

Study on the Local Administration Organizations Recorded in ZhouLi

【作者】 董巧霞

【导师】 詹子庆;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 周代是地方行政组织体系逐渐确立、完善的历史时期,形成了后世地方行政组织的雏形。周代地方行政组织的发展、演变经历了三个重要的历史阶段:第一个阶段是西周初期,在这个阶段中,地域性质的乡里组织已经出现,但只作为地方行政事务的辅助性组织而存在,血缘性质的宗族组织实际上承担了地方行政的职能。第二个阶段是西周中期以后,血缘组织和地缘组织并行的阶段。随着井田制度的弊端逐渐暴露,历史的发展要求地缘组织的行政职能逐渐加强,最终形成了凌驾于宗族组织之上的权力机构,但宗族组织仍然在地方行政事务中起到重要作用。第三个阶段是春秋战国时期,这是地方行政组织体系逐渐确立的历史时期。在这个阶段中,井田制度逐渐瓦解,同时经过各诸侯国的改革,宗族组织最终退出了行政管理职能的历史舞台,以地缘组织为主的地方行政组织体系逐步确立起来。《周礼》在“体国经野”的指导思想之下,以乡遂分治,确立了一个十分系统的地方行政组织体系。将《周礼》与其他先秦文献和古文字、简帛等资料相比照发现,其所言并非向壁虚造,而确是有其真实的历史依据。《周礼》作者以周王室档案为底本,参照了春秋战国时期各诸侯国地方行政体制的实际情况,揉和了西周、春秋、战国各个阶段的地方管理体制,其中某些地方行政管理机构甚至可以追溯得更远。《周礼》乡遂之中的各级地方行政组织基本都可以找到其原型。本文拟以《周礼》中所记载的地方行政组织为研究对象,考察各级地方行政组织在两周时期的发展脉络。并力图从《周礼》出发而又不囿于《周礼》,将视野放之于周代的大环境之中对地方行政组织进行系统地考察。全文主要分为三个大部分:第一部分:绪论。回顾和综述本课题已有的研究成果,并对本课题的写作缘由、研究空间、研究目标及研究思路等相关问题加以阐明。第二部分:包括本文的第一章到第三章,对于《周礼》中所记载的乡、遂各级地方行政组织以及都鄙之中的丘和邑分别进行考察、研究,梳理各级地方行政组织的初期形态及其发展和演变,力图确立一个周代地方行政组织体系的发展脉络。第三部分:包括本文的第四章到第六章,对地方行政组织的职能进行考察。最后,结语将对本文的研究内容作一总结,进一步阐述本文的研究结论。

【Abstract】 Local administration organization established gradually in the historical period of Zhou Dynasty, forming the embryonic form of local administration organization . The development and evolve of local administration organization in Zhou has three important period . The first one is in the early of the Western Zhou Dynasty , in which the regional organization in rural has came into being , only existing as a supplementary organization of local administration work . In fact , clan organization formed because of blood took the responsibilities of local administration . The second is after the middle of the Western Zhou Dynasty. It was a period that the organization formed of blood and regional organization existed side by side. Gradually, the malpractice of the well-field system exposed. It was required that administration function of regional organization strengthens little by little in order to meet the development of history. Finally, the rights above clan organization appeared. But it also played the important role in local administration function. The third is in the period of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States . It is a historical time that local administration organization system established gradually. During this period, the well-field system fell apart little by little. Moreover, clan organization handed over the rights of administration management after the reform in duke countries, while local administration organization established gradually that based on regional organization.Based on the guiding principle of dividing into capital and measuring land, the book of Zhouli establishes a systematic local administration organization system by managing states separately. In addition, compared with the book of Zhouli and other historical documents, inscriptions on bones or tortoise shell of the Shang Dynasty and the inscriptions on ancient bronze objects and bamboo slips and so on. We find that it is not empty words, but real proof. The author linked up the structure of local administration in the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States. Some thinking and resources about administration even can be dated back far . Local administration organization at all levels almost can find its original state in the book of the Western Zhou Dynasty. In here, taking the local administration organization as research object, this paper observes local administration organization at all levels in the period of the Zhou Dynasty. What’s more, it takes systematic investigation about it. It base on the book of Zhouli , but not be limited .The whole article is divided into three parts.Part One is introduction. The research achievement about the problem will be reviewed and summarized. Besides, some related problems will also be set forth. Such as the reason for writing, the research space, object and the thinking. Part Two is from chapter one to chapter three. It will make a tempt to establish the sequence of ideas about the development of local administration system through investigating and researching the rural area of local administration organization and Qiu and Yi in the capital , sorting out the embryonic ,the development and reform in local administration at all levels .Part Three is from chapter four to chapter six. It will make an on-the-spot investigation on the function of local administration organization.At last, the conclusion will summarize the content and set forth the verdict.

  • 【分类号】K221;D691.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】686
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