

The Collection and Research about Lantingxu of Song Dynasty People

【作者】 陈红梅

【导师】 范景中;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 美术学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要由导言、正文、结语、附录四个部分组成。导言可以看作是历代《兰亭序》学术研究的简要综述,目的在于概括关于《兰亭序》研究前人做了写什么,并简要说明本文将要做些什么。正文共由四章组成,第一章宋代《兰亭序》版本,主要任务是梳理宋代《兰亭序》版本,分存世宋前与宋临、摹、写本、《兰亭考》所录版本、《兰亭续考》所录版本、《南村辍耕录》所录版本、其他文献资料散见版本五个小部分尽可能展现宋代版本全貌,对今天主要存世的十七种《兰亭序》版本进行述要,并对宋代众多的版本进行了初步的分类与分析。第二章主要是讨论宋人对《兰亭序》的收藏,通过对宋代收藏基础、流通方式的讨论,阐明了宋代收藏的成因与方式,并以御府、薛绍彭、苏家、米芾、游似、贾似道六家为例,通过六个小点来展现宋人对《兰亭序》收藏的具体情况。第三章讨论宋人对《兰亭序》的研究,与第二章阐述方式一样,采用姜白石、桑世昌、俞松、王柏、黄庭坚、曹士衮六个范例的形式来展现宋人对《兰亭序》研究的深度与广度。第四章主要归纳了宋人关于《兰亭序》收藏与研究中存在的关于《兰亭序》的流传、《兰亭序》文本、最近原帖的版本、《定武本》作者、鉴定真伪与优劣、品鉴方式与收藏目的,以及《兰亭序》书法的评论与传习七个重要问题,进行了阐述,可以看作是对第二章、第三章的补充与深化。结语目的在于对全篇核心思想作一提要与概括,主要强调了两点:一《兰亭序》是宋代帖学研究中两大支柱之一。二宋代帖学研究与宋代金石学研究一样,在中国学术史上具有举足轻重的地位。附录包括两部分内容,第一部分为正文所列宋前与宋主要《兰亭序》版本资料补充。第二部分为本文的主要参考文献目录。

【Abstract】 The paper mainly consists of four parts:The Introductory Remarks、TheMain Body、The Concluding Remarks and the Appendix.The introductory remarkscan be regarded as a brief introduction to the research history aboutLantingxu The purpose of this part is to illustrate what the past researchershave done,and what this paper will do.The main body is made up of four sections.The first section is aboutLantingxu editions of Song Dynasty.The purpose of the first section is toenumerate、narrate and analyse the various Lantingxu editions.The secondsection talks about the collection of Lantingxu of Song.Through thediscution about the collection conditions and the ways of circulation ofcultural relics in Song,the section illustrates the causes and ways of thecollection.This section takes the Song Government、Xue Shaopeng、the Su’s、Mi Fu、You Si and Jia Sidao as six examples to reveal the facts of thecollection of Song.The third section talks about the research of Lantingxuof Song.The section takes Jiang Baishi、Sang Shichang、Yu Song、Wang Bo、Huang Tingjian and Cao Shigun as six examples to reveal the research factsabout Song.The forth section concludes seven important points toilllustrate the collection and research of Song further more.This sectioncan be regarded as a supplement or deepening to the second and third sections.The concluding remarks is to summarize and generalize the main pointof the paper.It pays attention to two points:Firstly Lantingxu is one ofthe two main pillars of Song Tie Study.Secondly,the Song Tie Study has animportant position in the Chinese Acdemic Research history,the same as SongJinshi Study.The appendix is made up of two parts:The first part is a supplement ofinformations to Lantingxu editions appeared in the main body.The second partis a list of referance articles、books、documents and etc.

【关键词】 兰亭序版本收藏研究定武本流传真伪优劣
【Key words】 LantingxuEditionsCollectionResearchDingwubenHand downReal or FakeHigh-class or Low-grade
  • 【分类号】J292.1;K244
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1179

