

【作者】 卢宁

【导师】 韩立民;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业经济与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 海陆一体化是近年来海洋经济研究领域的一个新议题,也是我国沿海地区广泛采用的一种区域经济发展模式,但由于提出的时间较晚,无论是学术界还是沿海地方政府对这一问题的认识都不深入。学术界对这一问题的研究尚停留在概念探讨阶段,着重于分析海陆一体化的概念、内涵等问题,没有构建起海陆一体化的理论框架;许多沿海地方政府从自身海洋经济发展的实践出发提出了一些海陆产业联动发展的具体措施和海陆一体化的发展思路,但是主要局限于强调发展理念,缺乏海陆一体化战略的明确实施方案。本文的研究目的是明晰海陆一体化的基本概念和内涵,并从区域经济学、产业经济学、环境经济学等理论出发构建海陆一体化的基本理论框架,以此为指导提出山东省海陆一体化发展战略的具体内容和实施对策。本文的主要内容包括以下七个方面:1、绪论。从海洋经济发展趋势和沿海区域经济可持续发展角度阐明山东省海陆一体化建设的背景、依据和现实意义,并对国内外现有的研究成果进行总结和评价。2、海陆一体化的多视角分析及其理论基础。从经济发展、环境保护、文化融合等多个视角分析海陆一体化问题,明晰海陆一体化的概念及内涵,论述区域经济学、产业经济学、系统论等理论在海陆一体化研究中的适用性及应用范围。3、海陆一体化的基本理论。在总结海陆经济联系的一般规律和各地海陆一体化建设实践经验的基础上,研究海陆一体化的发生机理、海陆产业关联机制、海洋主导产业选择标准及空间布局、近海环境污染的海陆一体化调控机理等理论问题,构建海陆一体化研究的理论框架。4、海陆一体化建设的国外经验借鉴。论述韩国西海岸开发计划的主要内容、实施情况和取得的成就,并对其成功经验进行分析和借鉴,以指导山东省海陆一体化发展战略的制定。5、山东省海陆一体化建设的资源条件和经济基础。通过广泛调研,了解山东省海洋资源分布情况、海洋产业发展情况以及沿海地市社会经济发展情况,研究山东省海陆经济的关联度和关联类型。6、山东省海陆一体化发展战略。研究山东省海陆一体化建设的总体思路和目标原则,提出山东省海陆一体化建设的海洋主导产业、陆域主导产业、海岸带区域经济增长点和发展轴以及近岸海域污染的海陆一体化调控策略,并有针对性地提出山东省海陆一体化建设的保障措施。7、县域区域海陆一体化建设的案例分析。以东营市河口区、烟台市海阳市和威海市荣成市为例,分析沿海县(区)海陆一体化战略的侧重点和主要内容,并总结归纳出三种县域海陆一体化发展模式,为山东省沿海县(区)制定海陆一体化发展战略提供理论指导。本文的研究方法主要有:1、实地调研法。在论文撰写过程中多次赴山东省沿海地市和江苏、河北等周边省份调研海陆产业发展情况,广泛地了解各地实施海陆联动发展的经验和做法。2、文献查阅法。查阅大量的海洋经济研究论文以及产业关联、区域发展等领域的论文和书籍,为论文的完成提供资料积累和知识积累。3、理论分析法。从系统论、产业经济学、区域经济学、环境经济学等理论出发,结合沿海地区的建设实践构建海陆一体化的理论体系。此外,论文研究过程中还用到投入产出分析、灰色关联分析、线性回归分析等技术方法。论文的创新点主要有:1、明晰了海陆一体化的基本概念和内涵,即海陆一体化是海陆互动的沿海区域发展过程。从这个认识出发,从海陆产业关联、海岸带区域空间结构和近岸海域污染的一体化调控三个方面构建了海陆一体化的理论体系。2、在研究山东省海陆产业关联机制的基础上提出了山东省海陆一体化建设的总体思路、主导产业、空间布局模式和一些具体保障措施。3、分析了东营市河口区、烟台市海阳市和威海市荣成市三个县域海陆一体化建设的案例,并总结三种县域海陆一体化发展模式。

【Abstract】 Costal and terrestrial integration is a new topic in recent marine economy research, as well as a kind of regional development in some coastal areas in east China. However, both the academic research field and the local government has very little knowledge about it because it’s a very new topic. The academic research on this question is mainly focused on its concept and content, rather than the framework of it. Some local government made some practice and gave some measures to promote its coastal and terrestrial integration process, but these measures are very macro and lack of details. In this thesis, the author aim to clarify the basic content of coastal and terrestrial integration and build the theory framework of it, and then make a coastal and terrestrial integration strategy for Shandong province.This thesis is consist of the following seven parts:1. Preface. Illustrate the background and practical meaning of Shandong coastal and terrestrial integration strategy, and make some review and evaluation of the present articles.2. Analysis and fundamental theory. Analyze the concept of coastal and terrestrial integration from the viewpoint of economic development, environment protection and culture exchanges, clarify its basic concept and induce some economic theory which may be helpful in our research.3. Theory framework. On the basis of the investigation to local practice, the author gives some explanation about why the coastal and terrestrial integration occurs, and then analyze some aspects of coastal and terrestrial integration mechanism, such as industry linkage, industry distribution and environment protection.4. Foreign experience. Introduce the contents of Korea’s West Ocean Shore Development Strategy and make some comments on it.5. The resource and economic basis of Shandong province. Get some basic information about ocean resource, marine industry development and economy development of Shandong province, according to some investigation. Then research the linkage between Shandong’s marine economy and regional economy. 6. Costal and terrestrial integration strategy for Shandong province. Give the main idea and some details of Shandong costal and terrestrial integration strategy, then offer some measures for local government in Shandong.7. Case study. Analyze the costal and terrestrial integration strategy of Hekou area in Dongying city, Haiyang town in Yantai city and Xiangshan town in Ningbo city, and then induce there modes about Costal and terrestrial integration in east towns.The research methodology used in this thesis are: 1. Investigation. The author make some investigations to some coastal cities in both Shandong and other east provinces to get some idea about how the local government promote their integration.2. Literature. I read lots of academic papers and books in marine economy to acknowledge the basic method. 3. Theoretical analysis. Analyze the costal and terrestrial integration using some economic theories such as industrial economics, regional economics and environmental economics.The innovations of this thesis: 1. Clarify the basic concepts of coastal and terrestrial integration and build its theory framework. 2. Make the strategy for Shandong coastal and terrestrial integration. 3. Give there case study for a town to make its own coastal and terrestrial integration strategy.


