

Research on Logistics Integration and Transportation Coordination in Industrial Cluster

【作者】 刘长石

【导师】 赖明勇;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 国际贸易学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 产业集群是当代经济发展中的独特而广泛的现象,已经成为一个国家或地区获得竞争优势的途径。产业集群存在着资源和产品的“大进大出”,需要集群内部不同企业物流的协调一致。物流系统的服务效率和成本在很大程度上决定了产业集群的市场规模和竞争力。我国产业集群区域的物流服务提供方基本上是以中小企业为主,一定程度上阻碍了产业集群进一步发展。产业集群的动态发展、集群区域中物流总量不断增多、物流跨度逐步扩大等,对原有的物流运作模式提出了挑战。从宏观的角度看,条块分割、部门分割、地区封锁是阻碍我国物流产业发展的主要体制束缚。为了消除物流部门间利益冲突、降低物流活动各项成本的交替损益、提高物流系统的物流管理运作效率与物流绩效、降低整个供应链成本、强化供应链核心竞争力、扩大企业竞争优势,有必要构建有效的产业集群中物流一体化运作模式与策略,并给出相关政策。从微观的角度来看,运输成本在物流成本中占据绝大部分比例,降低运输成本可以提高物流企业竞争力。目前绝大部分物流企业采用的是车辆不协作的运输策略,即车辆在运输时,都是独立运输,车辆之间没有协作。当物流运输的客户需求或者道路信息为不确定信息时,不协作的运输策略可能会带来巨大的资源浪费,导致物流成本上升;而车辆相互协作运输不但能充分利用途中车辆的运输能力,还能缩短客户的服务时间,从而减少运输成本,提高服务质量。所以有必要设计更高效的车辆运输协作策略来进行协作运输,优化车辆路径。基于以上原因,本文从如下几个方面研究产业集群中物流一体化与运输协作策略,期望能整合物流资源,实现整体优化,降低物流成本。(1)提出了物流产业界定的(f,θ,D)动态相对性标准,以动态的观点来界定物流产业构成,认为物流系统应该拓展哪些业务,应该配置哪些设施,应该从物流服务的需要出发加以考虑。(2)构建了产业集群中物流一体化运作模式与策略来整合不同物流企业的不同资源,通过不同职能部门之间或不同企业之间物流活动上的合作,期望打破我国物流产业发展的主要体制束缚,达到提高物流效率、降低物流成本的效果。(3)研究了产业集群中的物流运输协作策略与优化问题。首先对产业集群中的小规模物流运输车辆协作策略进行了研究,在已有的一些车辆协作策略基础上提出了两辆车的LPBZS策略、三辆车的TVFDW策略与TVSD策略、四辆车的FVFD策略与FVSD策略,并对这些车辆协作策略进行了数学分析与算例分析,结果证明了这些策略能充分利用车辆在服务过程中的容量,减少了车辆因服务失败而返回车场重新装载货物后再去服务剩余顾客的装载次数,也减少了车辆服务完毕后因为有货物剩余而必须卸载的卸载次数,缩短了车辆行使距离,有效降低了物流运输成本。(4)在上述研究的基础上设计了产业集群中的大规模物流运输车辆协作策略。设计了大规模模糊需求车辆路径问题的分区方法:基于客户需求属性的模糊聚类分区方法与改进的基地启发式分区方法,在此基础上提出了大规模模糊需求车辆路径问题的局部车辆协作策略与全局车辆协作策略,并设计了最优协作分区计算方法,还对这些分区方法与车辆协作策略进行了算例分析。结果证明分区的合理与否直接影响车辆协作优化效果,最优协作分区计算方法是非常有效的,全局协作策略要比局部协作策略效果更好。(5)最后有针对性地研究了基于车辆运输协作策略的求解模糊需求车辆路径问题的有效算法。设计了求解该类问题的基于不同规模车辆协作策略下的混合禁忌搜索算法、混合遗传算法与混合蚁群算法,最后用不同客户数量、不同车辆容量的测试实例对这些算法的性能进行了算例分析,结果证明了这些算法的有效性,尤其对于物流企业降低运输成本、装载与卸载成本来说很有意义。

【Abstract】 Industrial cluster is the distinct and extensive economic phenomena, and it is the approach that one country or region to obtain competitive advantage. There are many natural resources and products which need coordinated logistics service provided by different logistics enterprises in industrial cluster. The efficiency and cost of logistics system determine the market size and competition of industrial clusters to a large extent. Many logistics service providers in industrial cluster region in China are small and medium-sized logistics enterprises, and they hindered the further development of industrial clusters to some extent. The traditional logistics operation mode must be improved or changed because of dynamic development of industrial clusters, the increasing logistics demands and gradually expanding range of logistics activities.From the macro point, the traditional planning system of departmental segmentation and regional blockade stunt the growth of logistics enterprises in China. It is essential for us to build more efficient operation mode of logistics integration and relevant policies to eliminate interest conflicts between different logistics departments, cut down logistics cost, enhance logistics operation efficiency and effect, reduce the cost of supply chain, and strengthen the core competitiveness of the supply chain and enterprise competitive advantage.From the microscopic point, transportation costs occupy the vast majority of logistics cost,cutting down transportation costs can enhance the logistics enterprise competition. But the most of logistics enterprises use vehicle uncoordinated strategy today, in which each vehicle serves its customers independently, and there is no coordination between any two vehicles. If the traffic information or customer demands are uncertain, vehicle uncoordinated strategy will result in much wastage of vehicle capacity on the way. Serving under the vehicle coordinated strategy, vehicle capacity will be used more fully on the way, the vehicle loading cost and uninstalling cost are decreased, and total traffic distance is less, such that the cost is decreased while the service quality is improved. So it is significance to design more efficient vehicle coordinated strategy for coordinated logistics transportation to optimize vehicle routing.For these reasons, logistics integration and transportation coordinated strategy in industrial cluster region is considered from the following aspects in this paper. We want to integrate different logistics resources to achieve the overall optimization and reduce logistics costs.(1) We design the (f,θ, D) dynamic relative standard for logistics defination. We can define the component of logistics industry by the proposed standard, thus we rationally judge the logistics business, arrange reasonable logistics facilities in the light of the logistics operation need in fact.(2) We discuss the operation mode and strategy of logistics integration to integrate different logistics resources in different logistics enterprises based on above research. The aim is to remove the shackle of traditional planning system, improve logistics efficiency and reduce logistics cost by business cooperation between different functional departments or logistics enterprises.(3) The logistics transportation coordinated strategy and optimization in industrial cluster region is discussed in this paper. We present several new vehicle coordinated strategies for small scale logistics transportation problem, which include two vehicle-paired strategy named LPBZS, three vehicle-paired strategy named TVFDW and TVSD, and four vehicle-paired strategy named FVFD and FVSD based on the past vehicle coordinated strategies. We analyze and test proposed strategies, the results show that these proposed strategies effectively make use of vehicle capacity on the way, decrease vehicle loading cost because of service failure and uninstalling cost due to overplus, shorten distance effectively, and cut down logistics transportation cost.(4) We put forward vehicle coordinated strategies for large scale logistics transportation problem based on above researches. We design zoning approaches for large scale VRPFD, which include fuzzy clustering zoning approach based on the attributes of customer demands and improved base heuristics zoning approach. And we develop partial vehicle coordinated strategy and entire vehicle coordinated strategy based on the proposed zoning approaches, and present the best coordination subarea computing approach. We test these proposed approaches, the results show that the rationality of zoning approach has great influence on the optimizing effect, and entire vehicle coordinated strategy is better than partial vehicle coordinated strategy because entire vehicle coordinated strategy can make the best of vehicle capacity in the service process, cut down logistics cost, and enhance service quality.(5) Finally we provide the algorithms for solving VRPFD based on different scale vehicle coordinated strategy. We design hybrid tabu algorithm,hybrid gene algorithm and hybrid ant colony algorithm based on different scale vehicle coordinated strategies. And we use different scale VRPFD test instances to test these proposed algorithms. The results show that these proposed algorithms are rational and effective. It is significance for the logistics enterprises to cut down logistics transportation cost, vehicle loading cost and uninstalling cost.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】F224;F252
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1496
  • 攻读期成果

