

The Research on Physical Properties and Bioeffects of Magnetized Water

【作者】 邓波

【导师】 庞小峰;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 生物医学工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 水是我们最为熟悉的物质之一,是生命存在的基础,在人和生物体中约占70~80%的比重。可以说,没有水就没有生命。但水到底具有什么样的分子结构?它具有什么特性?都是值得我们全面深入研究的问题。在磁场作用后水的特性变化多年来一直受到关注。同时,磁处理水对生物或人体有没有影响?有什么样的影响?它的生物效应是什么?等问题也一直令研究人员感兴趣。因此,很有必要对磁场对水的物理性质的影响做较全面的研究。在这篇论文中,我们用红外光谱等技术研究了磁场对水的物理特性、水和乙醇等有机分子相互作用的特性的影响和产生的一些现象,并探讨出现这些现象的原因。最后利用傅立叶变换红外光谱等方法对磁处理水的一些生物效应做了初步研究。本论文的主要工作概括为以下几部分:1.利用半导体测试仪、接触角仪、红外光谱、紫外光谱和X射线衍射仪等研究了磁场对水的物理性质的影响。实验发现:磁场能够使水的电导增大,且磁处理时间越长,电导增加的越大。通过水的接触角的测量,发现水在疏水性的铜和石墨表面的接触角在磁场作用后略为减小,说明水经磁场处理后表面张力减小,从而在这些固体表面上更容易浸润。同时磁场能够显著改变水的光谱特性。水经磁场处理后紫外光谱吸收强度增强,并随着时间的增加而增强,也随着波长的减小而指数式增加。X射线衍射实验证实磁场能使水具有磁性,磁处理水能和具有磁性的纳米Fe3O4相互作用,从而证实水中确实存在能被磁化的分子集团。磁处理水和纯水在远、中和近红外区的红外吸收光谱和拉曼散射谱有明显不同,不但强度增加,而且发生了吸收峰的频移乃至出现一些新的吸收峰,在2800~5500cm-1的红外吸收峰的强度变化具有明显的饱和效应和驰豫效应,在8050cm-1处有一新的强吸收峰出现。总之,实验结果证明,磁场确实能改变水的一些特性,这些都是过去未曾观察到的新现象。2.用红外光谱研究了静磁场对水与乙醇、甲醇和丙酮等有机分子的混合物的影响。和未加磁场于混合物的结果比较发现,水和乙醇、甲醇以及丙酮混合溶液的红外吸收光谱有明显改变,同时它也不同于乙醇、甲醇和丙酮的红外吸收光谱,这表明磁场改变了乙醇、甲醇和丙酮自身的分子结构和它们与水分子间的相互作用,形成了酮-水缔合物和醇-水缔合物的结构,从而导致了上述红外吸收光谱的变化。3.利用庞小峰教授提出的水的磁化机理理论,分析得到了磁处理水的实验结果的本质和产生的根本原因,并说明了产生这些特性变化的机理。4.对磁处理水的生物效应进行了研究,结果表明磁处理水具有明显的生物效应。在磁处理水对免疫低下小鼠的生物效应的研究中发现,磁处理水对免疫低下小鼠的免疫功能和消化功能的一些指标有明显的提高和促进作用。通过红外光谱实验,发现大鼠长期饮用磁处理水不会对其肝肺脾组织的结构产生影响。

【Abstract】 As is known, water is one of most important material on the earth and it isnecessary to life. It is value of systemically studying the problem what structure andwhat character water has, and researchers are interesting in the variation of properties ofwater processed by magnetic field. So in this paper, the effect of magnetic field on theproperties of water and the interaction between water molecules and organic moleculessuch as ethanol is studied, the mechanism of effect of magnetic field on water isdiscussed and studied accordingly, the bioeffects of magnetized water and theapplication of infrared spectroscopy in biomedical science is also studied primarily. Themain work of the paper is described as follows.1. With the methods of infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray, andcontact angel et.al,, the influence of magnetic field on the properties of water is studied.According to experiments, it is found that: the conductance of water is increasing withthe processed time. Because the contact angels of magnetized water on surface ofcopper and graphite is smaller than that of pure water, that, it is indicated that thewetting capability of magnetized water is stronger and the surface tension is smallerthan pure water. The characters of spectra of water can also changed by magnetic field.The UV absorbing intensity is increasing with processed time. The existing of magneticwater clusters are proved by X-ray experiment. In far, near and mid infrared regions, theinfrared absorbing character and Raman diffraction character of magnetized water isobviously different from that of pure water, not only the intensity is stronger andfrequency is shift, but a new absorbance band appears at 8050 cm-1. Besides, thevariation of intensity of water in 2800~5500cm(-1) shows the saturation and memoryeffect of magnetized water. In general,. the magnetic field can affect the properties ofwater.2. The effect of magnetic field on interaction of water and organic molecules isinvestigated by infrared spectroscopy. It is found under action of magnetic field, thespectra of mixture of water and ethanol, methanol and acetone are changed obviously,it shows magnetic field can effect the interaction of water and ethanol, methanol and acetone and influence the structure and conformation of combined clusters of water andethanol, methanol and acetone.3. According to the theory of magnetization mechanism of water proposed by Pang,the essence and the essential reason of the occurring of above experiment phenomena isanalyzed and the mechanism of the variation of properties of water under action ofmagnetic field is also found.4. About the bioeffects of magnetized water, three part work are done. The initialresult shows the biological effect of magnetized water increases, which may improveimmunity ability, reduce the free radical in body, increase the function of stomach andbe anti-aging. Finally, with using infrared spectroscopy, it is found even the rats drinkthe magnetized water for a long time, the structure of liver, lung and spleen are notchanged.


