

Study on Industrial Demonstration of Coal Gasification Based Methanol-Power Co-Production System

【作者】 张彦

【导师】 肖云汉;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(工程热物理研究所) , 工程热物理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 能源是国民经济和社会发展的重要物资基础,我国能源发展面临着资源与环境的双重压力。在一次能源以煤为主而且煤炭消费比例长期不可能大幅下降的国情下,快速研发、示范和应用高效、洁净的煤炭综合利用核心关键技术,构建资源、能源、环境一体化的可持续发展能源系统,对我国具有特别重要的意义。以煤为原料的电、燃料及其它化学品的联产技术是以煤气化为基础,将合成气净化、液化、燃气轮机发电、化学转化等多种技术优化组合,内部进行热流的梯级利用与集成以及C、H物流的综合经济最大化利用,从而实现煤炭的洁净、高效率、高经济性利用的技术。煤炭联产系统对于煤炭化工及煤炭洁净发电的发展和生态环境的改善都有极其重要的战略意义,世界各国正在大力推进其研究、发展和示范。本文以新型煤气化技术、煤气化甲醇联产电系统关键技术在在充矿的研发与示范为依托,进行如下几个方面的研究:1.兖矿高效洁净煤基甲醇联产电系统的创建及工艺技术的选择在公用相同的气化系统及公用工程系统条件下,对不同生产单元组合及技术选择而形成的联产系统进行了热力学第一定律和第二定律计算与对比分析,计算验证了串并联系统是目前商业化示范的优选方案。为使电能、热的生产过程与化工过程有机结合,分析评价了目前已经工业化的化工单元技术在联产系统中的应用适用性,并对各单元技术进行了匹配选择,最后根据技术发展和经济的权衡选择了兖矿联产系统中能量梯级利用的工程化方案。2.联产系统的模拟与仿真研究采用模块化的建模方式,研究并开发了国内第一个完整的煤气化发电与甲醇联产系统的仿真平台。利用本仿真系统,模拟了煤气化发电与甲醇联产系统部分单元间的关联关系,特别是动力锅炉与空分空气压缩机系统的启动特性,气化与燃气轮机之间的燃气供应关联特性等,为煤气化发电与甲醇联产系统的联合调试与运行提供了理论依据和实践指导。3.联产核心关键技术的工业化与示范煤炭气化和燃气轮机是煤气化联产中的两大核心关键技术。在本示范工程中,新型四喷嘴对置式(OMB)煤气化技术和中低热值合成气燃气轮机改造技术都是第一次进行工业化示范。对两大核心关键技术的工业化设计和运行调试,并针对调试过程中的重大工程问题进行了研究与解决,验证了两大关键技术的工业化技术可行性,为联产系统的工业设计和调试积累了经验。4.兖矿联产系统调试及运行情况分析对兖矿联产系统调试与运行以来的运行故障、运行数据进行了统计与分析,揭示了联产系统工业化过程的技术问题的分布规律。研究表明,通过联产系统内局部技术问题的解决和系统中可靠性薄弱环节的改造,联产系统的工业化示范装置的运行可用率和可靠性分别达到了90.15%和98.22%,完全达到并超过了一般化工或电力商业化生产系统的运行可用率和可靠性。联产系统不同运行模式下的供电效率和总能利用效率的计算与分析表明,在满负荷串并联条件下的效率最高,验证了与联产系统的优化设计目标的一致性。5.联产系统的环境影响分析通过对联产系统中废气、污水、固体废物和噪音等污染物的来源、强度、特性进行了分析,设计了对各污染物的治理措施,对联产系统正常运行状态下的环境污染情况进行了环境监测验证,研究结果表明,联产系统的污染物治理措施与系统的生产系统结合紧密,在系统内部将大部分污染进行了治理,环境治理的额外投资得以降低,实现了联产系统的洁净生产。

【Abstract】 Energy is the base of the national economy and society development. Lack of resource and environment pollution are two issues in our national energy management. At the prolonged condition that the coal will be the main energy resource. It is meaningful for China to research and develop high efficient, clean coal utilization key technology, and build a sustainable integrative energy system of resource, energy and environment.The coal based co-production system uses coal syngas as the main feedstock for power, fuel and other chemicals production. In this coproduction system, many technologies, such as acid gas removal, gas to liquid, gasturbine and chemical reaction, are integrated for heat efficiently utilization, carbon and hydrogen streams economical utilization. So coal can be utilized cleanly, efficiently, and economically. The coal based co-production system is of strategic importance of coal chemistry and power generation development, and environment improvement. So the research, development and demonstration of coal coproction system are being promoted worldwide.This paper depends on the research and development, industrial demonstration of the new typical coal gasification technology, and the coal based methanol-power co-production system and its key technologies. The study on the coal based co-production system focus on the following contents:1. High efficient, clean coal based methanol-power co-production system creation and technologies screening of Yankuang pilot plantEnergy and exergy evaluation, contrast and analysis of different typical system which identified by combination of different unit technology with a same syngas resource and utility are performed in this section. It can conclude that the series-parallel system is the optimum option for commercial demonstration presently. In order to integrate power and heat generation with chemical process, some available chemical unit technologies are evaluated and matched by its advantage and economics.2. The simulation and emulation research of the coal based co-production systemA simulation platform of the IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) and methanol combined generation system based on module modeling is first researched and developed in China. On the platform, comprehensive correlations between the IGCC subsystem and the methanol generation subsystem are emulated, especially for the startup correlation between the power boiler and the air compressor of the air separation unit, and the gas feed correlation between the gasifier and the gas turbine. This provides valuable theoretical support and practical guidance for the commissioning and operation of the coal based co-production system.3. Industrialization and demonstration of the key technologies in Yankuang coal based co-production systemCoal gasification and gasturbine are two key techniques of the coal based co-production system. In the pilot plant, the opposed mult-burner(OMB) gasifier and the modified gasturbine suitable for medium-low HLV fuel are first introduced. By research of industrial design and commissioning of the two techniques, and troubleshooting of big issues in commissioning, the industrial feasibility of the two techniques can be verified.4. Operation status analysis of the Yankuang coal based co-production systemStatistics analysis of failure and operation data of the pilot plant indicates that most operation issues are general failure of normal equipments and instruments, after modification of these weak points the rate of availability and reliability can reach 90.15 percent and 98.22 percent. The estimation and analysis of power supply efficiency and total energy using efficiency on different operation conditions denote that the highest efficient condition is full capacity and series-parallel style, and the optimization goal of the coal based co-production system is verified.5. Environment impact analysis of the coal based co-production systemWaste gas, solid wastes, waste water and noise were handled separately according to its original source, density and characteristics. Environment detection of pollutant in normal operation condition indicates that the emmitions of pollutant are below the standard. The pollutant was handled in process, and the additional cost of pollutant treatment is limited. So the coal based co-production system is clean in operation.


