

Study of Outline Drawing Method in Chinese Painting

【作者】 何士扬

【导师】 吴山明; 任道斌; 刘国辉; 卓鹤君;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 中国画创作实践与理论研究, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文以传统人物画为中心,依照由“法”入“理”、由“理”求“道”的传统学术次第,对中国画“勾勒法”进行了较为深入的学理探微。文中围绕中国画“勾勒法”的“文化成因”、“学理价值”和“造形法则”展开讨论,内容涉及中国画的“画法”、“画理”、“画体”以及“画家修养”和“画道传承”等相关问题。特别是对中国画的“思维”方式(画理)、“言说”方法(画法)和“赏读”习惯(品鉴)等问题有较为深入的分析。希望通过这些分析,能使我们对传统中国画有关精神与物质的认识有较为深入的了解;对传统中国画独特的“生命系统”、“生命格调”和“生命价值”有较为深切的体悟。因而令我们的思路,由浅入深、由象入理、由学入道地随着讨论进入中国画的“思维”体系,在其“法”、“理”、“道”相生相成的学理演化中,感悟中国艺术精神“心”、“意”、“境”的生命境界。为我们将来更好地把握中国文化的演进脉络,确立良好的进学之路;更好地传承中国画的艺术精神,树立正面的价值取向。从而在西风东渐的当代社会,保有对中国画文化价值的正确认知,努力克服由于种种原因带来的,近、当代社会对于传统文化的虚无主义倾向。进而为中国画的“画道”传承创造有益的学术环境。使中国画在中国文化的复兴之路上,成为新时代中国文化的“明德之体”。

【Abstract】 Traditional figure painting is the focus of this thesis, which deeply studies outline drawing method (Goulefa) in Chinese painting through traditional academic sequence, which is method to theory, and theory for spirit. Discussion about cultural causes, academic value and shaping rule of Chinese Painting’s outline drawing method, which involves ways of depiction, theories and style of Chinese painting and painter’s cultivation and inheritance of painting spirit etc. Especially further analyses in Chinese painting’s mode of thinking (painting theories), ways of depiction (painting method) and the habit of appreciation (taste). Hope these analyses could make us have deep knowledge about traditional Chinese painting’s spirit and material, deep experiencing its special system, taste and value of life. With these discussion our thoughts, which are from shallow to deep, presentation to theories, study to spirit, get into Chinese painting’s thinking system. Feel Chinese art spirit of life realm, which is heart, meaning, realm in theory evolution of way, theory and spirit. Establish good road of study to better grasp evolution thread of Chinese culture, having positive value orientation to better inherit art spirit of Chinese painting. In contemporary era of gradual dominance from west, keep right recognition of Chinese painting’s cultural value, endeavoring to overcome nihilism inclination caused by several causes towards traditional culture in modern society. To create good academic environment for Chinese painting’s inheritance of painting spirit and make it become reasonable object on revival road for Chinese culture in this new age.

  • 【分类号】J212
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】644

