,揭露80年代美国暗中确立倾斜政策和双轨政策的历史发展过程中不为人知的政策细节,最后从冷战战略需要以及同西方国家竞争需要两个方面,总结出美国伊拉克政策确立的政治动因和经济动因,清晰地揭示美国确立以出口政策为主轴的伊拉克政策的根本原因。第二章重点阐述80年代美国对伊拉克推行出口政策的主要内容,包括美国对伊拉克的出口合作政策、美国对伊拉克的农产品贷款担保计划、美国对伊拉克生化物资出口政策三个部分。从其政策和相应出口合作计划的制定和实施过程来看,美国对伊出口政策在灵活松弛的原则指导下,随着美伊关系的发展不断调整,而调整后的出口政策反过来又对美伊外交关系产生深远的影响。在美国制定对伊拉克的出口政策的过程中,美国国务院的“倾斜政策”同国会的“摊牌政策”是一对贯穿始终的矛盾所在。第三章从1989年“伊拉克门”丑闻爆发给美国带来的政策困境入手,对美国官方政策同隐蔽政策之间的关系、以及在对美国出口政策审查过程中所体现出的“审查解决政策危机”的模式都进行了阐述、分析和研究。最终可以看到丑闻给美伊关系带来的影响,以及90年代后美国伊拉克政策调整和最终确立的原因。同时也将“伊拉克门”与被称为第二次“伊拉克门”的“情报门”做了一个比较研究。结论中总结论述了“伊拉克门”丑闻的影响、80年代美国出口政策的特征和美国伊拉克政策的实质。

【Abstract】 Since the 1990s, the America’s policy toward Iraq has become a hot issue in the academic circles after the Gulf war: One reason is that Iraq’s petroleum resource is the important link of the west, especially of the U.S. energy strategy as a major petroleum export nation in the Persian Gulf. To approach and control the petroleum of Iraq has been the focus of U.S.–Iraq foreign policy and U.S. global strategy. Another reason is that the nature of Iraq government and policy-making have the profound influence on the steadiness and balance of Persian Gulf, it is directly concerned with the America’s national security in the Gulf. Since the end of the 1970s, the importance of Iraq has been recognized, and the America’s policy-makers has begun to restore U.S.-Iraq relationship and made tilt policy to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war. Under the guide of the policy, the U.S. established the trade-export policy, the policy had the features of aid and cooperation. During the whole 1980s, as the two clues both overt and covert, the U.S. foreign policy towards Iraq and active trade-export policy complement each other, all serve for the whole strategic aims of U.S. which include containing the Soviet Union and ensuring the security of petroleum supply and competing for the Iraq market. At the same time,“Iraq-gate”scandal of 1989 led to the judicial review of U.S.-Iraq policy, we can conclude the characteristics and nature of U.S. foreign policy to Iraq in the 1980s through the researches on the process of making, implementing and reviewing the policy.This dissertation consists of five parts as follows:Introduction:In this part, a survey of the studies of U.S. middle east policy and U.S.-Iraq policy has been performed. It has been pointed out that there is a profound research on U.S.-Iraq policy in foreign academic circles, but with contradictory theories; in domestic academic circles, most studies pay attention to the macro-frame of U.S. middle-east policy, U.S.-Iraq policy is often studied as a branch of middle-east policy with no detailed and unclassified documents, especially in the 1980s. The grounds for the topic selection of the thesis are accounted for, and the problem of concepts and the realistic significance of the topic are also discussed.Chapter I, U.S. Foreign policy towards Iraq from the 1950s-1980s.This chapter is concerned with U.S. Persian gulf policy and Iraq policy by tracing back the history of the development, emphasis is placed on the development of U.S. financial aid policy and military aid policy. The key aim is focused on the background of U.S. export policy. Through the analysis of the unclassified documents, the details of“tilt policy”and“two-track policy”making can be uncovered. Finally the main reasons can be found out about why America took the trade-export policy as the main body of foreign policy to Iraq, through the politics and economy, it stems from the need of cold war and market competition.Chapter II, U.S. trade-export policy towards Iraq in the 1980s.In this chapter, a survey of the context of U.S. trade-export policy to Iraq has been carried out, including export aid and cooperation program、Commodity Credit Corporation Export Credit Guarantee Program and export policy of biological-chemical materials. According to the development of program and policy, U.S. trade-export policy had been kept adjusting with the evolution of U.S.-Iraq foreign relationship because of the flexible export principle, the adjusted policy had a profound effect on U.S.-Iraq foreign relationship conversely. During the process of trade-export policy making, conflict between“bottom-up policy”of the congress and“tilt policy”of State Department penetrated the whole process.Chapter III,“Iraq-gate”and review of U.S. trade-export policy.This chapter begins from“Iraq-gate”of 1989, it landed U.S. into policy dilemma. So the analyses of the relationship between U.S. government policy and secret policy, and studies on how U.S. government“resolve policy crisis by review”will be performed. And then we can draw the conclusion why U.S.-Iraq policy had been adjusted during the 1990s. In the last section“Iraq-gate”is compared with“Intelligence-gate”(the second“Iraq-gate”).Conclusion:The conclusion is a brief summary over the influence of“Iraq-gate”, and characteristics of U.S. export policy and nature of its foreign policy towards Iraq.

  • 【分类号】D871.2;D837.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】363
  • 攻读期成果

