

Bottom-class Narration in the New Century’s Literature

【作者】 李新

【导师】 刘雨;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪末期,《天涯》、《南方文学》率先刊登一些关注底层生存境遇的打工文学作品和底层生存实录。一些专业作家也纷纷开始视点下移,或书写自身的平民化生存记忆,或表现现实生活中底层人的血泪辛酸,体现出知识分子所特有的悲悯情怀。“底层”这一概念最早来自于意大利马克思主义思想家葛兰西的《狱中札记》,是指一种革命力量,是指被排除在欧洲主流社会之外的处于从属地位的社会群体,葛兰西所关注的是底层在自己的政党领导下取得霸权的问题。二十世纪八十年代初,印度一批优秀的历史学家开始了关于南亚社会的“庶民”研究,探讨关于“庶民”的各方面状况。在中国,“底层”作为社会学概念,较为系统地被阐述是在陆学艺编著的《当代中国社会阶层研究报告》一书中,而作为文学概念的“底层”,较早出现于蔡翔的散文随笔《底层》,他在文中对“底层”的界定饱含着知识分子悲天悯人的情感。进入新世纪以来,随着文学界对“底层”日渐热切的关注,“底层叙事”呈星火燎原之势迅猛发展,并渐成一般强劲的文学潮流,引起了理论界对底层叙事焦点问题的理论论争。《文艺理论》、《上海文学》、《北京文学》、《文艺争鸣》、《当代作家评论》、《当代文坛》、《文学评论》等专业文学理论批评期刊对底层文学进行了大规模的热烈讨论。在现代性话语笼罩下,底层文学以一种“先锋”的姿态,揭示出重写文学史的“洞见”与“盲视”。底层文学的发展对当今的文学史提出了质疑。在当今的文化视野下,底层文学关注对现实问题的文学表述,在题材上反映出现存的各种社会问题,如下岗题材(曹征路的《那儿》)矿难题材(刘庆邦的《神木》),极端讨薪题材(刘继明的《放声歌唱》),关注农村留守儿童题材(电视剧《暖春》),进城打工者题材(孙惠芬的《民工》)等等。这些来源于现实生活的文学作品,以真实、生动的再现,给读者、观众以心灵的震撼,在表达出作家们对底层苦难生活的悲悯情怀的同时,折射出作家们对人性的探索与道德的拷问,是一种对人类灵魂的终极人文关怀。底层自身面临着身份认同的危机与边际性体验。他们大多来自农村,背井离乡,来到城市,带着对城市的梦想与渴望,隐忍着城市的冷漠与拒斥,伴随着失去故土的焦灼,尴尬地面对着身份认同的危机,在被动选择中体验着焦虑与困惑。进城的结果往往是返乡或对抗城市。在浩瀚的底层文学作品中,不乏闪耀着时代精神的扛鼎之作,如贾平凹的《高兴》、刘庆邦的《神木》(2002“老舍文学奖”)、李锐的《太平风物》、孙惠芬的《歇马山庄》系列(第六届“茅盾文学奖”入选作品)、尤凤伟的《泥鳅》、田耳的《一个人的张灯结彩》(第四届“鲁迅文学奖”中篇)、范小青的《城乡简史》(第四届“鲁迅文学奖”短篇)等,均在选材、叙事结构、叙事风格、人物塑造等方面表现出优秀的品质,是底层文学作品中的典范。在这些作品中,塑造出许许多多丰满的、栩栩如生的人物形象:杀人者的穷凶极恶,农民的劳苦、沉重、滞后,下岗工人的失落、无奈与沮丧,进城打工者的奋斗与拼搏,在这些人物身上都体现得淋漓尽致。透过这些人物的日常生活与情感婚姻等琐碎片段,折射出底层群体的人格与命运,更反映出时代的发展与社会的进步。现实主义传统在中国文学的历史长河中源远流长,新世纪的底层文学带给我们对文学发展的深入思考,在这个物欲横流、惟实惟利的时代,消费文化、市场文化,个性化写作、欲望叙事、追求奇幻、追求形式与技法等文学现象被炒作得天翻地覆的时候,我们是否该沉静下来,反思历史,“因为冷静才能避免随波逐流,才有时间决定选择还是拒绝;而沉思才有希望返回自我和完成对现实的超越,从而在精神的深度上实现历史与现实的深刻反思。”反思历史,立足现实,让我们用生命的激情和超越现实的思想精神去追求未来。上世纪末至今十几年来,我们可喜地看到底层文学作品在中国文坛如一朵朵现实主义的奇葩,竞相地吐露芬芳,带给我们一个生机勃勃的春天,让我们期待更多更好的底层文学作品绽放出朵朵幸福之花,让人文关怀的馨香洒满天下。

【Abstract】 At the end of the 20th century, articles and literature on the life of bottom-classwere initially published in Tian Ya and Nanfang Wenxue. Some professional writersstart to low their views, write their own civilianized memoirs and illustrate the realcruelty of bottom-class. All their narrations indicate the unique sympathy ofintellectuals.The concept of "Bottom-class" is firstly found in The Prison Notebooks written byItalian Marxist Antonio Gramsci. It indicates a social power, which is aliened fromthe mainstream of European society and subordinate to the social group. AntonioGramsci mainly concerned with the issues of bottom-class under the rule of his party.In 1980s, a group of Indian excellent historians started to do a research on theplebeians in South Asian society and explored every aspect of plebeian’s situation. InChina, as a social concept, Bottom-class is systematically illustrated in Report onChinese Social Structures in the Modern Society written by LU Xueyi. As a literatureconcept, bottom-class is initially appeared in the Cai Xiang’s prose Bottom. In Bottom,Cai’s definition of Bottom-class has the sympathy of intellectuals. With the comingnew century and the literature society’s higher attentions to bottom-class, thenarration of Bottom-class develops rapidly. It has become a strong literaturephenomenon. The theoretical society opened an intense theory discussion on the focusof bottom-class narration. There were a big-scale discussion on Bottom-class in manycritics such as Literature theory, shanghai Literature, Beijing Literature, LiteratureContend, Modern Literature Analysis, Modern Literature and Literature Analysis. Inthe speech of Modernity, bottom-class literature in the form of pioneer illustrates theinsight and blindness in literature. Meanwhile, the development of Bottom-classliterature proposed a question to the modern literature history.In the view of modern culture, Bottom-class literature focuses on the literalexpression of reality issues that reflects various social problems, such as Cao Zhenglu’s Naer on laid-off issue, Liu Qingbang’s Shen Mu on Coalmine crisis, LiuJiming’s Fangsheng Gechang on extremely demanding wages, TV series NuanChunon left-behind children in rural China and Sun Huifen’s Mingong on the city workersfrom countryside etc. These literal works are from reality topics and they touched thereaders and audience’s heart by the vivid and realistic recurrence. These worksdemonstrate writer’s sympathy to the bottom class as well as their exploration onhuman nature and morality, which is considered to be a final humanity care ofhuman’s soul.Being a Bottom-class faces the crisis of identity cognition and the experience ofbeing aliened. Most Bottom-class are from countryside, away from their hometown tothe city with the hope and dream. They silently tolerant the strangeness and resistanceof city and embarrassingly face the crisis of identity cognition with the anxiety ofleaving from the hometown. The Bottom-class is experiencing the confusion and theanxiety as a subordinate. The result of entering the city often turns out theconfrontation to city or the return to countryside.Some excellent works with the spirit of times appeared in the Bottom-classworks, such as JIA Pingou’s Gaoxing, LIU Qingbang’s Shenmu (winner of LaosheLiterature Prize 2002), LI Rui’s Taiping Fengwu, Sui Guifen’s series of XiemaShanzhuang (nominated as the Fourth LU Xun’s Literature Prize) and FANXiaoqing’s Chengshi Jianshi (The Fourth LU Xun’s Literature Prize) etc. TheseWorks have shown an excellent quality on the narration structure, narration style andfigure description. These works are the examples of Bottom-class literature. Theseworks illustrate many vivid figures, such as the cruelty of murderer, the hand-working,backwards of peasants, the lost of the laid-off, the strivings of workers in the city.Through the description of these figures on marriage or everyday life, these worksreflect the fate of bottom-class and the development of the times and society.Realism has a long history in Chinese literature. There are a lot of reflections thebottom-class literature bring to us in the new century. In the time of vanity, variousliterature skills have been overheated such as consumer culture, market culture,personal writing, lust writing and fantasy seeking. We should calm down and reflect the history. "Only the calmness can avoid the easiness and having time to decidewhether to choose or reject. The deeply thought will help oneself achieve theexceeding of modernity and come to a deep reflection on history and reality." Basedon the time with the recall of history, we will devote ourselves to pursue the futurewith the spirit of life. From the end of last century to recent decades, we happilynotice that bottom-class literature is a spring bud in realism, which brings us a springand gives us a hope that more and better bottom-class literature will come following.


