

Shallow Water Bathymetry Surveys by SAR Based on M4S for Simulations of Microwave Imaging Oceanic Surface

【作者】 范开国

【导师】 黄韦艮; 贺明霞;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 海洋信息探测与处理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文基于合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,简称SAR)浅海地形遥感成像机理和海面微波成像仿真M4S软件,对SAR浅海地形遥感图像特征,SAR浅海地形遥感观测的统计分析和SAR浅海地形遥感探测技术进行了研究与探讨。作为论文研究的基础,首先对SAR浅海地形遥感研究进展与SAR海洋遥感的基本原理进行了综述,同时对海面微波成像仿真M4S软件进行了介绍。在前人SAR浅海地形遥感研究的基础上,本文基于SAR浅海地形遥感成像机理和海面微波成像仿真M4S软件,建立了基于M4S的SAR浅海地形遥感成像仿真模型,改进了传统浅海地形成像仿真模型只能仿真亮暗条纹相当的SAR遥感图像,无法仿真以亮条纹或暗条纹为主遥感图像特征的缺陷。通过遥感成像仿真研究,结合SAR浅海地形遥感图像的实例分析与SAR浅海地形遥感图像特征的统计分析,对SAR浅海地形遥感图像特征有了新的认识,纠正了浅海地形SAR遥感图像仅以亮暗条纹相当特征出现的传统观点。关于SAR浅海地形遥感观测与海面风场的关系,本文通过遥感成像仿真研究与SAR浅海地形遥感观测的统计分析,在前人的研究基础上进一步探讨了有利于SAR浅海地形遥感成像的海面风速范围,明确了SAR浅海地形遥感成像的有利风向。并首次对SAR浅海地形遥感观测的时间统计分布特征与海面风速、表层流速的时间统计分布特征的相关性进行了初步研究。此外在SAR浅海地形遥感图像特征与浅海水深特征变化的研究基础上,从SAR浅海地形遥感图像特征出发,首次通过SAR浅海地形遥感图像特征的统计分析,给出了台湾浅滩水下沙丘地形因子(如水下沙丘的空间分布、半波长长度、地形特征变化方向等)的统计分布。以SAR浅海地形遥感图像特征研究与SAR浅海地形遥感观测的统计分析为基础,同时基于SAR浅海地形遥感成像机理与海面微波成像仿真M4S软件,建立了基于M4S的SAR浅海地形海面风速反演模型,SAR浅海地形表层流梯度反演模型。在上述模型基础上,以目前较为流行的SAR浅海地形遥感探测技术为参考,采纳了国际上以荷兰的SAR水深估测系统技术为代表的迭代反演优势,克服了国内SAR直接反演技术中由于SAR斑点噪声所引入水深反演误差的缺陷,建立了基于M4S的SAR浅海地形遥感探测新模型。利用该遥感探测模型,对台湾浅滩海域的浅海地形进行了反演计算,并对计算的结果与实测水深进行了比较,探测误差小于10%,结果表明,SAR具有较准确的探测浅海水深的能力。同时作为SAR浅海地形遥感探测的补充方法,探讨了利用近岸浅水海域的海浪频散关系计算浅海水深的变化情况。

【Abstract】 Based on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) shallow water bathymetry imaging mechanism and M4S for simulations of microwave imaging oceanic surface, the remote sensing study on shallow water bathymetry by SAR is presented. It mainly includes the study on the expression of shallow water bathymetry SAR images, statistical analysis of SAR shallow water bathymetry observations and SAR shallow water bathymetry surveys.Firstly, the progress on SAR shallow water bathymetry research and the basic principles of ocean remote sensing by SAR are reviewed, and the M4S for simulations of microwave imaging oceanic surface is also introduced.Simulation imaging model of SAR shallow water bathymetry has been developed based on SAR shallow water bathymetry imaging mechanism and M4S. The expression of shallow water bathymetry SAR images has been imprioved through the simulation study, shallow water bathymetry SAR images analysis and statistical analysis of SAR shallow water bathymetry observations.The favorable conditions of sea surface wind speeds and directions for SAR shallow water bathymetry imaging are also further illustrated based on both simulation study and statistical analysis. Meanwhile, the correlations betwween the SAR shallow water bathymetry temporal observations and the temporal surface wind speed and current speed are also explained.This thesis also gives the the parameters of sand wave in Taiwan shoal based on the statistical analysis of SAR shallow water bathymetry observations, such as the longtitudal and latitutdal distribution, the length of sand waves and the direction of the sand waves’feature.Last, both models for retrieving SAR shallow water bathymetry wind speed and SAR shallow water bathymetry current grads have been developed based on SAR shallowa water bathymetry imaging mechanism and M4S. Model for SAR shallow water bathymetry surveys is also developed according to the developed models for SAR shallow water bathymetry surveys and basen on above both models. The depths of sandwaves in Taiwan shoal are calculated, the results show that SAR is able to measure the shallow water bathymetry accurately. Meanwhile, as an add method for SAR shallow water bathymetry surveys, the wave refraction in near-shore water is also explored.


