

Middle School Teachers’ Existence Conditions and Its Improving Strategies

【作者】 陈丽萍

【导师】 柳海民;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 教师是教育教学工作的具体执行者,各种教育改革和教育政策都须经由教师来实施。教师直接对学生施加教育影响,并决定着学生和整个教育事业的发展。所以,教育问题的产生和滞留与教师职业困窘的生存状态有关,教育问题的解决也离不开教师生存状态的改善。据此,本研究在以往研究基础上,基于深圳市两所中学(一所普通初中、一所普通高中)教师群体的个案,全面系统地从中学教师的身心健康状态、物质生活状态、专业发展状态和精神世界状态四方面进行调查研究。本研究希望打破以往研究大多停留于理论思辨和情感呼吁的研究风格,而将建立于翔实现实资料、较为系统和真实的数据以及现状调查研究基础上,如实呈现当代我国中学教师的真实生存状态,并提出应然生存状态的设想。第一章是“生存状态”的理论诠释,主要从概念界定、基本构成、哲学基础三方面对“生存状态”进行理论解读。第二章是研究设计,对本研究的思路、方法、对象、可行性、信度和效度问题进行了详细说明。第三章至第六章,是本文的主体部分。针对中学教师的“身心健康状态”、“物质生活状态”、“专业发展状态”和“精神世界状态”四方面,分别从理论、现状和原因三方面进行阐述和分析。在“身心健康状态”层面,指出中学教师身体健康和心理健康的现状,并指出职业压力和职业倦怠是其问题产生的根本原因。在“物质生活状态”层面,指出中学教师工资水平、福利待遇和住房交通状况,并指出造成这一现状的原因在于传统文化对教师职业存有偏见、对教师职业特点认识不够、国家对教育投入不足。在“专业发展状态”层面,指出中学教师在专业地位、学习和培养、教育教学研究等方面的现存问题,并指出其成因是教师专业自主性的丧失、继续教育状况不甚乐观、科研形式不被教师认同、自我发展意识不足。在“精神世界状态”层面,指出中学教师在道德世界和幸福感等方面的现存问题,并指出现代性对人的负面影响、学校管理的官僚倾向、教师现有素质难以应对学校生活的消极文化是造成这种现状的主要成因。第七章是中学教师理想生存状态的建构部分,提出应以“人”的方式来认识“人”、以满足“人的需要”的方式来满足“教师的需要”。为此,应实现“观念的转型”、“文化的重塑”、“制度的变革”和“自我的觉醒”。

【Abstract】 Teachers are the performers of education and teaching. Various educational reforms and policies are fulfilled by teachers. Teachers exert direct influence on the students and they determine the development of the students and even the whole educational causes. Therefore the occurrence and hindrances of educational problems are related to the existing state of the teachers’occupational predicaments and the solutions to them should be based on the improvement of the teachers’existing conditions. The article was based on the teachers in two middle schools (One is a junior and the other is a senior) in Shenzhen and probed into four aspects: the teachers’mental and physical state, their living conditions, occupational development and spiritual world. The study presented the true existing state of middle school teachers and proposed some assumptions, intended to surpass the previous styles of researches which were confined to theoretical arguments and emotional appeals.Chapter 1 is the theoretical interpretations of“existing state”, which can be illustrated from its basic connotations, basic structures and philosophical basis.Chapter 2 is the study design, which can be illustrated from thinking, method, object, feasibility, creditability and validity. Chapter 3 to Chapter 6 are the main body, which can be illustrated from theory, actuality and reason, focusing on“mental and physical state”,“living conditions”,”occupational development”and“spiritual world”.For the first aspect, the dissertation points the actuality of mental and physical state of the middle school teachers, and the pressure and fatigue are the essential reasons.For the second aspect, the dissertation points the teachers’salary, welfare, houses and traffic conditions, and the reason are the prejudice on teachers of traditional culture, the understanding lack of traits of teachers, the educational devotion lack of our country.For the third aspect, the dissertation points the current problems of professional status, training and research, and the reason are the freedom lack of teachers, pessimistic continuous education, unidentified research types, the consciousness lack of self-development.For the last aspect, the dissertation points the current problems of morality and happiness, and the reason are bad influence on human of modernity, the bureaucracy of school management, the hard deal with passive school culture of teachers.In Chapter 7 is the construction of an ideal existing state for the middle school teachers’. Teachers should be treated humanely and their particular needs should be satisfied as human needs. Therefore, ideal transformation, cultural reconstructions, institutional reformations and self-awakening should be realized.


