

The Function Studies on Environmental Protection of National Economic and Social Development Plan

【作者】 步娜

【导师】 徐祥民;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 环境问题的本质是人类不合理的活动及其影响造成环境的负荷过大,超过了环境承载力的极限而出现的后果。从最初的环境污染,到对环境的末端治理,再到源头预防、全过程控制,环境保护的手段和方法呈现出了不同的时代特征。然而,由于现行主要的环境治理模式及其制度都存在一些问题和局限性,使其不能够完全符合可持续发展的要求。循环型社会是人类战胜环境危机的必然选择,也是我国未来社会发展的必然趋势。它要求从生态的高度来看待环境,以环境承载力为考虑前提,运用生态学的规律指导人类社会的各项活动,追求人与自然的和谐统一。循环型社会的环境特点,需要运用国民经济发展规划的手段来实现环境保护,即由国家进行统一地规划生产、消费、处理废弃物等一系列的活动。因此,为推进循环型社会的建立,我国需要制定符合循环型社会需要的、体现环境保护要求的国民经济发展规划。作为宏观层面上最为重要的规划,国民经济发展规划是国家追求未来发展的最优化安排,是循环型社会得以实现的制度保障。它对环境保护具有特殊的重要意义,是环境源头治理的最前端预防,是宏观上的环境与发展的综合决策机制,可以从根本上避免或减少环境污染和破坏。一份良好的规划可以给环境带来福音,反之则会引起对环境的破坏。在一定程度上规划可以决定是否生产、生产什么和生产多少的问题,由此可以引起是否产生、产生什么和产生多少的环境污染问题;对规划不仅可以做是否有利于环境保护的评价,也可以做是否保护了环境这样的评价。因此国民经济发展规划本身就是一份关于环境保护的国家总体规划。国家必须重视国民经济发展规划的环境保护功能,正确处理国民经济发展规划和环境保护的关系。分析我国历年规划以及相关的环境法治实践发现,虽然环境保护逐步受到重视,在规划中经历了从无到有,从简单涉及到详细规定的变化过程,但在“十一五”规划之前的国民经济发展规划中,环境保护总是让位于经济和社会的发展,没有得到应有的重视。以科学发展观为指导的“十一五”规划,坚持了人与自然和谐发展的理念,至少局部地出现了以环境决定发展的规划内容,环境保护受到前所未有的对待和重视,具有历史性的进步。随着我国对环境问题认识的不断深入,充分考虑环境承载力的影响对国民经济和社会发展的各项活动进行科学规划显得日益重要。这是实现人与自然和谐发展的必然要求,也是落实科学发展观的内在需要。要落实科学发展观,实现可持续发展,就必须正确处理人与自然的关系,正确处理发展与环境的矛盾,在尊重生态规律的前提下,充分考虑环境承载力的影响,合理统筹安排国民经济和社会的各项活动,实现经济、社会和环境资源的协调发展。理性的规划设计和选择,对于加强环境保护,促进环境保护法的完善,尤其是推进环境规划法的建设起着不可忽视的作用。作为规划实施效果的一部分,环境法治实践的成效取决于规划的实际执行力。如何保证规划的规范作用得以发挥,法律是最有强制约束力的制度和规范。为了维护规划的严肃性,保证规划的认真制定和实施,从立法的角度,制定一部专门针对国民经济发展规划的法律,建立健全包括国民经济发展规划的法律效力、主体责任、程序以及实施机制等各方面的法律制度,确保国民经济发展规划的约束力得以充分发挥;从法律实施的角度,加强规划中的公众参与机制是提供规划的法律约束力的有效方法。环境保护和可持续发展的根本动力在于环境保护的全民参与。健全公众参与机制,加强公众参与热情,提高公众环境意识,是目前国家在制定国民经济发展规划时亟待解决的问题之一。

【Abstract】 The nature of environmental problem is that irrational human activities and their impact on the environment caused by the load is too large, more than the limit bearing capacity of the environment and the consequences. One-way from the original pollution emissions on the environment to the end of treatment, then the source of the prevention, control the entire process, means and methods of environmental protection shows the characteristics of different stages of time. However, the limitations of main environmental governance are not in conformity with the requirements of sustainable development. The wheel of history pushes Circulatory Society onto the stage.Circulatory Society is the choice to defeat the environmental crisis by humanity inevitably and also will be inevitable trend of our social development in the future. It requires to regard the environment from the ecology highly, to consider the environmental supporting capacity as the consideration premise, to instruct the activities of human society using the ecology rule, to pursue the harmony between human and nature reunification. Using the way of National Economic and Social Development Plan to realize the environmental protection is required by the environmental characteristics of Circulatory Society that means to plan the production, consumption, waste treatment and other activities unified by the state. Therefore, China needs to establish the National Economic and Social Development Plan which in line with the needs and requirements of Circulatory Society and environmental protection to promote the construction of Circulatory Society.As the most important plan on the national macro-lever planning, National Economic and Social Development Plan is the optimized arrangement which the nation will develop in the future and the system safeguard to realize Circulatory Society. It has the special meaning to the environmental protection. It is the most front-end precautionary of environmental governance and the integrated decision-making mechanism of environment and development macroscopically to avoid or reduce environmental pollution and damage. A good plan can bring the gospel to the environment and the bad one would cause environmental destruction. To a certain extent the plan may decide the question of whether to produce, produce anything and the number of production, which can cause whether, what and how much environmental pollution. It can be evaluated not only whether advantageous to the environmental protection appraisal, but also whether to protect environment such appraisal for the plan. Therefore it can be treated as the national plan about environmental protection in itself. The state shall pay more attention on the environmental protection function of the plan and deal with the relationship between the plan and environmental protection properly.Within analyzing the previous plans and the related environmental legal practice, it can be found that the changing process of environmental protection in the National Economic and Social Development Plan has grown out of nothing, from touch upon to detailed stipulation which means environmental protection be treated gradually seriously. But in the plans which was made before the eleventh plan, environmental protection always not to be regarded as seriously and yielded in the economic and social development. The eleventh plan which was made under the guidance of the scientific development concept instruction insisted on the concept of pursuing the harmony between human and nature reunification and at least appeared partially the content of development obeyed by the environment. It has significant progress because of the historic attention and treatment for the environmental protection. With the deepen awareness of our national environmental issues, it is more vital to make out the plan which taking full account of environmental capacity and arrange the national economic and social activities reasonably. It is necessary requirements and inherent needs to implement the harmony between human and nature reunification and the scientific development concept. To implement the scientific development concept and sustainable development, it shall be handle the relationship between human and nature correctly, handle the contradiction between development and environment correctly, take full account of environmental capacity and arrange the national economic and social activities reasonably to achieve the coordinated development of economic, social and environmental resources. Rational planning and design is essential to strengthen environmental protection, to consummate of Environmental Protection Law and to advance the construction of Environmental Planning Law particularly.As the part of plan’s implementation effect, the effect of environmental legal practice depends on the actual execution effectiveness of the plan. Law is the most standard norm which has the compulsion binding force to ensure the standard function of the plan can display. In order to safeguard the seriousness of careful planning to ensure the formulation and implementation, it is necessary to formulate the legal effect by law, which means to make out a specific law about the legal effect, legal duties, procedures, and implementation, etc. Strengthening the public participation mechanism of the plan is an effective way to provide the legal effect from the perspective of implementation mechanism. The basic power of environmental protection and sustainable development consists in all participation of people. One of the problems urgent to be solved by Chinese government when they formulate the national plan is to establish the public participation mechanism, strengthen the public participation enthusiasm and raise the public environmental awareness.


