

Quantitative Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Petroleum Development in the Yellow River Delta

【作者】 韩潇源

【导师】 李培英; 陈东景; 刘乐军;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 定量评价人类活动对生态环境产生的影响是可持续发展领域的一个重要问题,对于黄河三角洲地区,定量研究石油开发活动对环境产生的影响是其中一项重要研究内容。在对石油开发活动环境影响的研究进展进行评述的基础上,对黄河三角洲石油开发活动的环境影响进行了定性和定量两方面的分析。全文共分七章,第一章主要对石油开发活动环境影响的研究进展进行综述,并对全文的主要研究内容、研究方法、技术路线等进行介绍;第二章介绍研究区域的自然地理概况和社会经济概况;第三章对黄河三角洲石油开发的环境影响进行初步综合分析;第四章建立基于“压力-状态-响应”(PSR)框架的石油开发环境影响评价指标体系,并对2003-2006年石油开采业和石油冶炼业两行业的环境影响在定量计算的基础上进行对比分析;第五章基于环境经济综合核算理论对2003-2006年石油开采业和石油冶炼业的环境成本分别进行估算,并进行比较分析;第六章从强化环境管理、大力发展循环经济等角度提出促进石油开发和环境保护协调发展的对策建议;第七章对本文的主要研究内容进行总结,并指出本文的不足与后续研究重点。本文通过分析石油开发活动对环境产生的影响,得出如下结论:(1)通过建立石油开发的基于压力-状态-响应模型的指标体系,评价了石油开采和石油冶炼两行业的环境影响状况。结果表明,2003年至2006年,石油开采业对环境产生的负面影响不断下降,而石油冶炼业对环境产生的负面影响显著上升。石油开采和石油冶炼两行业在资(能)源消费、废物排放及其治理等方面存在较大差异,因此,有必要采取有针对性的措施,促进黄河三角洲石油的可持续开发与维持良好的生态环境。(2)根据环境经济综合核算理论,对黄河三角洲石油开发的环境成本进行估算的结果表明,2003年石油开发的环境成本为59.61亿元,2006年则增加到61.56亿元,增加了3.28%,其中石油开采业的环境成本占两行业的环境成本的绝大部分。(3)石油开发对环境产生的影响是多方面的,主要包括土壤环境污染、大气环境污染、声环境污染、地下水环境污染和地表水环境污染等。黄河三角洲石油开发过程中产生的影响不容忽视。(4)石油开采业的压力指标的评分变化与石油冶炼业的相似,均呈上升趋势,但石油冶炼业的上升得更多;石油开采业的状态指标的评分变化呈下降趋势,而石油冶炼业的状态指标的评分呈非常明显的上升趋势;石油开采业的响应指标的评分变化和石油冶炼业的相似,均呈下降趋势,但石油开采业的下降得更显著。(5)为了促进石油天然气资源的合理开发与环境保护的协调发展,基于可持续发展理论与生态经济学理论,提出如下建议:强化环境管理;建立和完善资源与生态环境经济补偿体系;大力发展石油产业循环经济;油地共建,协调发展。

【Abstract】 To make a quantitative assessment of ecological environmental impacts of human activities is an important issue in the field of sustainable development. For the Yellow River Delta, it is one of the most important research questions to make a quantitative research in assessing the environmental impacts of petroleum development.On the basis of review of progress on the environmental impacts of petroleum development, this dissertation provides qualitative versus quantitative analysis of the environmental impacts of petroleum development in the Yellow River Delta. The dissertation is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter makes a review of progress on the environmental impacts of petroleum development, then research topics, research methods, technology roadmap are introduced. The second chapter introduces the geographical and socio-economic profile of the study area. The third chapter provides a comprehensive preliminary analysis of the environmental impacts of petroleum development in the Yellow River Delta. The fourth chapter includes an establishment of the index system of petroleum development environmental impact assessment, which is based on the PSR (Pressure-State-Response) framework, and then a comparative analysis of the environmental impacts of oil exploration industry and oil refinery industry from 2003 to 2006 is carried through on the basis of quantitative calculations. The fifth chapter estimates the environmental costs of oil exploration industry and oil refinery industry from 2003 to 2006 separately on the basis of SEEA (System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting) and a comparative analysis is conducted. In the sixth chapter, countermeasures and suggestions on how to promote the development of oil and coordinated development of environment are put forward from the points of view, such as strengthening environmental management, the vigorously development of the circular economy and so on. The seventh chapter summarizes the main contents studied in the paper, and points out the insufficiencies in the dissertation and gives follow-up research priorities.Through analysis of the environmental impacts of petroleum development, the dissertation reaches the following conclusions,Firstly, the environmental impact assessment of both oil exploration industry and oil refinery industry from 2003 to 2006 were evaluated through the establishment of the pressure-state-response evaluation index system on the environmental impacts of petroleum development. The result showed that, the score of the environmental impacts of oil exploration industry was dwindling continuously, the score dropped from 0.5062(2003) to 0.2893(2006), the score of the environmental impacts of oil refinery industry increased significantly, the score rose from 0.2661(2003) to 0.5429(2006). Comparative analysis showed that there were comparatively large differences between oil exploration industry and oil refinery industry in resources and energy consumption, emissions and waste management. Therefore, it is necessary to take specific measures to promote the sustainable development of oil resources and maintain a sound ecological environment in the Yellow River Delta.Secondly, according to the SEEA, the environmental costs of oil development in the Yellow River Delta were estimated. The results showed that, the costs was 5.9606 billion in 2003, while the number amounted to 6.1560 billion in 2006, increased by 3.28 percent. The environmental costs of the oil exploration industry accounted for the vast majority of the total costs of the two industries.Thirdly, the environmental impacts of petroleum development is multifaceted, including soil pollution, air pollution, sound pollution, pollution of ground water and surface water pollution, etc. The environmental impacts of petroleum development in the Yellow River Delta can not be ignored.Fourthly, in respect of pressure indicators, the changing trends of oil exploration industry was similar to that of oil refinery industry, both were on the rise, the score of oil refinery industry simply rose even more. In respect of state indicators, the score of the oil exploration industry showed a downward trend, but the score of oil refinery industry showed a very clear rising trend. In respect of response indicators, the changing trends of oil exploration industry was similar to that of oil refinery industry, both showed a downtrend, but the score of oil exploration industry showed a more significant decline.Lastly, in order to accomplish coordinated progress of oil and natural gas resources development and environmental protection, based on the theory of sustainable development and ecological economics theory, suggestions were put forward as follows, strengthening environmental management, formation of the dynamic management system in environmental protection of petroleum development, establishing and improving the economic compensation system on resources and ecological environment, vigorously development of the circular economy of oil industry, collaborative efforts between the oilfields and local districts.


