

Yan’an Liberation Daily Supplement and the Reforming of Mordern Literiture

【作者】 韩晓芹

【导师】 逄增玉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 报纸的文艺副刊既是一种报学现象,也是一种文学现象,这种交叉使它获得了特殊的性质和形态,发生了特殊的社会作用。现代传媒对中国现代文学的组织生产、操作方式、文本效果产生了重大的影响,与各个历史时期的文艺运动、文学思潮息息相关,从各种副刊中,我们既可以看到各种文艺力量、思潮和流派的消长斗争,也可以触摸住文艺思潮发展的脉搏。延安《解放日报》是20世纪40年代中共中央和西北局的机关报,其文艺栏和1942年4月1日改版后的综合副刊是当时全国报纸中发稿最多、规模最大、持续时间最长的文艺阵地,从中可以找到1941—1946年近6年的解放区的文艺历史,可以说是延安文艺政策的晴雨表、解放区文艺的档案馆、现代文学转型的历史见证。它不仅记载、反映、指导了延安的文艺运动,更通过自己的文学生产与组织传播直接推动了解放区甚至国统区文艺运动的发展与文学格局的建构。延安虽然先后创办了十多种报刊,但存在时间都很短,到1942年底,整个边区的大型文艺阵地就只剩下了《解放日报》文艺副刊,再加上其作为党报副刊的权威性,对延安文坛的影响可想而知,从而也使解放区文学的种种矛盾呈现在了它的文学生产和传播之中。本论文试图从副刊文化与现代文学的互动关系入手,运用传播学及政治文化学理论,结合丰富的文学史料,以延安《解放日报》文艺栏及改版后的综合副刊为中心,通过其改版前后的文学生产和传播面貌的研究,探析延安整风运动前后延安文艺界和知识分子的思想状况,政治主流意识形态、知识分子精英话语、以陕北农民为主体的民间话语之间的内在龃龉与冲突,还原延安文学体制化生成和文学转型的历史过程,阐述延安文学如何在思想主题、人物塑造、叙述模式、语言形式等方面经历了从“五四”新文学传统向社会主义现实主义文学传统的伟大过渡,演化为日渐规范的体制文学,并成为共和国文学的奠基和雏形的历史过程,为延安及解放区文学研究提供一个新的角度。全文共分六章:第一章,考察延安《解放日报》及其副刊生产与传播的历史语境与文学生态。指出文化中心的西移、延安主流意识形态的引导、民间的崛起与读者的变迁、延安文人的角色错置与文化尴尬等新旧交替的“里程碑”式的现实,构成了延安《解放日报》及其副刊生产与传播的多元文化语境。在诸种力量的合力作用下,延安文学开始了从五四新文学传统、左翼文学传统向社会主义现实主义文学传统的转变。第二章,以改版前的延安《解放日报》文艺栏为中心,分析其作为一种文艺阵地在延安及解放区文艺运动中所起到的重要作用。处于文化转型时期的文艺栏呈现出了一种“众声喧哗”的繁荣景象,不仅在团结名作家、培养新人等方面做出了重要贡献,并且以其创作及批评实践引导着延安文艺的发展方向,具有新旧交替的文化特征和“承上启下”的历史功用:虽然无论在内容上还是形式上都以五四新文学传统为主,但已经洋溢出了新的气息,不仅是政党、知识分子精英、工农兵多种文化力量对话的空间,也是种种文化冲突集中释放的阵地,各种话语交相错杂,体现出了延安文学生产体制化前夜的诸多特点。第三章,围绕1942年4月1日延安《解放日报》的全面改版,以1942年3月在文艺栏上蓬勃兴起的以揭露延安所谓“阴暗面”为主的“杂文风暴”为对象,分析在出版、编辑、创作与接受主体之间,就批评的对象和方式而言还存在着的“想象的错位”。文艺栏的改版是延安文艺整风的一部分,也是延安文艺座谈会召开的前奏,由其引发的“歌颂”和“暴露”的问题成为了此后延安文学评价的主要标准,而延安文人的地位也由此发生了从“启蒙者”向“救赎者”的戏剧化转折。第四章,以延安文艺座谈会的召开和《讲话》的发表为中心,分析其接受过程及传播效果,指出延安文学体制化的生成是政党、编辑、作家、读者、传媒诸方面的力量合力作用的结果。延安国家领导阶层对文学生产表现出了极高的热情,以宏大、权威的话语出现,以改版后的延安《解放日报》综合副刊为阵地,号召全党办报、全民办报,通过编辑的把关、读者的监督、作家的思想改造,将异己话语排斥或整合进自己的话语系统,从而使改版后的综合副刊逐步从一个“多元”的文化空间变成了“完全”的党报副刊。第五章,结合文艺栏改版前后的文学生产,分析其在文学观念、思想主题、叙事模式、写作方式、语言运用等方面以《讲话》思想为指导而发生的重要变化。延安文学是中国现代社会多种力量交互作用下的一个奇特产儿,既有总结性质,也有开创性质。延安文艺座谈会召开前后的延安文学风格驳杂,明显处于剧烈的变化过程中,其转型在各方面都打下了深深的烙印,经历着从“五四”模式向“当代”模式的过渡,是时代转折的历史文化标本。第六章,从“民族新形式”创造的角度考察延安文学对五四新形式、民间形式的吸收与借鉴重新构建新中国文学形态的过程。结合副刊的创作及批评实践,分析《兄妹开荒》(“新秧歌剧”)、《白毛女》(“新歌剧”)、《王贵与李香香》(“民歌体叙事诗”)、《李有才板话》(“新评书体小说”)、《李勇大摆地雷阵》(新革命英雄传奇)等作品在副刊上的发表、评论、接受的过程及对解放区文学思潮的影响,从文人的民间化写作、对民间“原生态”创作的规训、改造说书人运动到赵树理方向的确立,在延安主流意识形态的强力推进下,精英文化与民间文化在实用功利性的战争文化形态下被延安主流意识形态以实用政治文化观念为轴心急速地扭合、调适、整合生成了新的文学形态——工农兵文学,形式上也发生了“走向民间”的现代转型,初步奠定了新中国文学的雏形。综上所述,延安文艺座谈会之后,在不断收紧的政治意识形态作用下,“外来文化”经过与“政治文化”和“民间文化”的结合,最终形成了具有延安特色的新文化。在延安文学体制化生成、现代文学转型和社会主义文化领导权获得的过程中,作为党报重要组成部分的延安《解放日报》文艺副刊起到了不可替代的作用,不仅展示了延安主流意识形态对传媒逐步控制的过程,而且以其具体实践成为了沟通两个不同文学时代的过渡的“中间形态”,在当代文学的发生上具有标本示范的意义。从延安开始到建国后的十七年时期,中国文学逐渐走向了一条“一体化”的“工农兵文学”的发展道路,由《解放日报》所开创的媒体的“中央控制”模式也成为了建国后《人民日报》、《人民文学》、《文艺报》等刊物的前奏。由于其在特定历史条件下形成的文学生产、传播及监督机制在时空发生变化后非但没有及时地得到调整,反而以国家意志的形式在全国推广并加以巩固,所以也极大地限制了社会主义文学事业的发展和党报宣传理念的沿革,其贡献与局限对后人来讲均具有深刻的启示意义。

【Abstract】 Literature supplement of newspapers were both press phenomenon and literaturephenomenon.The multiple functions made them had special property and appearance,alsobrought special social function.Modem media had great influence to the writingsorganization,operation method and text effect of Chinese contemporary literature.It was alsovitally related to each literature campaign and literature thought in every history period.Fromvarious supplement,we descried various conflicts in literature potence,thought and genres,aswell as recognized development the literature thought.Yan’an Liberation Daily was an organization newspaper of the CCP Central Committeeand the CCP Northwest Bureau in the 1940’s.As the CCP literature battlefield,its’ LiteratureColumn and comprehensive supplement which changed versions on April 1,1942 were themost in report-send,publishing scale and the longest duration newspapers within countrywide.These newspapers can be treated as not only literature files museum of the Chinese LiberationArea,but also weatherglass of Yan’an literature policy and history witness for people canfound the Liberation Area history from 1941 to 1946.It not only recorded and directedliterature campaign in Yan’an and the Liberation Area,but also promoted to the campaign,helped the structure of literature system in the Liberation Area.Although Yan’an successivelyoriginated more than 10 various newspapers,at the end of 1942 only the Liberation Dailyliterature supplement was reserved.With authority as the CCP organization newspapersupplement,it had unimaginable influence to the Yan’an literary domain and presentedvarious conflicts of the Liberation Area literature.With spread and political-cultural theory,also considered abundant literary historicaldata from the Liberation Daily Literature supplement and its’ changed version,this thesiscompletely researched the thought conditions,political opinions,mainstream catchwords andconflict to the Shanxi North farmers’ thinking of litterateurs in Yan’an during theIdeology-Changing Campaign.In this thesis,histories of the literature system and their stylechanging were presented,also how the intergradation of the Yan’an literatures,including theirideologies,roles descriptions,story modes,language styles,changed from modem literaturetradition in the 54 Event to socialism’s realism literatures.After the changing,the Yan’anliteratures became more and more canonical and finally formed the PRC literatures.Thethesis expressed with six chapters as follows:In chapter 1,production and dissemination of the cultural language environment andliterature ecosystem in the Yan’an Liberation Daily and its supplement were investigated.Multiform ideologies in the Yan’an Liberation Daily and its supplement came from culturalcenter west moving,main political ideology affection,roles confusion or culture discomfitureof litterateurs,pullulation of non- mainstream culture and readers’ transformation.Under theresultant forces,the Yan’an literatures began to transit step by step from new culturaltraditions in the 54 period to the socialism’s realism literature traditions.In chapter 2,the importance of the Liberation Daily·Literature (before version changed), as a literature battlefield in Yan’an and the Liberation Area,was analyzed.During culturaltransformation,the Literature Column presented a kind of culture flourish as to clamor.It notonly played very important roles in solidarity famous writers and new writers training,alsoguided the direction of the Yan’an literature with its practice of creations and critique.It hadthe characteristic of alternation between new and old cultures,also presented ahistory-connecting effect.Although it based the so-called new culture traditions in the 5·4periods,new connotation came into being.It not only provided all kinds of cultures discussionbetween political parties,scholars,workers,farmers and soldiers,also became concentratedreleases location to various cultural conflicts.With various ideologies expression in theLiterature Column,it had more and more overnight characteristic of production systematismfor the Yan’an literature.In chapter 3,from completely version changing of the Liberation Daily on April 1,1942,also based on“Essay Storm”in March,1942 on the Literature Column,which flourish andmainly uncover so-called "Seamy Side" in Yan’an,“Imagination confusion”,as to criticalobjects and quomodos,was analyzed between its publication,edition,writing and readers.The version changing of the Literature Column was not only one part in theIdeology-Changing Campaign in Yan’an,also the prelude of the Yan’an LiteratureSymposium.Quomodo of“praise" and "exposure" from the Literature Column becameevaluation standard to later literatures in Yan’an,and it also became a milestone that status ofthe litterateurs in Yan’an changed from" torchbearers "to "propitiators".In chapter 4,focused on the opening of the Yan’an Literature Symposium and theLiterature Indication from chairman Mao,their accepted process and spread effect wereanalyzed.The formation of the literature system in Yan’an came from resultant forces whichincluding political ideology,editors,readers,litterateurs,workers,farmers,soldiers anddemotic spread.With very high fervor,the national leaders in Yan’an call the whole Party andevery common people on run newspapers,and pointed out that based on the Liberation DailySynthetical Supplement,different viewpoints should be excluded or introjected by editors’examination,readers’ surveillance and ideologies changing of the litterateurs.Thus theversion changed Synthetical Supplement transformed from a free cultural space to acompletely supplement of the Party’s organization newspaper.In chapter 5,with literatures in the Literature Column before and after its’ versionchanging,important changes,including literary conceptions,ideology topics,story modes,writing methods,and verbal application which all directed by the Literature Indication,wereanalyzed.The Yan’an literature was an anomalism caused by resultant forces came fromChinese modem society,with characteristics of both summarization and creation.The Yan’anliterature styles were very complex and tempestuously protean before and after the LiteratureIndication.With intergrade from the 54 styles to modem styles,the changes were the historycultural specimen of that era milestone,with brands in many society aspects.In chapter 6,from the point view of modern-nationality form,referenced function of the5 4 new styles and the civilian styles to the Yan’an literature,as well as re-creation process ofChinese literature modality,were reviewed.With creation and criticism practice in the supplement,processes of publishing,review and accepting of several writings,as well as theiraffection to the Liberation Area literature,were analyzed.Those writings included the Brotherand Sister Open up Wasteland (new style harvest song play),the White Hair Girl (new styleopera),the Wang Gui and Li Xiangxiang (folk song style epic poetry),the Li Youcai Patter(new paragraphic novel) and the Li Dayong Lays Land Mines (new revolutionary legend),also presented a process from folklore writing of the litterateurs,original writing of populaceand story tellers transform to the establishment of Zhao Shuli’s literatures style.With strongaffection of mainstream ideology,hero culture and civilian culture were strongly adjusted to anew literature style - the Workers-Farmers-soldiers literature because of pragmatismrequirement from wars.Correspondingly,the Liberation Area literature inwardly changed toFor-folks modern style:praising workers,farmers and soldiers in content;advocatingnationality and folklore in form - thus basically established the new literature system.In summary,after the Yan’an Literature Symposium,with more and more tense politicalideology,combining external culture with political and civilian cultures,new culture withcharacteristic of Yan’an was constructed.Comparing to the more and more active roles inculture from workers and farmers,litterateurs in Yan’an became less important,theirmastership consciousness and mettled criticism also died down.The liberation literature styles,centered Yan’an,changed stage by stage to modern style from the 5·4 critical realism tosocialism’s realism,also changed from new literature style with Europe characteristic toChinese style which was favored to the civilians.On the series processes of the Yan’anliterature system formation,modern literature transform and culture hegemony whichobtained by socialism,the Liberation Daily literature supplement,as the Party’s organizationnewspaper,played very important roles.The Workers-Farmers-Soldiers literature tide andmanagement method to the Party’s organization newspaper from the supplement established abasic system of the PRC literature and press.At the same time,the system about theliteratures production,spread and surveillance in that special circumstance extremelyrestricted expansion of the PRC literature domain and evolution of drumbeating thought to theParty’s organization newspaper.Both contribution and encumbrance were worth to deeplyresearch.


