

Studies on Location and Tracking of Passive Radar

【作者】 李万春

【导师】 肖先赐;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 外辐射源无源定位技术具有隐蔽性强,抗干扰性好等特点,越来越受到人们的重视,研究外辐射源定位技术是雷达技术领域的前沿课题之一。本文深入研究了基于各种不同外辐射源的定位跟踪算法。归纳起来,主要包括以下几个方面:1.首先较为全面的总结了各种到达时差(Time Difference of Arrival,TDOA)定位方法,分析了各自定位算法的特点,给出了算法的应用范围。2.研究了TDOA定位在外辐射源定位系统中的应用。根据到达时差定位方程的特点,提出了一种新的归一化约束最小二乘算法,使其在量测噪声较大时也能达到较好的定位效果;在出现站址误差等系统误差的情况下,提出了一种稳健的定位算法;分析了平面一发一收的到达时差定位系统的可观测性,提出了一种利用时间积累的方法对匀速运动的目标定位的方法;在视距蜂窝TOA定位系统中,对待定位平面进行复平面建模,利用复站址矢量的旋转不变性进行融合定位。3.研究了基于到达方向(DOA)联合到达频差(FDOA)在外辐射源定位系统中的应用,分析了其可观测性,提出了一种多次最小二乘的定位方法,具有较好的定位性能,提出了一种基于差分遗传算法的唯到达频差定位算法,该方法具有较低的运算量和全局优化的能力。4.较为详细地讨论了升空移动平台下的各种参数定位体制,分析了各种定位体制下的定位性能,给出了联合定位情况下的几何稀释度(Geometric Dilution ofPrecision,GDOP),和相应的定位算法。5.研究了基于外辐射源的目标跟踪问题。针对传统无迹卡尔曼滤波算法,提出了一种新的无迹变换,并在此基础上提出了新的滤波算法,具有一般无迹卡尔曼滤波相同的跟踪性能和较小的运算量。针对目标有机动的情况,提出了一种新的自适应无迹卡尔曼滤波算法,该方法能够较好的跟踪机动目标。

【Abstract】 The passive location technology which uses the signal from an opportunitytransmitter is very important, as its concealment and anti-jamming performance. Thelocation and tracking algorithms of passive radar are focused in this dissertation. Themain contributions of this dissertation concentrate in a few aspects as follows:1. Firstly, almost all classical TDOA based location algorithms are introduced, thecharacteristics of those algorithms are analyzed respectively, and their applicationsituations are given.2. Time difference of arrival (TDOA) based location algorithms which used inpassive location system are studied. Based on the characteristics of TDOA locationequations, a regularized constrained total least square (RCTLS) algorithm for TDOAbased location is presented; this algorithm has better performance when the noise ismoderate. There are system errors such as the errors of receivers’ position, a robustlocation algorithm is proposed. The observability for TDOA location system based onetransmitter and one receiver is analyzed, and a location algorithm for constant velocitytarget using time cumulation is presented. For Time of Arrival (TOA) based location incellular mobile communication systems, the complex plane model is introduced, usingthe rotation-invariant of based station, the location algorithm is obtained by data fusion.3. Direction of arrival (DOA) and frequency difference of arrival (FDOA) basedlocation in passive radar system is studied, a multi-least square location method forconstant velocity target based on DOA and FDOA is presented, and it has betterperformance than extended kalman filter (EKF). In the FDOA-only location system, adifferential evolution (DE) and genetic algorithm (GA) for target location is proposed,and it has moderate computational complexity and capacity for global optimization.4. TDOA, DOA and FDOA based location system using space-based platform isdiscussed, and the location performance are analyzed respectively, the geometricdilution of precision (GDOP) and location algorithms are given respectively.5. The target tracking based on passive radar is analyzed. A new unscentedtransform (UT) is presented, following as this transform, the new unscented kalman filter (UKF) is proposed, it has the smallest computational complexity and has the sametracking performance as ordinary UKF. When the target is maneuver, an adaptive UKFalgorithm is proposed, as limited memory technology is used, the new algorithm canalleviate the efficiency of obsolete observed data, and it has better trackingperformance.


