

Research on the Environmental Education Act

【作者】 时军

【导师】 徐祥民;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 环境教育是一个新生的、充满活力的却又复杂的学术和实践领域。随着生态问题的日益严峻和人们对环境问题的高度关注,环境教育承担的重要使命也越来越被人们所认识。本文结合国内外已有的环境教育法律与实践,对我国环境教育法的概念、法律性质、法律关系以及环境教育立法中存在的问题,进行了全面、深入地探讨和分析,对我国环境教育法律制度的建构进行了系统分析和论证,以推动我国环境教育法尽早出台,为环境教育事业的稳定和长远发展创造条件。全文共分九部分。前言。通过分析环境教育在环境保护事业中的重要作用,阐明环境教育立法是我国环境教育事业发展的根本保障,指出中国应当有自己的环境教育法。第一章环境教育的发生与发展。主要分析当前环境问题的严重性与环境治理的迫切性与困境,进而提出环境教育在环境治理中的关键作用。分析了环境教育的历史与现状。第二章环境教育基本原理。主要阐述环境教育问题缘何提出,明确环境教育的目的与目标以及环境教育的特征与类型。第三章初兴的环境教育法。主要阐述了世界环境教育法立法概况,分析了环境教育与环境法、教育法的关系。第四章美国环境教育立法及其启示。主要考察了美国环境教育与立法概况。美国是世界上第一个制定《环境教育法》的国家,美国通过设立专门的环境教育执行机构、开展环境教育和培训、资助相关环境教育活动等措施发展本国的环境教育。借鉴美国环境教育法的成功经验将对我国环境教育立法产生重要启示:环境教育的发展离不开环境教育法的保障;良好的环境教育法必须建立完善的制度体系;环境教育离不开政府的支持与推动;环境教育法必须保障发挥各种环境教育力量的作用;环境教育法应当倡导和鼓励环境教育资金来源的多元化;环境教育法必须保障财政投入,鼓励社会参与。第五章我国的环境教育与立法。主要分析了我国环境教育与立法的历史与现状,概括了我国环境教育发展的特点,指出我国环境教育结构不合理、层次偏低、发展不均衡、缺乏稳定的制度保障、缺乏明确的具体要求、教育资源薄弱,理论研究不足,深入发展欠缺基础支撑等环境教育的不足之处。为了应对这些不足,环境教育立法成为必然选择。第六章我国应进行环境教育专门立法。加强立法是我国环境教育发展的根本出路,既是我国建设法治社会的需要,也是制度化发展的需要,还是环境教育事业常规化发展的需要。从我国的现实国情出发分析了我国进行环境教育专门立法的必要性,对我国进行环境教育立法的可行性进行了充分论证。第七章中国环境教育法立法构想。探讨我国环境教育立法采取的基本方针与立法模式,环境教育法的基本原则、基本制度和环境教育体系。明确我国环境教育法的目的与目标是增强全民环境保护意识、促进环境专业教育发展、促进环境教育投入的法定化、保障环境教育发展的制度化、促进环境教育相关政府部门的协作等。结语。归纳阐述论文的主要研究结论。

【Abstract】 Environmental education is a fresh, dynamic but complex field of academic and practical. With the increasingly serious ecological problems and environmental issues of great concern, environmental education is also an important mission to assume more and more been recognized.In this paper, we analyze completely and discuss deeply based on the existing domestic and international law and practice of environmental education, concept of Chinese Environmental Education Act, the legal nature, legal relations and problems of environmental education in order to draft Chinese Environmental Education Act in the near future and create conditions in stabilizing and developing environmental education for a long period.The full text is divided into nine parts.Preface: After analyzing the important role of environmental education out of environmental protection and stating that environmental education legislation is the fundamental guarantee for developing environmental education in our country, this chapter is pointing out that we do need to have own Environmental Education Act. Chapter I: The occurrence and development of environmental education. This chapter mainly analyzes the seriousness of the current environmental problems, the urgency of environmental governance and the plight of environmental education. Further more, this chapter points out the key role of environmental education in governance. Finally, we analyze the history and current status on environmental education.Chapter II: The basic principles of environmental education. Firstly, this chapter states why environmental education is pointed out, then making clear the purpose, aims, types and characteristics of environmental education.Chapter III: Beginning of the Environmental Education Act. In this chapter, we mainly state overview of the legislation of World Environmental Education Act and analyze the relationship among environmental education, environmental law and education law.Chapter IV: American environmental education legislation and its inspiration. This chapter mainly does research on overview of American environmental education and legislation. The United States is the first country to set done“Environmental Education Act”. The United States implemented a series of measures, such as establishing organizations of the implementation of environmental education, providing environmental education training, financing activities related to environmental education. We will have a significant inspiration on environmental education legislation through learning from the successful experience of American environmental education legislation. The development of environmental education is inseparable from the Environmental Education Act protection. Good environmental education must be a sound system set up. Environmental education is inseparable from the support and promotion of the government. Environmental Education Act must exert a variety of environmental education to protect the role of force. Environmental Education Act should promote environmental education and encourage the diversification of funding sources. Environmental Education Act must guarantee the financial investment and encourage the community to participate in.Chapter V: The environmental education and legislature in our country. This chapter mainly analyzes the history and current situation of the environmental education and legislature in our country, outlines the characteristics of education development, pointing out that environmental education structure in China is irrational, low level, and uneven development. There are also some environmental education deficiencies, such as lack of a stable system of security, clear specific requirements and educational resources, theoretical research and support for deep development. In order to deal with these deficiencies, environmental education has become an inevitable choice legislation.Chapter VI: We should have legislation for the Environmental education in our country. The fundamental of the environmental education in our country is to strengthen legislation; it is not only for our country’s construction needs, but also for the needs of institutionalization, and the needs of the environmental education routine. Based on the actual situation in our country, it demonstrated that it is necessary to carry out the environmental education legislation, and also in-depth analysis of conducting environmental education at the feasibility of legislation.Chapter VII: The concept of China Environmental Education Act legislation. In this chapter, we discuss the basic principle legislative model, basic system and environmental education system in our country. Make the clear purpose and goal to enhance the universal awareness of environmental protection, promote the professional environmental education development, legalize the investment of the professional environmental education, ensure the systemization of the environmental education’s development, and promote the collaboration with relevant government departments.Conclusion: The main thesis is summed up on the main conclusion of the study.


