

The Study of the Fusing Religious Paradigm of the Second Generation of British Romanticism

【作者】 龙瑞翠

【导师】 李增;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 英国第二代浪漫主义诗歌作为英国文学发展史上的重要里程碑,以其独特的艺术风格、个性化的美学观、充满想象力的文学内涵、理想化的政治理念吸引着国内外一代又一代的批评者。但我们对研究文献的追溯却发现,虽然宗教作为诗人创作的重要源泉,而且他们那蕴含着宗教之光的作品还是19世纪初英国社会的重要文化现象,但第二代浪漫主义诗人宗教观却一直备受评论者的冷落:国内学者很少关注他们的宗教观,纵有关注者,其观点也非常粗糙;而国外学者虽然或有关注他们宗教观的,但却很少有从马克思主义宗教观来评判的,且虽然观点众多,莫衷一是,既有一定道理,又带有片面性。因此为了更好地厘清第二代浪漫主义诗人尤其是拜伦、雪莱和济慈等人的思想发展脉络,理解、把握他们的诗歌作品,本论文提出以马克思主义宗教观和库恩的“范式”哲学思想为理论基础,建构一种“宗教范式”的研究策略对第二代浪漫主义诗人宗教范式进行研究,因为一方面宗教是他们文学创作的重要思想源泉,对其宗教观进行深入探讨必然对理解诗人其人其作具有重要价值;另一方面,以范式的形式对他们的宗教观进行研究也可以使第二代浪漫主义诗人创作思想的来源、表现状态得以更清晰、深刻地呈现出来。具体而言,本论文由五个部分组成。引言部分对国内外研究现状进行调研,并提出本论文的中心论题及预期目标。第一章确立马克思主义宗教观为本论文的基本指导思想,以库恩“范式”哲学思想为方法论基础,建构“宗教范式”这一研究策略。然后在这一研究策略指导下,论文第二章对影响第二代浪漫主义诗人宗教观形成的社会历史尤其是思想史进行综述,探讨西方两大传统宗教范式(南方宗教范式、北方宗教范式)的嬗变,从社会、历史发展的角度探讨第二代浪漫主义诗人共同分享、并受之制约的“交融式”宗教范式形成的原因及其表征。紧接着在第三、四、五章,论文以拜伦、雪莱和济慈等诗人为典型范例进一步阐释第二代浪漫主义诗人“交融式”宗教范式的成因与表征,以努力做到对整体与部分都进行关照。结语部分对论文进行总结,并评价第二代浪漫主义诗人“交融式”宗教范式的价值与不足。由此通过对第二代浪漫主义诗人宗教观进行跨学科研究,本论文期望能加深对这些诗人言行思动、诗作散文的理解,从文学的角度更好地把握19世纪初之英国历史与文化。同时通过建构“宗教范式”并以之为研究策略对第二代浪漫主义诗歌进行多视角研究,期望能拓宽、拓深英国浪漫主义诗歌研究;同时通过此一研究,本论文也期望能为浪漫主义文学的跨学科研究提供有效、有力的借鉴案例,以促进浪漫主义诗歌研究的系统整合,使浪漫主义诗歌研究建立在更科学、全面、具体的基础之上。

【Abstract】 The poetry of the second generation of British Romanticism is an important milestonein the history of British literature, and has gained attention from generation to generationbecause of their unique artistic styles, aesthetics, powerful imagination, and politicalidealism. However, as the literary review indicates, hitherto, the research perspectives ofthe second generation seem to have been over-exploited. Yet, the religion is always animportant source of the poets’ creation, and their writings featured with the aura of religionis an important cultural phenomenon of the early 19th century England. Nevertheless, inChina, scholars show little concern about the poets’ religion; while at abroad, despite ofcriticisms on the poets’ religion, scholars rarely study from the perspective of Marxist pointof view of religion.Based on the above understanding, this study is originated from a desire to establish afresh religious paradigm approach to the poetry of the second generation, for religion is animportant source of their creation. To understand their religious thoughts and attitudes candefinitely help understand their works. Besides, to take the second generation as a group,and paradigmize their religion can illustrate the resources of their literary creation and theirsharing characteristics of religious features more clearly.The dissertation comprises five chapters with one introduction and a conclusion.Introduction scans the previous studies of the second generation at home and abroad, andthen proposes the central argument and eventual conclusions of the study of thedissertation. Chapter One takes Marxist theory of religion and T. Kuhn’s theory ofparadigm as the theoretical foundation to construct a religious paradigm as the researchstrategy of the dissertation. Chapter Two first reviews the coming-up and transitions of thetwo traditional religious paradigms: the Christian oriented northern religious paradigm andthe Greek polytheistic oriented southern religious paradigm. And then it illustrates theshaping of the fusing religious paradigm which not only covers the traditional twoparadigms but also contains the features of the Eastern Mysticism. After that, it manifeststhe characteristics of the fusing religious paradigm and its reflection on the thoughts,behaviours and works of the second generation of British Romanticism. Hence, thischapter expects to show an overview of the sharing religious elements in the poetry of thesecond generation under the concept of the same paradigm—the Fusing ReligiousParadigm. Chapter Three, Four and Five take Byron, Shelley and Keats as the typical casesof the fusing religious paradigm to further prove and illustrate the characteristics of thisFusing Religious Paradigm. Meanwhile, they also explore the uniqueness of each poet’sreligion because of their different growing-up experiences. Thus, with the“voice”ofparticular cases, these chapters expect to make the religious paradigm illustrated in ChapterTwo more vivid, concrete and persuasive. Conclusion of the dissertation first summarizesthe views of this dissertation, and then reassesses the value of this fusing religiousparadigm. Consequently, through interdisciplinary research of the religion of the secondgeneration, this dissertation expects to understand the poets and their poetry, the Romanticliterature profoundly. Meanwhile, through constructing a new research strategy--religiousparadigm to study the romantic poetry, the dissertation expects to broaden and deepen thestudy of British Romantic literature. Besides, through this research, the dissertation expectsto provide an effective research case to foster a new perspective of Romantic literatureresearch, and make it more scientific, comprehensive.


