

A Study on the Thought of the Book of Lord Shang

【作者】 欧阳凤莲

【导师】 詹子庆;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 商鞅及其学派的思想曾对我国延续两千余年的君主集权制度的形成和发展起到过重要的作用,而《商君书》集中记录和阐述了商鞅及其学派的治国思想,是我们了解商鞅及其后学的思想、商鞅变法以及秦国制度渊源的重要文献来源,具有较高的文献和思想价值。本文旨在总结前人研究成果的基础上,对《商君书》的总体思想进行系统、深入的论述,并对《商君书》思想和秦的政治实践作双向考查,以揭示商鞅及其学派对中国古代社会的历史影响。全文分绪论、正文和结语三大部分:绪论从商鞅的生平及事迹、《商君书》的流传及沿革、《商君书》的校释、《商君书》真伪研究以及《商君书》思想的研究几个方面,回顾并反思了前人的研究成果,并对本文的选题意义、研究价值、研究目的与方法进行了阐述。正文分四章。第一章分两节,主要探讨《商君书》的政治思想。本章通过分析君主产生的历史背景、君与民的关系,指出商鞅学派治国思想的核心在于尊君抑民、强国弱民,这也正是商鞅学派治国思想的总纲,而农战是实现其王天下这一目标的唯一途径,法是保障农战政策顺利实施的工具。第二章探讨的是《商君书》中的军事思想。本章共分三节,第一节分析商鞅学派“以战去战”的战争观,及政治对军事的重大影响;第二节从主动出击和被动防御两个方面分析了商鞅学派的战略战术思想,主动出击时要求谨慎、知己知彼,被动防御时讲究以逸待劳,而且必须增强防守力量;第三节从设立爵位的重要性、原则、爵位的种类、等级、赐予标准以及论定爵位的程序等方面重点论述了商鞅学派的劝战之道——爵制思想,发现《商君书》中所体现的爵称为十六级,与后来的二十等爵存在着差别。其军事思想的特点是功利主义色彩浓厚,只看重战争的结果,而不在意战争的性质和手段。第三章归纳了《商君书》的经济思想。全章分为三节,第一节分析商鞅学派重农的原因及驱民归农的措施;第二节分析商鞅学派抑商的原因及对策,并结合传世文献和出土简牍考察了秦国抑商政策的成效,认为秦的抑商政策并不彻底,其抑商的效果不宜高估;第三节从人口数量、人口结构、人口质量及人口的管理四个方面探讨了商鞅学派的人口思想,并深入地分析了商鞅学派为增加人口而建议实行的“徕民”政策,对商鞅学派的人口管理思想与秦国的户籍制度作了双向的对比研究,发现商鞅学派的经济思想对秦国的经济政策产生了很大的影响,秦国依此建立、实施的许多制度、政策皆为后世所尊崇、利用。第四章探讨《商君书》的法律思想,主要分析其法律观、法的普及教育以及商鞅学派法律思想对秦国法律制度、司法实践的影响。商鞅学派的应时史观是其立法、司法的重要理论基础;其“刑无等级”的立法主张有进步的一面,但并非彻底的公平和平等;而其重刑主义和“以刑去刑”的主张则违背了罪刑相当的原则,凸显了商鞅学派法治的实质:法是维护君主利益、推行农战政策的重要工具。结语认为《商君书》思想自成体系,逻辑严谨,其特点是追求“壹”,即强调君主地位和权威的至高无上,强调实现君尊、统一天下之途径必为农战,驱民于农战的手段只能用法。商鞅学派的治国思想对秦及整个中国后世的意识形态、政治经济体制影响深远。

【Abstract】 The thought of Shang Yang and their legalist school had an important influence on the form and development of monarchical centralization of state power system that once lasted for more than two thousands years. However, it is the valuable originate for us to know about the thought of Shang Yang and their legalist school and the reform of Shang Yang, also the system in Qin, which is recorded and set forth in the Book of Lord Shang .On the basis of the achievement made by former, this article discusses the whole thought of it systematically and deeply. Besides, this makes a two-way test on the thought of the Book of Lord Shang and the practice of politics in Qin. All is done for the purpose of revealing its historical influence on the ancient society of China.This article is divided into three parts: introduction, main body and the conclusion. Through the whole life and the achievement of Shang Yang, the spread and the improvement of the Book of the Lord Shang, checking against the original, identifying and its thought, the introduction looks back on and turns over to think the study achievement made by former. Moreover, this article sets forth the meaning of choosing topic, the value of being study, the purpose and the way.The main body is divided into four chapters. Chapter One has two parts. The political ideology in the Book of Lord Shang is discussed. This chapter points out the ideology core of managing states is that respecting emperor and restrain people, strengthen country and weakening people through analyzing the background of monarch, the relationship between emperor and people. Also it is an outline of ideology in managing states, while the Agriculture War is the only way to attain the aim of dominating country. Law is the tool of ensuring Agriculture War to carry out successfully.Chapter Two has three parts, including military ideology. In part one, the value of war, yizhanquzhan, is discussed, the significant influence on military affairs included. In Part two, it analysis the strategies of legalist school from attacking consciously and defense passively. When taking an initiative to attack, one must be careful. When protecting passively, one must focus on yiyidailao, enhancing the power of defense. From the importance, the standard of setting Grand and the classification, the rank, the standard of getting it etc. In Part three, the way of trying to stop war of their legalist school, i.e. the thought on Grand, is discussed with an emphasis, Founding that the Grand is called sixteen-rank. There is difference with twenty-rank. The character of military theory has utilitarianism. It stresses the consequence of war only, doesn’t take notice of the war’s nature and means. Chapter Three summarizes the thought of the Book of Lord Shang. The whole chapter is divided into three parts. In the first part, the reasons of legalist school for attaching importance to agriculture is discussed, also the measures of making people cultivate. In part two, their legalist school’s causes and countermeasures of restraining trade, investigate the effect of it by combining the literature and bamboo slips. So this policy is not thorough. The effect is not spoken highly of. In part three, the thought on people of their legalist school is discussed from four aspects: the number of population, demographic structure, the quality of the population and population management. At the same time, the policy of laimin is given an in-depth analysis. Moreover, it makes a two-way contrastive study for the thought of population management and the registration system of Qin, finding that the thought of economic has a great influence on the economical policies of Qin. Because of this, a lot of systems and policies win the respect.Chapter four, it includes the thought of law in the Book of Lord Shang. It mainly analyses the idea of law, the education of law, the thought of law of their legalist school and the influence of law system and judicial practice. The concept to adapt times of their legalist school is an important theoretical basis for setting law and judicature. Its claim of“punished without rank”has a side of progress, but it cannot achieve equality. While the concept of taking criminal law seriously and the concept of yixingquxing, goes against the principle of moderation, sticking out the substance on law managing of their legalist school. That is, law is the key tool of maintaining the emperor’s benefits, carrying out Agriculture War.The conclusion, it points out that the thought of the Book of Lord Shang has its self-system that is logical. Its character is that chasing“yi”. That emphasizes on the position of emperor and the supreme authority. In addition, the way of unifying country must be the Agriculture War. The mean of making people cultivate is the law. The law ideology of managing states has a great influence on the ideology and the political and economic systems of later generations for Qin and China.


