

Study on OADM and OXC in All Optical Commnication Network

【作者】 王建忠

【导师】 刘永智;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 光学工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,以IP为代表的数据业务井喷式增长和新型业务的不断涌现以及联网用户急剧增长,使得网络带宽需求量成指数级增长。面对上述形势的变化,“十五”规划通信主题围绕新一代信息网、自动交换光网络等部署了一批重大课题。以IP数据为支配业务的流量具有突发性,它要求光传送网能迅速响应、动态配置,自动交换光网络的概念应运而生并被作为通信863主题的研究重点,研制具有T比特交换容量、多种类型业务接入、动态资源分配、自动连接控制和网络保护恢复等功能的自动交换光网络(ASON:Automatic Switched Optical Network)节点设备。在全光通信网中,最重要的网络设备是光分/插复用器(OADM:OpticalAdd/Drop Multiplexing)和光交叉连接器(OXC:Optical Cross-Connect),它们能完成全光网络中节点业务的分/插复用、直通以及节点之间的交换功能,而且OADM和OXC还具有解决网络交换过程中的“电子瓶颈”难题,它们具有灵活疏导业务量的能力,减轻业务层节点处理的业务量。OADM以及OXC还具有对网络客户层信号制式和速率的透明性,简化和加快高速业务的指配和业务供给速度。本论文研究了全光通信网中的OADM与OXC的关键技术。研究了基于光纤布喇格光栅的光分插复用器OADM和光交叉连接器OXC的结构设计,分析研究了多波长的光分插复用器OADM的结构、损耗,串扰等、光交叉连接器OXC的结构、损耗、双向OXC特性、多粒度OXC的结构设计及其路由及波长/波带/光纤分配算法、以及基于全光网络抗毁性等问题。第一章从国内、国外全光通信网络研究进展出发,综述目前全光通信网络在世界最新发展情况,以及全光通信网络中的关键设备OADM和OXC的最新研究现状。我国的“十五规划”,“十一五规划”均将“全光网络的基础研究”作为了国家重点基础研究项目。同时众多光网络公司投资与研发新型全光网络设备,因此研究全光网络OADM与OXC的关键技术是全光通信网关注的焦点。第二章对基于光纤布喇格光栅和环形器的OADM进行了深入的研究。提出了新型的固定波长的OADM以及可重构的OADM结构,并对其进行了仿真实验研究;对OADM的串扰进行了理论分析,分析了OADM的主要特性及性能指标。第三章对基于光纤布喇格光栅和环行器的OXC进行了研究。提出新型静态固定的OXC、动态可调的OXC结构、以及提出了新型双向OXC新型结构,并对其插入损耗、串扰、功率均衡以及管理技术进行了研究,将新型结构与目前其它的两种新型结构进行了对比分析,分析得出本文提出的结构具有插入损耗较小、可重构性较好等优点。对OXC的主要特性、性能指标进行了深入的研究,并对可重构的OXC进行了仿真实验研究。第四章对多粒度OXC(MG-OXC)进行了深入的研究,分析研究了三层MG-OXC交换结构、二层MG-OXC结构以及单层的MG-OXC交换结构。研究了MG-OXC内部交换矩阵规模与业务交换能力以及业务汇聚能力。提出了一种路由及波长/波带/光纤分配算法,并对其进行了仿真实验。第五章对基于光网络抗毁性进行了深入的研究。提出了一种新型的网络保护方案的设计,并对其性能进行了深入地研究。网络的抗毁性是网络设计的主要内容之一,网络的抗毁性技术有两种:保护与恢复。保护通常是以分布的方式执行,而不需要在网络中进行中央控制。恢复是利用节点间可用的任何容量,包括预留的空闲备用容量、网络专用的容量乃至低优先级业务可释放的额外容量,为网络中失效的工作通路寻找替代路由,可大大节约网络资源。第六章对全文进行了总结,对下一步需要研究的问题进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 In recent years, network bandwidth is exponentially expanding to meet the demandin the explosive growth trend of Internet data traffic and the emerging new traffic.All-Optical Networks can efficiently increase network bandwidth and meet people’sneed in network bandwidth. In order to address the issue in IP traffic, newall-optical-networks key technology is expected to be obtained. In theall-optical-networks, the most importance equipments are OADM and OXC. They canaccomplish the optical signal add and drop multiplexing, and all of the incoming signalscan pass through the nodes. The OADM and OXC can also solve the“electronicbottleneck”problems in the network switching. Optical switches have capability ofcross connection in the optical domain without using optical-electrical andelectrical-optical conversion. It also has agility leading the traffic, lightens the networknode traffic. Both OADM and OXC have transparence to the network traffic; it canpredigest and speed up the traffic grooming. The multi-granularity opticalCross-Connect can reduce the number of the ports, the networks built cost and itsmaintenance cost. It can realize the optical layer reconfiguration, especially in wave,waveband, and fiber level reconfiguration, and quickly comply with network trafficprotection and restoration. This paper investigates the OADM and OXC based on FBGand OC, multi-wave OADM physics characteristic (such as, structure design, insert-loss,crosstalk and so on) and OXC structure design, insert-loss, bidirectional OXCcharacteristic, multi-granularity OXC structure design, etc. In addition, the opticalnetworks protection and restoration are also investigated.In chapter 1, the latest development in optical networks evolution and the OADMand OXC have been introduced. In China, the optical network has been regarded as animportant research issue in“10th Five Year Program”and“11th Five Year Program”.Many network enterprises are paying more attentions to the OADM and OXCequipments and a number of investments are going to be put into the development ofthose new facilities.In chapter 2, OADM is investigated based on FBG, OC, especially in the primary characteristics of OADM and its performance. Fixation wave OADM andreconfigurable OADM structure are proposed, and some simulation experiments havebeen done. The cross-talk of OADM was also investigated.In chapter 3, OXC is investigated based on FBG and OC. The main characteristicsand performance of OXC are also under investigation. A new static fixation OXC, newdynamic reconfigurable OXC structure, and new directional OXC are proposed. Theoptical switch scale of the OXC can be expandable from 2×2 to 32×32 in units of 2×2 according to the traffic demand. The insert loss, cross-talk, power proportion andmanagement of new structure are studied. Contrast with other OXCs, the new structurehas small inserts loss and reconfigurable characteristics, and some experiments havebeen done with it and experimental results are given.In chapter 4, the MG-OXC is investigated. We study three layer MG-OXC switchstructure and two layer MG-OXC switch structure and single layer MG-OXC switchstructure. The MG-OXC inside matrix scale and switch ability and assemble ability, isinvestigated. We proposed novel wavelength/waveband/fiber assign arithmetic, andsome experiments have been done.In chapter 5, all-optical-networks survivability based OADM and OXC areinvestigated. The networks survivability is an important issue. It has two technologies,namely, protection and restoration. Protection usually performs in distributing, and therestoration makes use of capacity of node, including work fiber and spare fiber and lowlevel of priority capacity. It can search another route and save networks resource. Inthis section, a new networks protection and restoration scheme is proposed, and itsscheme performance has been investigated.In chapter 6, the summary is made and some future research issues are given.

【关键词】 全光网络OADMOXCMG-OXC网络抗毁性
【Key words】 All Optical NetworkOADMOXCMG-OXCNetwork survivability

