

A Study on the Problems in Left-behind Children in Rural Areas

【作者】 赵富才

【导师】 田建国;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 农村留守儿童问题是我国长期实行的城乡二元体制下“三农”问题的衍生物,是我国工业化、城市化过程中出现的特殊社会问题,对农村学校、家庭、社会带来了严重的负面影响。研究农村留守儿童问题对促进社会主义新农村建设和城市化、工业化进程,建设和谐社会具有重要的理论意义和战略意义。本研究遵循“提出问题、明确问题、揭示问题、分析问题、解决问题”的研究思路,采取定量研究与定性分析相结合的方法,以文献研究、问卷调查所取得的材料为依据,根据经济学、社会学、教育学、心理学、管理学等多学科的相关理论,对农村留守儿童问题进行剖析、论证与诠释,揭示农村留守儿童问题的现状、特点与危害,探索留守儿童问题形成的根本的深层次的原因和直接的、具体的原因,寻求解决农村留守儿童问题的策略和方法。从经济学的角度探讨农村劳动力转移及留守儿童的产生过程;从社会学的角度,探讨农村留守儿童的分布、规模、社会问题等宏观特征;从心理学的角度探讨农村留守儿童心理问题产生的原因及其应对机制;从教育学角度探讨在家庭教育和学校教育方面如何保证农村留守儿童在父母缺席的情况下健康成长;从管理学的角度探讨农村留守儿童问题的对策。调查结果发现,农村留守儿童问题主要表现在家庭生活、代理监护、亲子关系、学习、心理、品行和安全等方面:(1)家庭在孩子的整个成长过程中始终发挥着举足轻重的作用,留守儿童家庭重要成员的缺席导致了家庭结构不健全及其功能的缺失,尤其是监护人的更替和监护功能的弱化,导致留守儿童对新的家庭生活模式不适应,独立生活的能力受到挑战。(2)父母外出务工导致与留守儿童的亲情关系发生了弱化。这种弱化主要体现在在外务工的父母与留守儿童之间的联系与沟通不畅、缺乏情感交流和心灵沟通等方面,难以满足孩子的心理需求。(3)留守儿童缺乏父母的学习辅导与监督,临时监护人与老师联系较少,对留守儿童的学习督导不力,再加上老师对留守儿童的家庭情况不了解,对留守儿童的督导不到位,使留守儿童的学习成绩受到较大影响,出现了学习态度散漫、对自己的学习要求不高和学习成绩的下降。(4)由于父母长年外出打工,亲子之间交往机会减少,导致家庭环境不利于儿童的心理健康。很多留守儿童的内心承受着空虚、失落感、不安全感和不确定感,出现学习焦虑、对人焦虑、孤独倾向、自责倾向、过敏倾向、身体症状、冲动倾向等,个别严重的会出现心理障碍。(5)由于缺乏父母的管教、父母榜样的示范和学校的及时引导、约束,部分农村留守儿童的品行发生了消极变化,出现上学迟到、逃课、学习目的异化、说谎、打架违纪等问题,甚至一些留守儿童和社会上的问题少年混在一起,产生违法乱纪行为。留守儿童的人身安全也得不到保障,面临拐骗、猥亵、诱奸、抢劫等不法伤害,以及溺水、自杀、交通事故等方面的隐患。从农村留守儿童问题产生的深层次的根源来看,农村留守儿童问题的产生是由于我国长期实行的城乡二元经济体制和二元户口制度问题、由此产生的“三农”问题及其衍生物——农民工问题;从农村留守儿童问题产生的具体、直接的原因来看,农村留守儿童问题的产生是由于农民工家庭问题、监管问题、学校教育与管理问题、农村社区问题、政府对策缺失、儿童自身的问题。当家庭、学校、社会的缺陷单独或二者、三者同时对留守儿童的成长产生消极作用时,他们的健康发展就会出现一系列的问题。留守儿童出现的问题,不仅伤害了他们自身,同时也给他们的家庭、学校、社区的秩序,以及我国的经济发展带来负面影响。解决留守儿童问题,要从家庭、学校和社区等多方面入手,各方面形成合力,建立一个基层政府、学校、社区、家庭相互配合的留守儿童监护体系。但这只是治标策略。要想从根本上解决农村留守儿童问题,就要彻底解决二元经济体制问题、二元户籍制度及其相关的教育、就业、福利等制度问题,还有由此导致的“三农”问题、农民工问题等。这是治本策略。解决农村留守儿童问题要做到标本兼治,治标与治本相结合。

【Abstract】 The problems in Left-behind Children in rural areas are the derivatives of "Three Rural Issues" under long-standing of the urban-rural dual system in China, and the special social problems during China’s industrialization and urbanization process. They have brought serious negative impact to rural schools, families and society. The study on Left-behind Children’s problems is of important theoretical significance and strategic significance in promoting a new socialist countryside construction, urbanization and industrialization process, building a harmonious society.In this study, following the research ideas of "raising questions, clearing questions, revealing problems, analyzing problems, solving problems", taking the combination approach of quantitative research and qualitative analysis, based on the material obtained from the literature study and questionnaire survey, according to the related theories of multi-disciplinary in economics, sociology, education, psychology, management and other disciplines, it analyzes, demonstrates and interprets the problems in Left-behind Children in rural areas, reveals the status quo, the characteristics and harms of the problems in Left-behind Children in rural areas, explores the fundamental deep-seated causes and direct, specific reasons of the formation of Left-behind Children’problems, seeks the strategies and methods to the Left-behind Children’s problems in rural areas. It explores the process of rural labor transfer and the producing of Left-behind Children from the perspective of economics, the macro-characteristics of distribution, scale and social problems of Left-behind Children in rural areas from the sociological perspective, the causes and counter-measures of Left-behind Children’psychological problems in rural areas from the psychological perspective, how family education and school education ensure the Left-behind Children’healthy growing up in rural areas at the absence of their parents from the perspective of education, and the counter-measureses and strategies of Left-behind Children’s problems in rural areas from the management perspective.The survey results found that the main problems in Left-behind Children are in the aspects of family life, agent monitoring, parent-child relationship, learning, psychology, conduct and safety: (1) Family plays an important role in children’s whole growth, the absence of the important members of Left-behind Children’s family led to inadequate family structure and missing of function, especially the replacement of the guardian and the weakening of guardianship function led the Left-behind Children’s inadaptation to the new models of family life. The ability to live independently is challenged. (2) Parent migrant workers caused the weakening of affection relationship between them and their Left-behind Children. This weakening is mainly reflected in the aspects of poor contact and communication, lack of affection exchange and spiritual communication between the parent migrant workers and their Left-behind Children. It is difficult to meet the children’s psychological needs. (3) Left-behind Children are lack of parental guidance and supervision in their study. Agent guardians have less contact with their teachers, offer an inadequate supervision to the Left-behind Children. The teachers have less knowledge’s about the Left-behind Children’s families, and offer less supervision to the Left-behind Children. It has brought greater impact on the academic performance of Left-behind Children. There has been lax attitude toward studying, little asks for their own study, and the decline in academic performance among the children. (4) Opportunities for parent-child interaction reduce because of their parent migrants’long work. It makes family environments not to be conducive to children’s mental health. A lot of Left-behind Children bear the emptiness, the sense of loss, insecurity and uncertainty. There appears anxiety of study, anxiety of the people, tendency of loneliness, self-blame tendencies, allergic tendencies, physical symptoms and impulsive tendencies, etc. among the children. Some of them in serious condition may have psychological disorders. (5) Negative changes happen in the conduct of Left-behind Children in rural areas because of lack of parental discipline, parents’model example and schools’timely guidance and constraints. Some of them are always late for school and skip class, some of them lie and fight discipline, and some of them stay together with some problem juvenile in the societies and do irregularities. The safety of Left-behind Children is left unprotected. They face abduction, indecent assault, seduction, robbery and other unlawful harm, as well as drowning, suicide and traffic accident risks, etc..From the point of view of the deep-seated root causes of Left-behind Children’s problems in rural areas, the children have problems because of China’s long-standing urban-rural dual economic structure and the dual household registration system, the "three rural" issues and the problems of migrant workers. From the point of view of the specific and direct causes of Left-behind Children’problems in rural areas, the children have problems because of migrant workers’family problems, guardianship problems, problems in education and management of schools, problems in rural communities, problems in the governments and the children’s own problems. They will meet of a series of problems in their development, when family, school and society, alone or both or three, influence the Left-behind Children with negative impact at the same time.The Left-behind Children’s problems not only hurt their own, but also produce negative impact to their families, schools, community order, as well as the economic development of China. The family, school and community should form a cohesive force in order to solve the problem of Left-behind Children, and build a child custody system by the local governments, schools, communities and families collaborated together. But this is only a temporary strategy. To fundamentally solve the problem of the children left behind in rural areas, it is necessary to solve the problem of binary economic system, the dual household registration system and its related education, employment and welfare system, which also cause the "three rural" issues and migrant workers’problems and so on. This is a fundamental strategy. In order to solve the problem of the children left behind in rural areas, it is necessary to use temporary strategies as well as permanent strategies. It is better to combine the temporary strategies with the permanent ones.

  • 【分类号】D432.7;D422.6
  • 【被引频次】62
  • 【下载频次】16266
  • 攻读期成果

