

Sex and the Society of Qin and Han Dynasty

【作者】 刘举

【导师】 王彦辉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 性是人类生活的一个重要方面,不仅对社会发展、民族振兴有很大影响,而且与个人幸福、家庭和睦息息相关。但由于长期以来性禁锢、性封闭的影响,这个领域鲜有涉足者。伴随着近年来社会学研究的兴起,社会史的研究也受到越来越多的重视。本文就是在这一背景下,从性问题入手来重视审视秦汉社会,希望通过对性及相关问题的探讨使我们对秦汉社会有更加全面的认识。本文研究依据资料以传世文献为主,以出土简帛为辅。在研究过程中,本着唯物史观,采用二重证据法,将史学、社会学、性学理论相结合,拓展研究空间和视角,以期对课题研究有所禆益。本文共分为引言、正文和结语三大部分。引言对本文的选题意义、研究价值、研究目的、研究方法进行了系统的阐述,着重对本课题的学术研究状况进行了回顾。正文分为五章。第一章是性与秦汉社会婚姻家庭。探讨了性对秦汉社会婚姻家庭形成和稳定的影响,论证了秦汉时期的婚龄结构与青春期性成熟的关系,分析了性吸引力对婚姻家庭形成和稳定的影响,论证了性因素在家庭矛盾和婚姻关系解除中扮演了重要的角色。第二章是性与秦汉社会政治。分析了性因素在秦汉社会宫廷斗争中所起的作用;探讨了外戚作为统治集团中一支重要政治力量,其兴衰与性问题息息相关;从生理、心理变化的角度论证了宦官预政、乱政的必然性;阐述了秦汉政府对性过错的法律规范及其作用。第三章是性与秦汉社会经济。从汉代人口与社会经济发展的关系角度,论述了两汉之初实行人口增殖政策的必然性,分析了两汉中后期人口过度膨胀对经济发展与社会稳定的负面影响;探讨了秦汉帝王后宫的开支情况,论证了后宫不仅是国家财政的沉重负担,而且还严重影响了民众生活水平的提高和社会经济的正常运转。第四章是性与秦汉社会风俗文化。论述了源自先秦的贞节观念在秦汉社会呈现了一种不断强化的趋势,为后世贞节观念的发展奠定了基础。分析了秦汉社会贞节观念尽管得到儒家的提倡,并且在一定程度上得到了最高统治者的认可,但却没有实现系统化、未得到社会成员普遍遵守的原因。第五章是性与秦汉社会房室养生。论述了秦汉社会房室养生思想主要源于道家,方法主要源于神仙家,围绕着房室养生,探讨了婚姻、性爱、子嗣、优生、胎教、医药除疾及养生长寿等方面的问题。阐述了房室养生盛行的情况,并分析了盛行原因。结语对研究进行了总结,归纳了本文的主要观点,强调了性因素对秦汉社会各方面、各领域均产生了深远的影响。

【Abstract】 The sex is an important aspect in human life, which not only has the very tremendous influence on development of the society and the national promotion, but also interrelates vitally with individual happiness and family harmony. But as a result of the imprisonment on the mentality of sex, there are very few people researching in this domain. With the rise of the sociology research in recent years, the research of social history has more and more been an important sphere of learning. Under this background, The dissertation examining the society of Qin and Han Dynasty by the view of sex problem, by which we could have a more comprehensive understanding on the society in Qin and Han Dynasty.This research is based on the historical records and some unearthed relics. This dissertation sticks to the history idea of materialism, adopting the method of duplicate historic proofs, in the meanwhile, combining history and social sciences and sexual theories, which will be beneficial to the research. This dissertation is divided into three major parts: the introduction, the main text and the conclusion.The introduction part interprets the importance, value, purpose and the method of the topic, and reviews the achievements of the academic research.The main text is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is the sex and the social marriage and family in Qin and Han Dynasty. Firstly, the author discusses the influences of the sex on form and stability of the social marriage and family. Secondly the author argues about the relationship between the components of the marriageable age structure and the adolescent sexual maturity. Thirdly, the author demonstrates the important role of sex factor in the family dissension and dissolution of marriage.The second chapter is the sex and the politics in the society of Qin and Han Dynasty. Firstly, the author analyzes the action made by the factor of sex during the confliction in the court. Secondly, the author discusses the vicissitudes of the maternal relatives as one of the political power which is decided by the factor of sex. Thirdly, the author argues the necessity of the interference in politics by the eunuch from the view of the physiology and the psychology. Fourthly, the author interprets the regulation of the sexual fault by the law made by the government in Qin and Han Dynasty and the influences of these measures. The third chapter is the sex and the economy in the society of Qin and Han Dynasty. On the one hand, the author discusses the necessity of the propagation of population policy made by the government during the early Xi Han Dynasty and Dong Han Dynasty by the view of the relationship between the population and the development of the social economics, by which the author analyzes the adverse influence of population overgrowth in mid and late Han Dynasty. On the other hand, the author researches on the situation of the imperial harem’s expenses in Qin and Han Dynasty, by which the author concludes that the expenses of the imperial harem were the great financial burden of the government and produced seriously influence on the development of common people’s living standard and the social economics.The forth chapter is the sex and the social custom and culture in Qin and Han Dynasty. The author suggested that the idea of chastity which formed from Pre-Qin Dynasty had been steadily strengthened, which laid the foundations of the idea of chastity later. The author analyzes the reason why though promoted by the Confucian School and accepted by the high ruler to a certain extent, the idea of Chastity had not been systematized and obeyed by all the people.The fifth chapter is sex and the health protection of sexual intercourse in Qin and Han Dynasty. The author discusses that the ideology of the health protection of sexual intercourse be created by the Taoist school, and the method be brought out by Celestials, which was about marriage, sex, offspring, prepotency, antenatal training, health,longevity and so on. The author expresses the population condition and the reasons of the health protection of sexual intercourse.The conclusion makes a summary to this dissertation. The author concludes the main viewpoint, and lays stress on deep influences of the sex on the aspects and other field in Qin and Han Dynasty


